Legend has it traduction Espagnol
353 traduction parallèle
The origin of this apparition, so legend has it,
Data de una funesta cacería de venados en el año 1634.
Originally built, local legend has it, as a defense against the viking raiders.
Se construyeron, según la leyenda para defenderse de los vikingos.
" Legend has it that Princess Flaming Tepee has broken up many a wigwam.
Según la leyenda, la princesa Tipi Llameante ha deshecho muchas chozas.
The legend has it that when Diomedes died, all these little birds gathered and accompanied him to his grave singing a funeral lamentation.
La leyenda dice que cuando Diomedes murió, todos estos pajaritos lo recogieron y lo acompañaron a su tumba, cantándole un coro fúnebre.
That's not all. Legend has it, God will also protect the village from all evil.
Y debes saber que nuestro dios, de cualquier otro peligro o amenaza... también nos protege, porque es un dios universal.
Legend has it that when strangers enter this hall the ghost of Ipswich Downs makes that very tapestry fly up and wave to you.
La leyenda dice que si extraños entran al hall el fantasma de Ipswich Downs Hará que toda la tapicería vuele a su alrededor
Legend has it, it ran amok one day, and was said to have disappeared.
La leyenda dice que un día enloqueció y terminó por desaparecer... Sin rastro.
In the seventh century A.D., legend has it a star led shepherds to the place where St. James'body lay.
En el siglo VII después de Jesucristo, según la leyenda, una estrella indicó a unos pastores el lugar en que se encontraba el cuerpo de Santiago.
Legend has it that those who dwell in this house never know what it is to love.
Dice la leyenda que los que habitan en esta casa nunca saben lo que es amar.
Once upon a time, legend has it, some men even died for it.
En otros tiempos, cuenta la leyenda que algunos hombres incluso morían por él.
Legend has it that a year after her death the Red Queen came back to life, spreading terror.
Ahora, la leyenda dice que un año después de su muerte, la Reina Roja volvió a la vida.
As Legend has it, she was a witch, put at the stake by the baron, because he was afraid of her.
Según la leyenda, era una bruja que el Barón mandó a la hoguera... porque tenía miedo de ella.
Legend has it that St. Vincent,.. after tasting the wine of the mission, remained so conquered.. that he even forgot to go back to heaven.
La leyenda cuenta que San Vicente, tras haber probado el vino de la misión, quedó tan conquistado que incluso se olvidó de volver al paraíso.
" From his tomb, so legend has it, he still animates the ball of life.
Se dice que aún, desde la tumba, anima la vida
And legend has it, that entombed with her... is an incalculable fortune in gold and jewels, which is most certainly worth far more than what France just spent... to win the war.
La leyenda dice que, enterrada con ella, hay una fortuna incalculable en oro y joyas. Lo que, seguramente, es mucho más de lo que ha gastado Francia para ganar la guerra.
Legend has it that Jason saw his mother beheaded that night, and he took his revenge.
La leyenda dice que Jason vio a su madre decapitada aquella noche, y que se vengó.
Legend has it that Jason saw his mother beheaded that night. And he took his revenge.
Según la leyenda, esa noche Jason vio que decapitaron a su mamá y que se vengó.
Huh? Legend has it, years ago, around the turn of the century, there was this traveling gypsy carnival and they had this real mummy - an evil egyptian king named ra amin ka.
La leyenda dice que hace años, a finales de siglo... había una feria ambulante gitana y tenían una momia real.
Legend has it, in the mystic land of Prydain, there was once a king so cruel and so evil that even the gods feared him.
Hubo una vez, en la legendaria tierra de Prydain... Un rey tan cruel y maligno, que hasta los dioses le temían.
Local legend has it that they're going to rise from the grave and seek revenge on whoever dares to live there.
La leyenda local dice que van a levantarse de la tumba y vengarse de quien se atreva a vivir allí.
Legend has it a crocodile took half your leg off.
La leyenda dice que un cocodrilo le arrancó la mitad de la pierna.
Legend has it that it was written by the Dark Ones.
La leyenda cuenta que fue escrito por los demonios.
Legend has it, that there was a second skull that had untold powers that could unlock the mysteries of the universe and bring eternal life to those who possessed it.
"La leyenda habla de un segundo cráneo al poder desmerusado " que puede revelar el misterio del Universo "y da la vida eterna."
Legend has it that an electrical storm broke out... and that he was struck by lightning- - had to miss his show for a month.
La leyenda dice que hubo una tormenta eléctrica... y que un rayo le pegó a Roger... y tuvo que dejar su programa por un mes.
Legend has it that Stone Rigg Cavern was the lair of the Lampton Worm.
Según la leyenda, esa cueva era la guarida del gusano blanco.
- A time hole is a rare phenomenon, which, legend has it, transports us into another part of space and time.
- Un agujero temporal es un fenómeno raro, que, según la leyenda, nos transportará a otra parte del espacio y del tiempo.
Legend has it that they travelled without the benefit of spaceships, merely appearing out of thin air on distant planets.
Las leyendas cuentan que viajaban sin necesidad de naves espaciales, simplemente aparecían desde el aire en planetas lejanos.
So legend has it.
- Eso dice la leyenda.
Legend has it that Jason came back to get even, vowing to kill every teenager in the area.
La leyenda dice que Jason volvió para vengarse y juró que mataría a todos los chicos de la zona.
Well, legend has it that from that moment on,
Pues bien, según la leyenda a partir de ese momento,
Legend has it you can get in and out of the smallest field.
Dicen que puedes aterrizar o despegar hasta en la pista más pequeña.
Legend has it, he lived naked in a tub!
La leyenda dice, que vivía desnudo en un caño!
Well, legend has it that a tribe of farmers lived here a long time ago, but the adults became lazy and they stopped farming.
Según la leyenda, aquí vivía una tribu de granjeros. Por pereza, dejaron de cultivar... y maltrataron a los animales y la tierra.
Legend has it his shadow once killed a dog.
su sombra una vez mató a un perro.
The groundhog. Who, as legend has it, can predict an early spring.
La marmota la cual, según la leyenda, puede pronosticar una primavera temprana.
- Groundhog who, as legend has it, can predict an early spring.
... marmota que, según la leyenda, puede pronosticar una primavera temprana.
Legend has it that the bones of a hundred children were buried within these walls.
Según la leyenda, hay huesos de cientos de niños enterrados en estas cuatro paredes.
Legend has it, a Viking ship went down in Hell's Bucket 500 years ago.
Cuenta la leyenda que un barco Vikingo pasó por "Hell's Bucket" hace 500 años.
Legend has it- - That it you tell it a lie... and you put your hand in there- - It will be bitten... off
La leyenda dice... que si dices una mentira... y metes la mano... te la arrancará de un mordisco.
Legend has it she chopped him up and used his bones to make the world.
La leyenda dice que le despedazó e hizo el mundo usando sus huesos.
Legend has it my great grandpappy stumbled upon this recipe when he was trying to invent a cheap substitute for holy water.
Según la leyenda, mi tatarabuelo se encontró esta receta cuando trataba de inventar un sustituto barato para el agua bendita.
I tell you, anyone who's touched this legend has turned it into a gold mine.
Todo el que ha tocado esta leyenda la ha convertido en oro.
Oh, the Cinderella legend has brought nothing but dissatisfaction to the hearts of women and their husbands have taken the brunt of it.
La leyenda de la Cenicienta sólo ha traído insatisfacción a las mujeres, y sus maridos se han llevado el castigo.
Mr. Jesse cardiff, who became a legend by beating one, but who has found out after his funeral that being the best of anything carries with it a special an obligation to keep on proving it.
Jesse Cardiff se convirtió en leyenda al vencer a Gordo. Pero descubrió después de su funeral, que ser el mejor... conlleva la especial obligación de seguir demostrándolo.
It has its coat of arms, its golden legend, and from it could emerge, like wandering sailing boats, a ghostly world.
Tiene su escudo de armas, su leyenda dorada, y de ella podría surgir, como barcos de vela errantes, un mundo fantasmagórico.
It's an old legend, which has been circulating around here for centuries.
Es una antigua leyenda que existe desde hace varios siglos.
It has generally been regarded as legend, but Charlie does seem to possess this same power.
Se considera una leyenda pero Charlie parece poder hacerlo.
The oldest legend of the island has always maintained... that we are a bit of Africa that has been missing for 5,000 years. Is there a reward for finding it?
"Quien traiga del mar la isla perdida vivirá como un dios durante mil lunas".
Since ancient times Shaolin Legend has it Wudang a clock
Provienen de una línea de generaciones ancestrales.
The legend says that it has come to Earth to free the waters once again.
La leyenda dice que vendrá a la Tierra para liberar de nuevo las aguas.
At this time it is my privilege to bring to the microphone a young man who, in a short space of time, has become a legend.
En este momento tengo el privilegio de traer a este micrófono a un joven que, en un corto período, ya se ha convertido en leyenda.
has it 234
has it been that long 29
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
item 93
it's done 1271
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
has it been that long 29
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
item 93
it's done 1271
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
itis 22
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
itchy 49
italy 247
italian 217
it's me 10254
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
itis 22
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
itchy 49
italy 247
italian 217
it's me 10254
it was 5878
itch 25
it's all right 8832
itself 24
it's not 5855
items 25
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
itch 25
it's all right 8832
itself 24
it's not 5855
items 25
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322