Lieutenant colonel traduction Espagnol
637 traduction parallèle
Lieutenant colonel, raising a regiment of cavalry at Fort Lincoln.
De coronel para preparar un regimiento de caballería en Fort Lincoln.
The day I left Washington, I ran into Lieutenant Colonel McWerther.
Cuando me iba de Washington vi al teniente coronel McWerther.
Telephone listed under the name of Lieutenant Colonel George T. McWerther, 1350 Potomac Street Northwest.
El teléfono está a nombre del teniente coronel McWerther. 1315 de la calle Potomac oeste.
Is this the residence of Lieutenant Colonel George T. McWerther?
¿ Es la residencia del teniente coronel McWerther?
Where is the lieutenant colonel?
¿ Dónde está el teniente coronel?
- Call the lieutenant colonel.
- Llama al teniente coronel.
Call the lieutenant colonel.
Llama al teniente coronel.
Let's have Eyes of Texas for Lieutenant Colonel Jimmy Doolittle.
Cantemos "Ojos de Texas" por el teniente coronel Jimmy Doolittle.
Gentlemen, Lieutenant Colonel Doolittle.
Señores, el teniente coronel Doolittle.
And I thought it meant Lieutenant Colonel.
Y yo pensé que significaban Teniente Coronel.
Then they told me you were a major. For a moment. Then you were a lieutenant colonel...
Me dijeron que fuiste comandante brevemente, después teniente coronel...
At La Guardia, we find a welcoming committee with a lieutenant colonel from Public Relations, not the Medical Corps.
En La Guardia, encontramos un comité de recepción con un coronel de relaciones públicas y no del cuerpo médico.
A prisoner? Yes, I was a lieutenant colonel then.
Sí, era teniente coronel.
A man is what he's paid for. I'm paid in the rank of lieutenant colonel.
Me pagan lo que a un teniente coronel.
Chief of scouts, with a rank of lieutenant colonel.
¡ Es mi nombramiento! Jefe de exploradores, con el rango de teniente coronel.
- Lieutenant colonel.
- Teniente coronel.
At the time of my capture, I was a lieutenant colonel in the Indian army.
A mi captura, yo era un teniente coronel del ejército de la India.
- Second colonel? - Lieutenant colonel.
- ¿ Teniente coronel?
- I'm putting "lieutenant colonel" on all your gear so you won't lose it while you're traveling.
- Estoy marcando tus cosas. No quiero que se te extravíen en ese viaje.
I have a letter here from Lieutenant Colonel Woods,
Tengo una carta del Lt. Woods.
John Hudson, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Cavalry. "
John Hudson, teniente coronel, Caballería de EE. UU. "
You'll assume the temporary rank of lieutenant colonel.
Asumirá temporalmente el rango de teniente coronel.
I am a lieutenant colonel!
¡ Soy teniente coronel!
Signed, J Wilcox DSO MC Lieutenant Colonel for Major General Commanding First Airborne Division
Firmado, J. Wilcox DSO MC, teniente coronel, para el general al mando de la 1ª divisón aerotransportada.
How did you find out I made lieutenant colonel? I just heard myself.
¿ Cómo sabe que me ascendieron a Coronel?
I'm lieutenant colonel Holland.
Soy el Teniente Coronel Holland.
Lieutenant Colonel Holland, this is General Hawkes.
Teniene Coronel Holland, éste es el General Hawkes.
He's a lieutenant colonel, and you're just a lousy lieutenant.
El es teniente coronel. Tú eres sólo teniente.
Colonel, sir, Lieutenant Kaiser and the 4th esquadron riding.
Coronel, señor, Teniente del Kaiser del 4º escuadrón de caballería.
The lieutenant does not know about my being here, colonel.
El teniente Lobheimer no sabe que venía a verle, coronel.
lieutenant von Katte your majesty tell your friend, the crown prince of Prussia... that a colonel of my regiment cannot turn up at duty looking like a whoremonger if the Prussian army's youngest recruit would dare to appear before me looking like that, like a pig, making me want to vomit...
¡ Teniente von Katte! ¿ Majestad? Decidle a vuestro amigo, el Príncipe Heredero de Prusia...
All I know is, I heard Lieutenant Lussan shouting at the Colonel.
Todo lo que sé es que oí al teniente Lussan gritar al coronel.
Lieutenant Lussan came out of Colonel Hassel's study.
El teniente Lussan salió del estudio del coronel Hassel.
Colonel Webster, Lieutenant Chan speaking.
Coronel Webster, habla el teniente Chan.
You don't have to be a colonel, a captain, a lieutenant, or even a sergeant.
No tiene que ser coronel... ni capitán ni teniente ni sargento.
I mean lieutenant-colonel?
¿ Una copa, Coronel? Digo, Teniente Coronel.
You'd be a lieutenant-colonel at least!
¡ Cielo santo! ¡ Vas a ser Teniente Coronel!
I brought a great bunch of pilots for you, too. Colonel Yackey, this is lieutenant Rourke and lieutenant Randall.
Le presento a los tenientes Rourke y Randall.
Colonel Smollett, may I present an old friend of ours Lieutenant Willett.
Coronel Smollett, le presento a un amigo, el Teniente Willett.
And it is Colonel Smollett, madam, and Lieutenant Commander Willett.
Yo debería ser envidiado. Es CoronelSmollett, señora, y Comandante Willett.
Jimmy Doolittle's down here and he's a Lieutenant Colonel now. Listen.
Lieutenant Nurus, Miss Valeri, daughter of Colonel Valeri!
El teniente Nurus, la señorita Valeri, hija del coronel Valeri!
He was lieutenant in the Tsar's Guard. I was lieutenant-colonel.
Era teniente en la guardia del Zar y yo, teniente coronel.
Lieutenant Navarro, aide-de-camp to Colonel Gómez.
Teniente Navarro, ayudante de campo del Coronel Gómez.
Well, I knew, of course, that you were only a miserable lieutenant-colonel, but it seems unbearable to me that you shouldn't have the same rank as this Gómez.
Bueno, sabía que sólo eras un miserable teniente coronel, pero me parece insoportable que no tengas el mismo rango que el tal Gómez.
Lieutenant Colonel Owen Thursday is hereby relieved of his present duties and will proceed to Fort Apache and upon arrival will assume command of that post. One.
"Ordenes especiales número 637."
11 : 13, Colonel Stauffenberg and First Lieutenant von Haeften.
11.13 h : Coronel Stauffenberg, y brigada von Hafften.
Colonel Kersten von Dürenstein... this colonel, whose name I have forgotten... and this first lieutenant.
a este coronel, cuyo nombre no recuerdo, y a este teniente coronel.
I fell straight onto a lieutenant-colonel.
Caí justo encima de un teniente.
Lieutenant, we will need you at the trial of Colonel Chivington for the Sand Creek massacre.
Teniente, necesitaremos de usted En el juicio del Coronel Chivington Por la masacre de Sand Creek.
It's nothing in regulations says that the colonel has to talk to four-bit lieutenant!
No hay ninguna norma que obligue a un coronel a hablar con un teniente de tres al cuarto.
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