No surprise there traduction Espagnol
342 traduction parallèle
No surprise there.
No sorprende.
- No surprise there.
- No hay sorpresa.
No surprise there.
No me sorprende.
What you say there doesn't surprise me one bit.
Lo que me ha dicho no me sorprende en absoluto.
Why don't we all go in there and surprise him?
¿ Por qué no vamos y le damos una sorpresa?
If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a surprise party.
No aguanto las fiestas sorpresa.
It may come as quite a surprise, Miss English, but... I do believe there's been nothing between you and Joey.
Esto podría sorprenderla, Srta. English, pero... sí creo que no ha habido nada entre Ud. y Joey.
At least with Clo, there won't be any surprise.
Al menos, con Clo no tendré sorpresas.
This may surprise you, but there are some men who are little more cultivated.
Quizá le sorprenda, pero no todos los hombres hacen proposiciones inmorales.
No! Then there'd be no surprise!
No, así no sería una sorpresa.
Really, in a place like this, where there are so many people, it's no surprise to run into the poor thing.
Realmente, en un lugar así, donde vienen tantas personas, no es raro que también pueda venir esa desgraciada, ¿ no?
Betsy, why didn't you tell me there was a surprise for dinner?
¿ Por qué no me dijiste que había una sorpresa?
It wouldn't surprise me if you couldn't do even better..... provided Shannon there didn't drink up your share of the profits.
No me sorprendería que no hicieran más siempre que Shannon no se beba las ganancias.
There's been gold in Koshu for a long time, so it's no surprise he found gold up there.
Ha habido oro en Koshu desde hace tiempo, así que no es raro que encontrase oro ahí arriba.
In a critical orbit there's no time for surprise.
No habrá lugar para las sorpresas.
If I tell her about the rocker, there goes the surprise.
Si le hablo de la mecedora ya no habrá sorpresa
Now there's no element of surprise!
Ahora no hay elemento de sorpresa!
But then there would be no "surprise", would there, madame?
¿ Qué tiene? Bueno, señora, si lo digo no sería una sorpresa, ¿ verdad?
I'm sure it comes as no great surprise to you when I say that there are little corners in everyone which were better off left alone.
Seguro que no se sorprende cuando le digo... que cada individuo tiene ciertas cosas escondidas... que es mejor dejarlas tranquilas.
Well, it's no surprise, there are thousands of them in Turin.
Pero no me sorprende, en Turena los hay a miles.
There's no element of surprise.
No hay elemento sorpresa.
Isn't there a warning system or does the power company love a surprise?
¿ No hay alarmas o a la compañía eléctrica le gustan las sorpresas?
There is something you ought to know before he arrives, so you won't be taken totally by surprise.
Hay algo que deben saber antes de que llegue, así no serán tomados totalmente por sorpresa.
Hey there, not a bad start, you really took me by surprise!
Hey, no fue un mal comienzo, me tomaste por sorpresa...
Give it up, man - there's no surprise left in it.
Admítalo. No sería una sorpresa.
She told me to snap everyone, said there'd be a surprise.
Una mujer me dijo que fotografiara a todo el mundo, para que no me llevara ninguna sorpresa.
It was a small outpost, caught by surprise, since you determined the Galactica would not strike there.
Era un destacamento pequeño tomado por sorpresa, ya que Ud. había determinado que la Galáctica no lo atacaría.
"The surprise factor counts, and there was none for you."
"El factor sorpresa, cuenta, y para ti no lo había."
Our family are devout Buddhists It's no surprise that there are monks staying with us
Nuestra familia es devota de Buda, no es extraño que haya un monje con nosotros.
There's a little surprise that I can't talk to you about.
Hay una sorpresa que todavía no te conté.
but whenever he's made up his mind there isn't a point and he's begun to feel comfortable he gets a surprise some man, or even woman, he respects takes a fancy to me and he suddenly sees that there's a whole world of things we understand and he doesn't.
Pero cuando toma una decisión y no hay nada más... y empieza a sentirse cómodo... se sorprende... de que un hombre o una mujer, a los que él respeta... se queden prendados de mí, y de repente, se da cuenta... de que hay todo un mundo de cosas que nosotros comprendemos y él no.
Would it really surprise you if there weren't any?
Realmente, ¿ te sorprendería que no hubiese nada?
In a surprise attack, there's no time.
En un ataque sorpresa no hay tiempo.
I'm sure it comes as no great surprise to you when I say that there are little corners in everyone,
Seguro que no es ninguna sorpresa si te digo que todos tenemos pequeños rincones dentro,
Sorry. I didn't mean to ruin your wonderful surprise there.
Perdón. No quise decir a la ruina su maravillosa sorpresa allí.
Our hope is to surprise whatever that is out there- - try and outrun it.
No sé lo que habrá ahí fuera, pero sea lo que sea trataremos de sorprenderle.
There's a surprise present for you inside.
No es una sorpresa regalo para ti dentro.
It doesn't really surprise me that there was none there.
Realmente no me sorprende que no hubiera nada ahí.
" you always complain there's no dinner. Surprise.
Siempre te quejas que no hay nada para cenar, sorpresa.
And don't forget, kids, there's a nifty surprise inside every box of Mrs. Hockenburger's...
Y no olvidéis, niños, de que hay una sorpresa chachi dentro de las cajas galletas de la Sra....
But with you there's no surprise.
Pero contigo no hay sorpresas
I'll tell ya, a big surprise, at least to me, that the new champion thanked Duke and not the guy that got him there.
Una gran sorpresa, al menos para mí, que el nuevo campeón diera las gracias a Duke y no al hombre que lo trajo aquí.
It's quite a long way up there and it wouldn't surprise me if the church had collapsed and the land totally gone to seed.
- Está bastante lejos Y no me sorprendería que la iglesia estuviera ya derrumbada. Y la tierra ya toda abandonada.
I can't even conceive of having a surprise party for Scott if you're not there.
No puedo concebir siquiera darle una fiesta sorpresa a Scott si tú no vas.
There's a big surprise.
¡ No me digas! ¡ Vaya sorpresa!
And after I'm dead, there's to be no jealousy... and no surprise.
Y después de mi muerte no habrá celos ni sorpresas.
There will be no surprise witnesses or tearful confessions.
No va a haber testigos sorpresa ni confesiones lacrimògenas.
Ok, branford. Didn't mean to surprise you, there.
No quise sorprenderte ahí.
There are many things I'm not certain of, Nemos, but I'll bet my life this'll surprise you.
Hay muchas cosas de las que no estoy segura, Nemos pero apuesto mi vida a que esto te sorprenderá.
There'd better not be any surprise visitors this time.
Y más vale que esta vez no haya visitas sorpresa.
There was no surprise about this, either.
No era una sorpresa, tampoco.
no surprises 48
no surprise 59
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
no surprise 59
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there is no such thing 30
there it is 2912
there aren't 60
there's no way 389
there's nothing to see here 35
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there is no such thing 30
there it is 2912
there aren't 60
there's no way 389
there's nothing to see here 35