Lost it traduction Espagnol
13,898 traduction parallèle
I lost it in the collection plate at church.
La perdí en la bandeja de recolecta de la iglesia.
I've just kind of lost it. Oh...
Es que estoy un poco perdida.
Of course they lost it and started throwing things at us, lighters, small bottles, rocks.
Por supuesto que se les fue de las manos y comenzaron a tirarnos cosas, mecheros, botellas, piedras...
And he lost it.
Y perdió la cabeza.
And if he lost it yesterday...
Y si se le fue la olla ayer...
Then you lost it.
Y entonces se te fué la pinza.
Nope, lost it.
No, perdido.
You've lost it. Where's Annalise?
Estás perdida. ¿ Dónde está Annalise
My blood sugar crashed and I just lost it.
Soy hipoglucémico. Mi nivel de azúcar se colapsó y perdí el control.
Berry : About 7 or 8 in the morning, Mason just lost it.
Alrededor de las 7 u 8 de la mañana, Mason se vino abajo.
She's trying to protect you, or she thinks she is. - She's lost it.
Ella está intentando protegerte o eso es lo que ella piensa.
Wait, you lost it?
Espera, lo perdiste?
You just lost it.
Acabas de perderlo.
No, I think you lost it long before that.
No, creo que has perdido mucho antes.
Where's PC Principal? I think he's finally lost it, Kyle.
creo que finalmente perdio, Kyle.
I must have lost it back there.
Debí perderlo ahí.
Now, at first, Johnson's just gonna assume he lost it, so let's see what we can find out before he shuts it down.
Ahora, al principio, Johnson solo asumirá que lo perdió, así que veamos qué podemos averiguar antes de que lo cancele.
[crying] I lost it.
La perdí.
- Yeah, he's lost it.
- Enloqueció.
Um, well, I got back from Portland, and Phil was in the bathtub with all the ducks, and I just completely lost it.
Bien, volví de Portland, y Phil estaba en la bañera con todos los patos, y perdí completamente los papeles.
So where did you say you lost it?
¿ Y dónde dice que lo perdió?
The one you wouldn't let Toby touch because you were too proud of it. He would've lost it.
El que no permitiría que Toby toque porque eras muy orgulloso de ello.
Allison called me out for being a lapsed Korean, and I lost it.
Allison me llamó un coreano expirado, y perdí el control.
And when I got there... he was choking you, and I just lost it.
Y cuando llegué allí... te estaba ahogando, y lo perdí.
Lost touch with reality? Yeah, and speaking from personal experience, You never quite get it back.
Sí, y hablando de mi experiencia personal, nunca lo recuperas por completo.
Three weeks ago, you bid on it at an auction, and you lost.
Hace tres semanas, usted pujó por él en una subasta y perdió.
It's... a lot of upset nurses who lost their jobs to computers who can do the work for them.
Es... un montón de enfermeras malestar que perdieron sus puestos de trabajo a las computadoras que pueden hacer el trabajo por ellos.
It's my fault that we lost Em.
Es mi culpa que hayamos perdido Em.
It's as if I lost them.
Es como si los hubiera perdido yo.
And it breaks my heart that you lost Gordon.
Y me rompe el corazón que perdieras a Gordon.
Okay, the driver called 911 in a panic, saying he lost control of the car and that it was driving on its own.
El conductor llamó a emergencias en estado de pánico diciendo que había perdido el control del coche y que estaba conduciendo solo.
The pilot you met was part of a larger plan to recover advanced technology and cultural heritage before it's lost forever.
El piloto que conoció era parte de un plan más amplio para recuperar la tecnología avanzada y el patrimonio cultural antes de que se perdiera para siempre.
Anyways, detective thinks it's shock, but I think maybe mom lost her soul and picked up an ax.
En fin, el detective cree que es la conmoción, pero creo que quizás la mamá perdió su alma y tomó un hacha.
We're bringing the agency back to what it was meant to be, what it was before Rowan lost his way.
Estamos trayendo la agencia de volver a lo que estaba destinado a ser, lo que era antes Rowan perdió su camino.
Suspect sideswiped the tractor trailer as it was changing lanes. Lost control, rolled the car onto the levee.
El sospechoso rozó el remolque del tractor cuando estaba cambiando de carril, perdió el control y rodó el coche sobre el arcén.
I think that when I was younger, I dealt with it better, whether they won or lost.
Creo que cuando era más joven, me crucé con él mejor, si ganan o se pierden.
- You've lost it.
- Así que me hice uno yo también. - Has perdido la cabeza. - Has perdido la cabeza.
Is it fair that Beethoven lost his ear?
¿ Es justo que Beethoven perdió la oreja?
Yeah, except you'll attach this to, like, say, your keys or a suitcase in case they get lost, then your cell phone can track it.
Sí, salvo que tú lo pones así, por ejemplo, en tus llaves o maleta por si se pierden y tu móvil puede localizarlo.
I heard that Riggs lost a patient on the table and tried to blame it on Hunt.
He oído que Riggs perdió un paciente en la mesa e intentó culpar a Hunt.
If I took it to trial and lost, I was looking at a minimum of five years.
SI íbamos a juicio y perdía, me enfrentaba a un mínimo de cinco años.
What I mean, Mr. Literal, is I lost my family, too, but do I get all teary-eyed about it?
Lo que digo, Sr. Literal, es que yo también perdí a mi familia, ¿ pero lloro por eso?
Whatever we may all think about that pineapple, without it, King Julien is lost.
No importa lo que pensemos, sin la piña está perdido.
It's in response to someone posting about a lost puppy.
Es en respuesta a alguien que puso un mensaje sobre un cachorro perdido.
Well, you made it pretty clear it was my fault we lost them due to my less-than-manly driving.
Bueno, has dejado muy claro que ha sido mi culpa que les perdamos por culpa de mi forma cualquier cosa menos varonil de conducir.
Chief, we get it, but this family, they just lost everything.
Jefe, lo entendemos, pero esta familia, perdieron todo.
And then it got lost.
Y luego se perdió.
Al, I know I say it so often and it might have lost its meaning, but you were right and I was wrong.
Va a compartirlo con él. Al, Sé que dicen que con tanta frecuencia Y podría haber perdido su significado,
A demon has been awakened It has already devoured many lost spirits!
- Un demonio ha despertado, ¡ ya ha devorado a muchos espíritus perdidos!
Oh, my God, my sister lost both her thumbs in a combine accident and she didn't talk about it this much.
¡ Oh, Dios mío, mi hermana perdió sus dos pulgares En un accidente de combinar Y ella no hablaba de ello tanto.
It's as if she lost her attention to detail.
Es como si hubiese perdido la atención a los detalles.
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
item 93
it's done 1271
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's warm 139
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
item 93
it's done 1271
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
itis 22
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
itchy 49
italy 247
italian 217
it's me 10254
it was 5878
itch 25
itis 22
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
itchy 49
italy 247
italian 217
it's me 10254
it was 5878
itch 25
it's all right 8832
itself 24
it's not 5855
items 25
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
it's a girl 287
it's just 7387
itself 24
it's not 5855
items 25
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
it's a girl 287
it's just 7387