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Not buying it traduction Espagnol

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And there's always some reason for not buying it, either... either the stove is too large, or too small, or the price is too high... or it isn't advertised enough, or... well, maybe I'm just a rotten salesman.
que si es muy grande, que si es pequeña, que si es cara, que si no la han oído anunciar... A lo mejor es que estoy oxidado como vendedor...
You're not buying it. You're renting it.
Y usted no los ha comprado, los ha alquilado.
Sure I want you to stick, but I'm not buying it.
Quiero que te quedes, pero no lo haré.
Because I hate it. I'm not buying it!
No quiero este cacharro.
But I'm not buying it.
Pero no la quiero esta vez.
I didn't buy what he had to sell then. I'm not buying it now.
No me convenció su historia y sigue sin convencerme.
I'm not buying it.
Me estoy entrometiendo.
We're not buying it, Falco.
No nos lo tragamos, Falco.
They're not buying it.
No les hemos engañado.
This time, I'm not buying it.
Esta vez no voy a caer en la trampa.
The hallucination trick, I'm not buying it!
El truco de la alucinación. No me lo trago.
He's not buying it, Marshall.
No se Io traga, Marshall.
We're not buying it. Not from you or Donut, either.
No nos lo tragamos, ni viniendo de ti o de Donut, de nadie.
- Klinger, I'm not buying it.
Klinger, no lo compraré.
- I'm not buying it!
- ¡ Yo no estoy de acuerdo!
- I'm not buying it, Magnum.
- No me lo creo, Magnum.
Sorry, Leslie, I'm just not buying it.
Lo siento, Leslie, pero yo no.
i'm not buying it.
- No te la compraré.
No, I'm not buying it, my company is.
No, yo no estoy comprando, sino mi empresa.
I don't know, Eddie. They're not buying it.
No sé, Eddie, no se lo tragan.
You can see it, but you're not buying it.
Puede verla, pero no la comprará.
I'm not buying it.
No lo creo.
Oh, hey, you're not buying it, are you?
- No vas a comprar eso, ¿ cierto?
And you're not buying it for a write-off.
Y no querrán comprar algo sin valor.
I know about that, but I'm not buying it.
Eso ya lo sé, pero no me convence.
I'm not buying it.
No me lo trago.
We're not buying it.
No lo vamos a comprar.
I'm saying It's my biggest chance, and she's just not buying It.
Le estoy diciendo que es mi mayor oportunidad, y ella no acaba de creerme.
You'll not be thinking of buying it, are you?
¿ No estará pensando en comprarlo?
I'm not taking it, I'm buying it.
No me la estoy llevando. Te la estoy comprando.
But it's not to their interest to let you run around with your hands full of money, buying up options on their land, very cheaply, for the railroad.
Y no les interesará verlo andar lleno de dinero, comprando sus tierras baratas para el ferrocarril.
It's your sweat I'm buying, not your spirit.
Es tu trabajo lo que compro, no tu alma.
And it's not polite to leave without buying anything.
Y no es de buena educación irse sin comprar.
I'm not buying the table. It's too expensive.
Eso no me lo quedo, es muy caro.
Oh, but emma, it's not just buying.
La verdad de las cosas es que todos ellos necesitan ropa nueva. El destripador luce muy mal, ¿ sabes por qué? Pues, su capa está hasta acá...
Stop it. But buying it was a mistake. Because it's not about the ring.
Pero comprarlo fue un error, porque no se trata del anillo, nunca lo fue, ni por el matrimonio, ni la boda, no se trata de mí, no se trata de Bill, ni de Becca.
It's not nice to walk out without buying...
No está bien salir sin comprar nada.
It's pure, and you're in the market, and you're not buying from Cresnic.
Es pura, usted busca comprar, y no le va a comprar a Cresnic.
No, you see, like anything else, uh, to afford something like this, as I say, it's not like buying a new car, you know?
Verá, como todas las cosas para permitirse algo así... no es como un coche...
Louise, you called me because... either you don't want to do it, and you want me to stop you... or you want to lay the guilt of it on me... and I'm not buying either one.
Louise, me llamaste porque o bien no quieres hacerlo, y quieres que te lo impida, o quieres echarme a mí la culpa, y no estoy dispuesto a nada de eso.
If you're not interested in buying it, I'm sure that I can find someone who is.
Si ya no está interesado, estoy seguro de que encontraría a alguien que sí lo estuviera.
It is a consortium of banks and insurance companies... who are not buying CCA for themselves but as agents for somebody else.
Es un consorcio de bancos y compañías de seguros... que no está comprando a CCA para ellos sino como agente de otros.
Do not forget that this guy is buying a virgin, so she's got to act it right.
No olvides que ese tipo está pagando por una virgen... y ella debe comportarse.
It's not a matter of buying off people's feelings, it's more a way of taking feelings into account. I agree.
No se trata de comprar los sentimientos de la gente, sino de tener los sentimientos en cuenta.
I'm not buying it.
No me engaña
[Clears Throat] Not bad for abstract glop. Not that I would dream of buying it myself.
No está mal como pintura abstracta, pero yo nunca me lo compraría.
It's not a question of buying cheap popularity.
- Gracias. Después de todo, no se trata de comprar publicidad barata, ¿ no?
I mean, it's not like I was buying shoes there.
¡ Ni que hubiera ido a comprar zapatos!
It's unseemly. I'm not buying into any of that.
No me creo eso... tengo mucho que aprender.
- Not that I'd ever consider buying it. - Why not? You deserve it.
¿ Qué tendrían para hablar durante 20 minutos?
I know the whole routine, and I'm not buying into it.
Conozco toda la rutina y no me dejo convencer.

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