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Major sharpe traduction Espagnol

33 traduction parallèle
Major Sharpe?
¿ Mayor Sharpe?
Major Sharpe, sir.
Mayor Sharpe, señor.
You have one more chance, Major Sharpe.
Tiene todavía una oportunidad, Mayor Sharpe.
Major Sharpe!
¡ Mayor Sharpe!
Major Sharpe.
Mayor Sharpe.
You're under arrest Major Sharpe
Está usted bajo arresto, Mayor Sharpe
Hand me your sword, Major Sharpe.
Entrégueme su espada, Mayor Sharpe.
Major Sharpe, you are charged with the murder of the Marqués de Casares el Grande.
Mayor Sharpe, se le acusa del asesinato del Marqués de Casares el Grande.
You're under arrest, Major Sharpe.
Está usted bajo arresto, Mayor Sharpe.
I appreciate the feelings of our Spanish allies, but I have to tell you that Major Sharpe is innocent until proved guilty.
Comprendo los sentimientos de nuestros aliados españoles, pero tengo que decirle que el Mayor Sharpe es inocente hasta que se demuestre su culpabilidad.
And how is Major Sharpe?
DUCOS ¿ Y cómo está el Mayor Sharpe?
Major Sharpe appeared at our home in a state of drunkenness
el Mayor Sharpe apareció en nuestra casa en un estado de embriaguez
- Major Sharpe.
- Mayor Sharpe.
Major Sharpe refused to apologize, so there was a duel.
El Mayor Sharpe se negó a disculparse, así que hubo un duelo.
But Major Sharpe
Pero el Mayor Sharpe
Major Mendora, you have a vested interest in seeing Major Sharpe hang, have you not?
Mayor Mendora, usted tiene un interés personal en que cuelguen al Mayor Sharpe, ¿ no es cierto?
You were gravely insulted by Major Sharpe before this sword practice.
Fue usted insultado gravemente por el Mayor Sharpe antes de ese entrenamiento con espadas.
Major Mendora, did Major Sharpe not insult your manhood when he threatened to tan your arse?
Mayor Mendora, ¿ no insultó el Mayor Sharpe su hombría cuando le amenazó con curtirle el culo?
- Major Sharpe!
- ¡ Mayor Sharpe!
So you keep telling us, Major Sharpe.
Es lo que nos repite, Mayor Sharpe.
Just like Major Sharpe was.
Igual que lo era el Mayor Sharpe.
But what it does need is Major Sharpe.
Pero lo que necesita es al Mayor Sharpe.
- Go to your men Major Sharpe
- Vaya con sus hombres, Mayor Sharpe
And it is not going to be a good morning for you, if Major Sharpe discovers you disobeyed orders and went back to the Hydra.
Y este no va a ser un buen día para ti, si el Mayor Sharpe descubre, que desobedeciste ordenes y volviste al Hydra.
Major Denton Sharpe...
Mayor Denton Sharpe...
Major Dunnett is an officer of the old school, Sharpe.
El Mayor Dunnet es un oficial de la vieja escuela, Sharpe.
Major Richard Sharpe.
El Mayor Richard Sharpe.
You will write a letter, telling your husband the reason you have fled is that an English officer, Major Richard Sharpe, has forced his intentions on you, and while drunk, he tried to attack you.
Escribirá una carta, diciendo a su marido que el motive por el que huye es que un oficial inglés, el Mayor Richard Sharpe, ha forzado sus intenciones sobre usted, y que, estando borracho, intentó atacarle.
I have fled because of the unwelcome attentions of Major Richard Sharpe.
He escapado debido a las atenciones indeseadas del Mayor Richard Sharpe.

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