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It wouldn't have mattered traduction Espagnol

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It wouldn't have mattered anyway.
Habría dado igual.
It wouldn't have mattered, though.
Pero no habría cambiado nada.
If I had, it wouldn't have mattered.
Si lo hubieran hecho, no me habría importado.
If we'd been engaged, it wouldn't have mattered because the war came.
Si hubiéramos estado comprometidos, no hubiera importado porque llegó la guerra.
It's just that it wouldn't have mattered much which nice fellow they married.
Ya no les interesa con qué buen muchacho se casen.
It wouldn't have mattered when you called.
No debes echarte la culpa.
It wouldn't have mattered much, the way they blasted them.
ellos son explotados como esclavos.
It wouldn't have mattered, if I'd had to wait little.
Aunque hubiera tenido que esperar un poco, no hubiera importado.
If you had only told me, it wouldn't have mattered!
Si sólo me lo hubieras comentado... no hubiera tenido importancia.
It wouldn't have mattered much.
No habría importado mucho.
Five minutes later, it wouldn't have mattered.
Cinco minutos después, habría dado lo mismo
And if they did, I suspect it wouldn't have mattered.
Y si lo hubieran sabido, creo que no habría importado.
It wouldn't have mattered if you'd walked in carrying a bottle of Spanish plonk.
No habría importado si hubiera entrado con una botella de vino peleón español.
It wouldn't have mattered if you had.
No me hubiera importado.
Hiei didn't kill Tarukane. It wouldn't have mattered that it was to save his sister.
Te lo repetiremos para que no puedas olvidarlo jamás.
I think it wouldn't have mattered to me if she was there
No creo que me hubiera importado si ella no hubiera estado alli.
It wouldn't have mattered what he said, what he found out.
No habría importado lo que él dijo, lo que descubrió.
- It wouldn't have mattered.
No creo que hubiera importado cuánto la amabas.
In the Empire, on Earth- - it wouldn't have mattered but the sons of Mogh should have never been separated.
En el Imperio o en la Tierra, no habría importado pero los hijos de Mogh no deberían haberse separado.
Probablemente no habría importado de todos modos.
It wouldn't have mattered, anyway.
Poco habría importado.
But it wouldn't have mattered.
Pero no habría importado.
Of course, it wouldn't have mattered what she said.
Por supuesto, daba igual lo que dijera.
Wouldn't have mattered. They didn't know how to treat it.
Además, en esa época no sabían cómo tratarlo.
It wouldn't have mattered if she coughed it up after the deal
No hubiera importado si tosía después del trato.
I'm proud of both of you, and, listen, Geoffrey, it wouldn't have mattered if you'd missed those shots, but you didn't!
Estoy orgulloso de los dos, y escucha, Geoffrey no habría importado si errabas esos tiros, pero no lo hiciste.
It wouldn't have mattered.
No habría importado.
Never give her the opportunity to give you a thirty-minute lecture on how, if you'd brought the second bathing suit like she told you to, it wouldn't have mattered that the first one's strap broke in a freak poolslide incident
Jamás darle la ocasión de sermonearte durante 30 min. sobre el hecho De Que si hubieras llevado el 2º bañador que te había dicho que cogieras, No habría sido un problema que los tirantes del 1º se hayan roto
If you weren't alive, | it wouldn't have mattered.
Si no hubieras estado con vida, no hubiera importado.
It wouldn't have mattered if the second victim had backed up on his story.
Verá, no habría importado si la segunda víctima se retractaba de su historia.
Rose, it wouldn't have mattered.
Rose, no habría importado.
If he was, it wouldn't have mattered to me anyway.
Si lo era, tampoco me habría importado.
It wouldn't have mattered.
No hubiera importado.
It wouldn't have mattered.
No hubiese importado, Jordan. ¿ Sabes por qué?
She could have been hittin'people. It wouldn't have mattered.
Podría haber aplastado a alguien y a nadie le importaría.
It wouldn't have mattered.
No importa lo que digas.
You know, as much as I love going head-to-head with you, Jess, it wouldn't have mattered this time.
Sabes que si bien me encanta estar contigo... cara a cara, Jess... no habría importado esta vez.
It wouldn't have mattered.
No habría cambiado nada.
You could have washed them in chlorine and it still wouldn't have mattered.
Pudo haberlas lavado en cloro, y aun así estarían contaminadas.
It wouldn't have mattered.
No habrías podido hacerlo.
Now, if Mr. Clinton handed me that marijuana cigarette when he was standing in a circle with us, it wouldn't have mattered whether he had inhaled or not, he would have become a dope dealer, wouldn't he?
Si Clinton me hubiera pasado ese porro cuando estábamos en el circulo con el. No importa si fumaste o no, serías un narcotraficante como esos en cárcel.
- Well, it wouldn't have mattered anyway, - because I already- - mother.
- Tampoco hubiera importado, porque yo... - Madre.
But the last time I was saying that it wouldn't have mattered if my father had seen the other people on board that flight.
Pero la última vez te decía que no importaba si mi papá había visto a las personas de ese vuelo.
I'll bet she's not getting it from the nuns at school or the Chastity Circle. Wouldn't have mattered, anyway.
Apuesto que no la va a conseguir con las monjas en la escuela o en el circulo de castidad.
No importaría de todas formas.
If It Had Been, It Wouldn'T Have Mattered.
Y Si Fuese Así, No Hubiesen Importado.
You know, high school, college, it wouldn't have mattered to me. Yeah, I know.
Secundaria o universidad, me habría dado igual.
If you'd been there or not it wouldn't have mattered one bit.
No habría importado si Ud. hubiera estado allí o no.
No hubiera importado.
Now, it wouldn't have mattered, but the accusation pained her so much, she was near enough taken down by it.
Ahora, no tendríamos que preocuparnos, pero la acusación le causa mucho dolor, Ha estado bastante cerca de derrumbarse.
It wouldn't have mattered anyway.
Mira, no hubiera importado de todas formas.

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