Look at them traduction Espagnol
5,134 traduction parallèle
Oh, um, oh, look at them... they're, they're like two little perfect Vegas magicians.
Míralos... son como dos pequeños magos ideales de las Vegas.
Look at them.
Don't look at them!
Deja de mirar.
I had a couple of idiots walk up to the counter the other day while I'm trying to sit there and look at them, and they're yapping away.
Un par de idiotas se acercó al mostrador el otro día mientras yo trataba de sentarme allí y atenderlos, y se fueron parloteando.
The key was to separate the facts and look at them not together, but individually.
La clave está en separar los hechos y verlos no juntos, sino individualmente.
Why don't you lean in closer so I can take a look at them?
¿ Por qué no te acercas para que les eche un vistazo?
I mean, the Stones never made a decent album after they cleaned up, and look at them.
Mira, los Stones nunca hicieron un álbum decente después de dejar la droga, y míralos.
Your work has a face and a soul Whether you look at them or not.
Tu trabajo tiene un alma y una cara la mires o no.
Do you, like, look at them alone late at night?
¿ Las ves, como, en la noche a solas?
Look at them. Hey!
At least take a look at them.
Al menos, échales un vistazo.
You steal on behalf of gangsters who will turn on you the minute you so much as look at them wrong.
Tú robas en nombre de gánsters que se volverán contra ti en el momento que resultes sospechoso.
Oh, come on. Look at them.
Venga ya, míralos.
I was grateful at the time, but look at them.
En ese momento estaba agradecido, pero mírales.
Oh, look at them!
Oh, mira a ellos!
Just look at them.
Basta con mirar a ellos.
All right, we'll look at them later.
Vale, las miraremos después.
You can take a look at them if you want.
Puede verla si quiere.
Now, Linda over at registration alerted me to the fact that initially you didn't have some of these forms signed, so I took a look at them, and if you look, this one clearly was not signed by an adult.
Ahora, Linda encima en el registro me alertó sobre el hecho de que inicialmente no tuvo algunas de estas formas firmadas, así que tomé una mirada en ellos, y si te fijas, éste no era claramente firmado por un adulto.
Look at them.
We'd like you to look at them.
Quisiéramos que le eche un vistazo.
Look at them go.
Miren como se mueven.
Look at them and select the mother.
Miradlo a ver si hay alguien que os llama la atención.
Look at them kids out there. I keep thinking, why do they get to have all the fun?
Ahora siento que la ventana de mi vida se cierra.
Look at them, coochie-cooing like that time our connecting flight was delayed and we got drunk and friendly in the Admiral's Club.
Míralos, abrazados como aquella vez en que nuestro vuelo de conexión fue retrasado y nos embriagamos y nos pusimos amistosos en el Club del Almirante.
Then don't look at them.
Entonces no les mires.
I wish to look at them.
Me gustaría echarles un vistazo.
Oh, look at them go.
Look, I heard Wolf and them might be throwing down at Bocat's Lounge.
Mira, he oído que Wolf y ellos podrían ir por la Bocat's Lounge.
Daggering siblings when you disagree with them... look at what this family has become.
Clavando dagas a hermanos cuando no estás de acuerdo con ellos... Mira en lo que se ha convertido esta familia.
When I walked in the house the other day, I saw them shoes. I see the way you look at her, the way she look at you.
Cuando entré a la casa el otro día, vi los zapatos, veo cómo la miras, cómo ella te mira.
When we look at history and when we look at the people themselves who are the giants on whose shoulders we stand, what they are saying is that this information wasn't theirs but that something beyond them, something which was
Cuando miramos en la historia y cuando miramos la gente que son los gigantes en cuyos hombros nos paramos, lo que están diciendo es que esta información no era de ellos, sino de algo más allá de ellos, algo que
Look at Billy staring them down.
Mira Billy mirando hacia abajo.
Men look at you all day long, you pay them no mind.
Los hombres se pasan el día mirándote, tú no les prestas atención.
Not much to look at, true but they kind of remind me of two other clueless guys who used to be just like them.
No hay mucho que pareces en, cierto pero como que me recuerdan de los otros dos tipos cIueIess que solía ser sólo like ellos.
I think a lot of people would rather just take the myth pill that makes them feel nice and cozy and warm and fuzzy and okay with everything rather than have to look at the reality of what the world actually is because it's so big.
Creo que mucha gente Preferiría sólo tomar la píldora del mito eso hace que se sienta agradable y acogedor y cálido y borroso y bien con todo en lugar de tener que mirar la realidad de lo que el mundo en realidad es porque es tan grande.
So you need to look at your notes, from day one when you met the patient, and you need to write them up, in report form.
Así que, necesitas mirar tus notas, desde el primer día cuando conociste a la paciente, y necesitas escribirlas en un informe.
And the accent gets them to look at me, but eventually they realize my credit cards are made of cardboard and came with my wallet.
Y el acento que tienen al mirarme, pero eventualmente se dan cuenta que mis tarjetas de créditos están hechas de cartón y venían con mi billetera.
If you look down at your feet, you may see them, walking by here and there, an ant, a little beetle...
Si mira hacia abajo puede verlos caminando por todas partes, una hormiga, un pequeño escarabajo...
You go in WH Smith and look at the book charts - every one of them's a cook book, and they wonder why the country's getting fat.
Entra en una librería y mira las listas de ventas... todos son libros de cocina, y se preguntan por qué la población está engordando.
When I ask them what, they look at me as if to say :
Cuando les pregunto qué, me miran como diciendo :
Did you get a good look at any of them?
¿ Echaste algún buen vistazo a alguno de ellos?
Day after day, people send me their websites to look at. And when I flick through them, I feel most of them are undistinguished.
Dia a dia, la gente me envia sus sitios web para que los mire, y cuando los reviso, siento que la mayoria de ellos son mediocres.
Tell them that sometimes image isn't everything, or else, look at the girls without breasts.
Diles que a veces la imagen no lo es todo, si no, fíjate en las chicas sin pecho.
I want them to feel you, look at you.
Quiero que te sientan, mírate.
There's- - I have a lot of good reasons for all of this, and I can go into them if you want, but look at me- - look me in the eyes.
Hay... tengo un montón de buenas razones para todo esto, y puedo enumerarlas si quieres, pero mírame... mírame a los ojos.
If anyone needs to look at the components of each dish, I have them right over here.
Si alguno necesita mirar los componentes de cada plata, los tengo justo aquí.
That's two millionths of a metre, which is very hard to picture but it means that you could fit around half a million of them on the head of a pin or, to look at it another way,
Eso es dos millonésimas de un metro, lo cual es muy difícil de imaginar pero eso significa que podrías meter alrededor de medio millón de ellas en la cabeza de un alfiler, o viéndolo de otra forma, si tomo una sola bacteria y la escaló hasta
Look at these huge towers of rock, some of them 50-60 metres high, reaching up from the floor of the Atlantic and into the ocean.
Mira estas enormes torres de roca, algunas de ellas de 50-60 metros de altura, estirándose desde el suelo del Atlántico y en el océano.
Don't look at the fish, kids. You can't have any of them!
No podéis tener a ninguno de ellos
Look if you can't stand up to them, at least be real with me.
Mire, si no se puede enfrentar a ellos al menos sea honesto conmigo.
look at them all 30
look at me 7366
look at this 4731
look at him 1555
look at her 948
look at me now 78
look at you 3730
look at that 4253
look at your face 75
look at yourself 268
look at me 7366
look at this 4731
look at him 1555
look at her 948
look at me now 78
look at you 3730
look at that 4253
look at your face 75
look at yourself 268
look at us 558
look at it 733
look at my face 104
look at this guy 173
look at you go 18
look at this picture 28
look at this view 22
look at the bright side 75
look at him go 61
look at this mess 66
look at it 733
look at my face 104
look at this guy 173
look at you go 18
look at this picture 28
look at this view 22
look at the bright side 75
look at him go 61
look at this mess 66