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No fever traduction Espagnol

1,159 traduction parallèle
But it's two days I have no fever.
Pero si ya llevo dos días sin fiebre.
No fever.
No tiene fiebre.
I have no fever, mom.
No tengo fiebre, mamá.
No calls, no fever.
Sin urgencias, sin fiebre.
There is no fever.
No hay fiebre.
Your wife was sure it was scarlet fever, but it's just a minor skin irritation. No problem.
Tu esposa pensaba que era sarampión, pero sólo es una irritación.
The Doctor and his companions have not denied that they brought the fever among us.
El doctor y sus compañeros no han negado que trajeron la fiebre entre nosotros.
My fever's going. Aye, it'll be no better for being cooped up in this hell hole.
Sí, va a ser mejor no estar encerrado en este agujero del infierno.
Milo didn't have a fever today.
Hoy Milo no tenía fiebre.
This time it's not my fault if Milo has fever.
Esta vez yo no tengo la culpa de que Milo tenga fiebre.
You don't have a fever.
No parece que tengas fiebre.
I can't go. I have a fever.
No puedo ir, tengo fiebre.
Fever was his excuse for not knowing.
La fiebre fue su excusa para no saberlo.
- Not so fine, she has still a fever.
- No muy bien. Aún tiene fiebre.
Well, there's no trace of medicine or fever on these sweet lips.
Bien. No hay rastro de medicina ni de fiebre en estos dulces labios.
At least he went quick, and he ain't going to suffer scurvy, the dysentery, spotted fever or the cholera not to mention other maladies contracted in consort with low women.
Al menos, se murió rápidamente, y no va a pasar el escorbuto, la disentería, la viruela o el cólera, por no mencionar otros males contagiados por las mujeres.
No fever?
No tienes fiebre.
He's delirious, yet he has no fever.
- pero no tiene fiebre.
I have over 100o fever. Malaria, the runs, what else, I don't know.
Tengo 100 ° de fiebre, es malaria, rápida y algo mas, no lo se.
You've got your fever back...
- ¿ Te ha vuelto la fiebre? - No.
Laennec Room, bed number 12, a lung engorgement. 40 ° C fever.
Sala Laennec, cama no 12, congestión pulmonar. 40 de fiebre.
Don Alvaro, I do not think you are a coward, but you have been ill. A fever...
Don Álvaro, no creo que sea un cobarde, pero ha estado enfermo.
Mrs. Hackett... Would you try and do exactly what I said, and call me tomorrow only if his fever hasn't gone down?
Sra. Hackett... ¿ Por qué no intenta hacer lo que le indiqué y me llama mañana sólo si la fiebre no ha bajado?
It isn't blood that makes this louse so red but germs. It's been infected with Rickettsia and it's got fever.
Está rojo, no de sangre, sino infectado de gérmenes.
You still have that fever.
Todavía no te has puesto bien de salud.
No, I couldn't blame her on the fever... I had no fever.
No, no puedo echarle la culpa a la fiebre, porque no tengo fiebre.
I told you not to let him eat any tripe. He's had a fever since then.
ya os dije que no le dierais callos, que luego siempre le da fiebre.
When I was going to kill the King, I got a fever, and I was captured.
- No fui educado para matar. - Sí.
No, they have a fever.
No, tienen calentura.
Sheep fever is not contagious to cattle.
La fiebre de oveja no es contagiosa para el ganado.
Fever gone?
? Ya no tienes fiiebre?
I caught swamp fever in the tropics.
No puedo donar, cogí una fiebre en el trópico.
Since you arrived, the fever has never left me.
Desde que llegasteís la fiebre no os ha dejado.
Your servant still has the fever, he can't move.
Vuestro servidor todavía tiene fiebre, no puede moverse.
Yes, but if you went back, isn't there a possibility that you could catch the fever?
Si regresas, ¿ no podrías contagiarte?
Haven't you heard there's fever?
¿ No oyeron que hay fiebre?
If we don't, we're going to be fighting fever and dysentery and worse.
Si no, enfrentaremos fiebre, disentería y cosas peores.
Upon my arrival in Trion, I discovered that the fever... was not of the Ornan variety as related in the textbooks.
Cuando llegué a Trion, descubrí... que la fiebre no era de la variedad ornana.
It must be the fever.
No, eso es fiebre.
You have a fever, you can not go on like this, we can not, Tullio.
Tienes fiebre, no puedes seguir así, no podemos, Tullio.
We're staying all winter if we don't die of the fever.
Nos quedaremos todo el invierno si no morimos de fiebre.
I don't care if I have the Roman fever or not.
No me importa si contraigo fiebre romana.
If you would like to cure the fever Called life Get some relief from all the struggle And strife
Si deseas curarte esa fiebre llamada vida y aliviarte de todo cuando no encuentras salida...
Your daughter, Paulette, never died of scarlet fever, did she?
Su hija Paulette no murió de fiebre escarlata. ¿ No?
She's running a high fever, but we can't seem to do anything about it.
Tiene fiebre alta... pero no podemos hacer nada al respecto.
No bargain may be made with a child delirious with fever.
No se hacen tratos con niños que deliran por la fiebre.
You have a fever. Are you ill?
¿ No te habrás enfermado?
I suppose you don't know how many are still being diagnosed... as scarlet fever, or snakebite or sunstroke?
Y no sabe a cuántos se les diagnostica escarlatina...
And he's the one who called it woods fever, right?
Él la llamó fiebre silvestre, ¿ no?
She was burning up with fever, and I couldn't do anything about it.
Estaba ardiendo en fiebre y yo no podía ayudarla. Se llamaba Betty.
Hope I ain't being too hard on the snakes and lung fever.
No quiero ser muy duro con las serpientes y la fiebre.

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