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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ N ] / No purse

No purse traduction Espagnol

1,079 traduction parallèle
No purse?
No traes bolso.
Don't tell me there's a bomb in my purse.
No me digas que hay una bomba.
Isn't this your purse?
¿ No es esa su bolsa?
More, an arrogance as if you carried truth in a private purse and no one could dispute it with you.
Más aún, una arrogancia y nadie pudiera disputarla con usted.
And he does not have a purse.
Y no tiene monedero.
If he stole your purse, call the cops.
Si te robó la cartera, ¿ por qué no llamas a la policía?
- Thievery and purse cutting. - That is a mistake.
- No soy un ladrón.
Some people are unable to keep their purse safely...
Algunos no saben cuidar su billetera...
Your purse is empty now...
Tu billetera está vacía ahora. - No, no.
They didn't take her purse!
¡ A ella no le pidieron el bolso!
She... she took my purse, and she didn't take her purse, and I would like my purse back.
Ella me pidió el bolso y a ella no se lo pidieron y quiero que me lo devuelvan.
Hey, did you see a purse here?
¿ No has visto un bolso?
Little good his astonishment will do me, not while you empty England's purse into the greedy palms of his huguenots.
Poco bien me hará su asombro, no mientras vacía el bolso de Inglaterra, en las palmas codiciosas de sus hugonotes.
No eyes in your head nor no money in your purse?
¿ Sin ojos en vuestra frente, ni dinero en vuestra bolsa?
Of course you won't give me your purse.
Entiendo que no quiera darme su cartera.
- My wife's purse was on that seat. - Purses don't count.
- El bolso de mi señora estaba en el asiento - ¡ Los bolsos no cuentan!
- Don't push me! - ♪ See my purse, I'm a poor, poor man ♪
No me empujéis!
Don't worry, he'll be back soon, with money in his purse from Ujaninagar
No te preocupes, volverá pronto de Ujaninagar, con dinero en su monedero.
You'll get my purse over your head!
¡ Te lavaré la boca con jabón! ¿ No lo crees?
You would never have entrusted me with the purse.
No habrías dejado nunca el dinero en mis manos.
I have no money with me, I left without my purse.
No tengo dinero, me marché sin el monedero.
A man's worth is not judged by the size of his purse.
El valor de un hombre no se mide por su dinero.
There was no time to argue. He said, "Give me your purse."
" No pude decirle nada, me dijo :
Probably can't find her gun in her goddamn purse!
Seguro que no encuentra el arma en su maldito bolso.
- I have no ID because I left my purse at an acquaintance.
No la llevo porque he olvidado la bolsa en casa de un conocido.
But now he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise a scrip : and he that hath not, let him sell his coat and buy a sword.
Ahora, en cambio, quien tenga una bolsa ha de cogerla, o una alforja, y quien no tenga una espada, que venda su capa y se la compre.
Not in my purse again!
¡ No en mi bolso de nuevo!
I don't have my purse
No tengo mi bolso.
No. We keep all that stuff in our purse.
Guardábamos eso en el bolso.
- You didn't buy the purse.
- ¿ No le has comprado el bolso?
You ain't looking in my purse.
Usted no va a mirar en mi bolso
Well, no, here's your purse and wrap.
- Bien... no. Aqui esta su bolso y su estola.
This punk kept pulling my wife's purse and she wouldn't let go.
Este tipo seguía tirando del monedero de mi mujer y ella no lo soltaba.
Now just put the dress back - don't forget the purse - and then...
Ahora sólo falta guardar el traje en la maleta y no se olvide la bolsita...
My purse was in my dressing room.
- Germaine, ¿ estuvo ordenando mi camerino? Es que no encuentro mi bolso.
If all the stars were silver, and the sky a giant purse in my fist, I couldn't be happier than I am tonight.
Aunque todas las estrellas fueran plata... y el cielo una bolsa gigante en mi puño,... no podría ser más feliz que esta noche.
That's not my purse, it's yours, Yo.
Este no es mi bolso, es el tuyo, Yo.
We can't make a silk purse out of this!
¡ Vaya porquería! ¡ Con esto no podemos hacer nada!
No I have it in my purse
No. La tengo en mi bolso.
There's nothing in that purse for you, junkie!
¡ No encontrarás nada en esa bolsa, drogadicto!
Unless you went in my purse, you rotten sneak.
A no ser que hayas revisado mi bolso, comadreja inmunda.
Why don't you get a purse or something?
Por que no se consigue un bolso?
Think I didn't feel you slip your wallet into my purse?
¿ Cree que no sentí cómo metía su cartera en mi bolso?
Did I leave my purse out there or not?
¿ está ahí mi billetera o no?
When you're really angry, you purse your little lips so tight, they almost disappear. Yes, I can tell.
- No.
I'm calling to find out if the house detective, Mr. Greenberg, reported the theft of my purse.
Le llamo para saber si el detective de hotel, el Sr. Greenberg... le ha informado del robo de mi bolso. No, no lo ha hecho.
Well, you asked about my well-being, not about my purse.
Usted me preguntó sobre mi salud, no sobre mi bolso.
I don't know about your purse, but I swear I'm gonna catch this guy.
El bolso, no lo sé. Pero a ese tipo, le aseguro que le cogeré.
- Try not to worry about the purse.
- Intente no preocuparse por su cartera.
You must have noticed that the preserves had spilled into your purse.
No vio que se había derramado dentro del bolso.
Preserves are terribly difficult to get out of a suede purse, aren't they?
Cuesta sacar confitura de un bolso de ante, ¿ no?

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