Nelly traduction Espagnol
962 traduction parallèle
Now, Nelly, don't forget to put the cat in the mothballs.
Nelly, no se olvide de poner el gato en naftalina.
- Good-bye, Nelly.
- Adiós, Nelly.
I told Nelly Higgins that we'd split the telephone charges
Que compartíamos la línea de teléfono.
- All right, Nelly? - This is Henry. Yeah.
Vamos a descansar unos días.
Then to Nellie. Willie whispered as they fondly kissed
Luego Nelly besó a Jaime y éste susurró
¡ Nelly!
But Nelly only asked...
Sólo ha pedido...
But no, Nelly, your mirror...
No... tu espejo no.
I thought, in the long run Nelly's mirror will be too tiny.
Pensé que el espejo de Nelly era un poco pequeño.
- Look at Nelly.
- ¡ Allí, mira, Nelly! - ¿ Qué pasa?
- What's with him? - A soldier gave him a lesson this morning.
Esta mañana le pegó un soldado, a causa de Nelly.
Lucien wanted to talk to her.
- Lucien quería hablar con Nelly.
I'd like it engraved "Jean and Nelly" with today's date.
Con dos nombres : Jean y Nelly.
"Jean and Nelly." Nice.
Jean y Nelly, es muy bonito.
Your present to Nelly will be my present to you.
Le regalo lo que quería regalarle a Nelly.
Nelly, get some cognac from the cellar.
Nelly, sube una botella de coñac.
Nelly was there, wasn't she?
Estaría allí Nelly, ¿ eh?
Come on.
¡ Vamos, Nelly!
You're not going to cry, are you?
¡ Vamos, no llores, Nelly!
When you say my name like that, it's like you're calling me from far away, like when I was little.
Cuando me llamas así, Nelly... Es como si me buscase lejos cuando era niña...
Come on, don't cry.
¡ Vamos, no llores, Nelly!
- I'll never forget you, Nelly.
- No te olvidaré, Nelly.
Is that you, Nelly?
Nelly, ¿ eres tu?
You've changed.
Como cambiaste, Nelly.
Whoah, Nelly.
¡ So! Ya está.
That will be all, Nelly.
Eso es todo, Nelly.
Why, it's Miss Nelly from New Rochelle.
Oh, es la Srta. Nelly de New Rochelle.
- Nelly, I love you.
- Nelly, te amo.
Miss Nelly, may I hope to see you again on the morrow?
Srta. Nelly, ¿ puedo tener esperanzas de verla mañana?
- Nelly.
- Nelly.
Nelly, the mortgage is due, and alas, I have no money.
Nelly, hay que pagar la hipoteca y, por Dios, no tengo dinero.
'Tis the squire, Nelly.
Es el villano, Nelly.
- No, Nelly,'tis your wedding ring.
- No, Nelly, es nuestro anillo de bodas.
Curse you, Nelly Newcombe.
La maldigo, Nelly Newcombe.
What money are you talking about, Nelly?
¿ De qué dinero estás hablando, Nelly?
- No, Nelly, wait a minute.
- No, Nelly, espera un poco.
Go on. Get out of here, Nelly.
Vete, vete de aquí, Nelly.
Go on, Nelly!
¡ Vete, Nelly!
I must redeem myself in the light of heaven and save my Nelly from a fate worse than death.
Debo redimirme ante los ojos del cielo... y salvar a mi Nelly de un destino peor que la muerte.
Now, Miss Nelly, I have come to help you.
Ahora, Srta. Nelly... he venido a ayudarla.
Stop, Nelly.
Deténte, Nelly.
Bien, no quiero separarle de Nelly.
Yeah, but you can't expect anybody to alter Nelly into G...
Sí, pero no esperará que cambie Nelly por G...
- At the cemetery, clipping Aunt Nelly's grass.
- En el cementerio, con tía Nelly.
It is Mrs. Jenny, who after 18 years has come for her daughter Nelly, who has grown up in the care of Miss Ingeborg Johnson.
Es la Sra. Jenny, que tras 18 años viene en busca de su hija, Nelly que ha sido criada por la Srta. Ingeborg Johnson.
Nelly, are you home already?
- Hola. - Nelly, ¿ ya estás en casa?
- For Nelly?
- ¿ Es para Nelly?
Well, good-bye, Nelly.
Adiós, Nelly.
What's wrong?
¿ Nelly, qué te pasa?
Come on, Nelly.
Nelly, mira.