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Jeffers traduction Espagnol

178 traduction parallèle
This is my wife, Mrs. Jeffers.
Mi esposa, la Sra. Jeffers.
And I'm Mrs. Thomas Jeffers, alias Geraldine.
- Y yo la Sra. Jeffers, alias Geraldine.
Oh, Jeffers.
Geraldine Jeffers.
I may not be exactly in the best of shape... but if ever I meet this Mr. Jeffers... I'll thrash him within an inch of his life.
Quizá yo no esté en mi mejor forma, pero si alguna vez conozco al Sr. Jeffers... le daré una paliza de muerte.
That name! Then it's the Jeffers Airport. That's it, isn't it?
- Entonces, será el AeropuertoJeffers.
Take him to Jeffers.
Llévalo a Jeffers.
- Hello, Mr. Jeffers.
- Hola, Sr. Jeffers.
Well, who doesn't like baseball in America, Mr. Jeffers?
¿ A quién no le gusta el béisbol en EE. UU., Sr. Jeffers?
I'm sorry, Mr. Jeffers.
Lo siento, Sr. Jeffers.
Ask Sid Jeffers, he'll tell you.
Pregúntale a Sid Jeffers, él te dirá.
Look at the Jeffers boy.
Mira al chico de los Jeffers.
Cut from letter D to letter R. That'll be eight bars from the end. Is that agreeable, Mr. Jeffers? Why bring personalities into the discussion?
Corten de la letra D hasta la R. Será a ocho barras del final.
Goodbye, Mr. Jeffers.
Adiós, Sr. Jeffers.
Mr. Jeffers, is Mr. Boray your protégé?
Sr. Jeffers, ¿ es el Sr. Boray su protegido?
- Mr. Jeffers!
- ¡ Sr. Jeffers!
Mr. Boray is making his entrance onstage, followed by Mr. Sidney Jeffers.
El Sr. Boray está entrando al escenario seguido por el Sr. Sidney Jeffers.
- Nothing. Jeffers and I have been away on holiday, and we didn't know a thing until yesterday.
Jeffers y yo estábamos de vacaciones y no nos enteramos hasta ayer.
I said to Jeffers, " I'm gonna see Cousin Em tomorrow no matter how busy I am.
Le dije anoche : " Iré a ver a la prima Em mañana, por muy ocupada que esté.
And Jeffers said to me, " Melba, that's just like you.
Y Jeffers me dijo : " Melba, es típico de ti.
Jeffers and I are the only two you got.
Jeffers y yo somos los únicos que tienes.
She married my cousin, Jeffers Wooley.
Está casada con mi primo Jeffers Wooley.
Jeffers never did have much sense.
Jeffers nunca fue muy listo.
- Is this the household of Mr Jeffers?
- ¿ Es ésta la casa del Sr. Jeffers?
Mr Jeffers'house...
La casa del Sr. Jeffers...
Wayne Jeffers, the lead singer.
Wayne Jeffers, el cantante principal.
Wayne Jeffers, you're under arrest.
Wayne Jeffers, estás bajo arresto.
Heard what Eric Jeffers said?
¿ Has oído a Erica Jeffers?
Which one of you is Jeffers?
¿ Quién de ustedes es Jeffers?
Precisely, Mr. Jeffers.
- Exactamente, Señor Jeffers.
And then, Mr. Jeffers, I will have my druthers.
y entonces, Señor Jeffers, me daré el gusto.
This is Jeffers.
Soy Jeffers.
Jeffers and Obecks will follow you.
- Jeffers y Obecks te seguirán.
That's the David Jeffers family right?
Esa es la familia de David Jeffers, ¿ verdad?
Blood and tissue under our victim's nails is from a David Jeffers.
La sangre y el tejido debajo de las uñas de la victima es de David Jeffers.
Palm Grove's David Jeffers?
¿ David Jeffers de Palm Grove?
Mr. Jeffers, this is about one of your employees, Ashley Anders.
Sr. Jeffers, esto es acerca de una de sus empleadas, Ashley Anders.
We found your DNA under the dead girl's finger nails, Mr. Jeffers.
Encontramos su ADN bajo las uñas de la chica muerta, Sr. Jeffers.
Will they be appearing in your films Mr.Jeffers when they grow up?
¿ Ellas aparecerán en sus películas Sr. Jeffers cuando crezcan?
You better find more evidence on Jeffers.
Mas te vale que encuentres mas evidencia en Jeffers.
And introducing yourself to Mr.Jeffers.
Y presentándose ante el Sr.Jeffers.
Did Jeffers give you a chance to redeem yourself?
¿ Jeffers le dio una oportunidad para disculparse?
Did Mr. Jeffers or his lawyer talk you into breaking into her apartment?
¿ El Sr. Jeffers o su abogado lo convencieron para que irrumpiera su departamento?
Why don't we test Jeffers or his lawyer?
¿ Por que no la comparamos con la de Jeffers o la de su abogado?
David Jeffers has a history of hooking up with young girls, doesn't he?
David Jeffers tiene antecedentes de andar con chicas jóvenes, ¿ No?
So does the birth certificate we got from Jeffers'office.
También el certificado de nacimiento que encontramos en la oficina de Jeffers.
And that is what David Jeffers is hiding
Y eso es lo que esta ocultando David Jeffers.
/ Doesn't match Jeffers'or his lawyer's.
- No coinciden con Jeffers o con su abogado.
- Theodore Roosevelt was a socialist. And Yeats. - Theodore Roosevelt...
Theodore Roosevelt, W. B. Yeats, Elizabeth Bishop Thoreau, Robinson Jeffers, National Geographic Society...
Henry David Thoreau, Robinson Jeffers, the national geographic society, all socialists?
- ¿ Todos socialistas?

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