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Not recently traduction Espagnol

575 traduction parallèle
Not recently.
No últimamente.
Some of them may have served in the disciplinary battalions, but not recently.
Algunos habrán servido en batallones disciplinarios, pero no hace poco.
- No, not recently.
- No recientemente.
Not recently, except my cousin in the civil service... and he wouldn't be likely to want to communicate with me.
Recientemente no, excepto mi primo el funcionario.
- No, not recently, thank goodness.
- Ya hace tiempo que no. ¡ Menos mal!
- Not recently.
- No creo.
Not recently. No.
No recientemente ; no.
Not recently.
Recientemente no.
Not recently.
Hace rato que no.
- Not recently.
- Últimamente, no.
Not recently.
No recientemente.
. Not recently.
No, hace poco no.
And we all know that recently, many production companies start shooting, then run out of money, and end up not paying the actors and the filming crew. We've seen so many cases like that.
Como usted bien sabe, recientemente hemos visto muchos casos... que, debido a la insuficiencia de fondos, las cosas han terminado en un caos.
Normally not but recently my uncle had to hire watchmen.
No es lo habitual, pero últimamente mi tío tuvo que contratar vigilantes.
"Qiu Hua's body is not very good recently..."
"El cuerpo de Qiu Hua no está muy bien últimamente..."
Only recently, when he was in the County Hospital for observation, he not only refused to be examined by these state psychiatrists, but he actually made a violent attack upon them.
Recientemente, estando bajo observación en el hospital del condado, no sólo se negó a que le examinaran los psiquiatras del estado, sino que les atacó violentamente.
Now, Mr. Taylor your wife recently left you, did she not?
M. Taylor, su mujer le ha dejado, ¿ no es así?
I'm stationed here in Sydney, away from London for not very long, and I recently received a letter from a London friend.
Estoy en Sidney desde hace poco. He recibido una carta de un amigo de Londres.
Bed made up recently, but not by chambermaid. - Huh?
Cama hecha recientemente, pero no por camarera.
- Not many new lodgers recently.
No viene ningún huésped nuevo últimamente.
Poison compartment not used recently - perhaps not for centuries.
El compartimento no se ha usado recientemente, quizá en siglos.
They're not yours Mrs. Pattridge but recently enough so that no dust has had time to settle on the imprints.
Y no son suyos, Sra. Partridge. Son muy recientes. Ya que el polvo no ha conseguido cubrir las huellas.
As a matter of fact, in view of the sharp market rise... I'm not sure that those of us who have bought Consolidated Motors stock recently... Wouldn't end up in jail.
De hecho, dado la abrupta subida del mercado... diría que algunos de los que compramos recientemente acciones de Consolidated Motors podríamos acabar en prisión.
Well. I'm not accustomed to having visitors here recently.
Bueno, no estoy acostumbrado a tener visitantes aqui, recientemente.
At least.... Come to think of it, I did see him quite recently, but not to speak to.
Pero ahora que lo pienso, hace poco que lo vi.
Had not Victor Scott recently thwarted justice in the so-called horse parlor case, a case which you had helped to prepare?
¿ No es cierto que Víctor Scott engañó a la justicia en el caso'horse parlor', un caso que usted ayudó a preparar?
- Yes, sir, but not too recently.
Así es, señor, aunque no recientemente.
She's not been very well recently
Últimamente no se encuentra muy bien.
You're probably not aware, Inspector, but my wife died recently.
tal vez no esté al corriente, inspector, pero... mi esposa falleció hace poco.
Inspector, when you questioned the prisoner as to the stains on his jacket, did he not show you a recently-healed scar on his wrist, - saying he had cut himself slicing bread?
Inspector, cuando usted interrogó al acusado acerca de las manchas de sangre ¿ no le mostró éste una cicatriz recién cerrada que tenía en la muñeca donde se cortó rebanando pan con un cuchillo?
An interesting story that Bummy told me recently was that there was a sort of lull on the set of Vertigo and Hitch was sitting in a corner with his arms folded and he was thinking and not saying anything to anyone.
Una historia interesante que Bummy me contó recientemente fue que hubo un momento de calma en el plató de Vertigo y Hitch estaba sentado en un rincón con los brazos cruzados. Estaba pensativo y no hablaba con nadie.
The King cares not for the sick, having been unwell himself too often recently.
Porque el Rey se preocupa por los enfermos, ya que él mismo lo ha estado hace muy poco.
Until recently, not even the eskimos ventured into this arctic waste.
Norte de Groenlandia, las montañas forman una pared a lo largo del canal Victoria cuyo curso recto marca la línea de la Falla de Baffin. Hasta hoy, ni los esquimales aventurados en el polo norte lo conocen.
This is not a charity hospital, Jerome, as I have recently and forcibly been reminded.
Esto no es un hospital de caridad, Jerome, tal como me han recordado recientemente.
- He has not been here recently?
- ¿ No ha venido recientemente?
- Wait, I have not been here recently?
- Espera,? no estuve aquí hace poco?
Tom McLowery's wounds were not the sort that could be received with his hands on his lapels like that, but rather with his hands around a Winchester carbine which he had recently extracted from his horse's saddle holster.
Tom McLaury... no pudo recibir las heridas al desabrocharse... sino más bien al sostener una carabina Winchester... que acaba de sacar de la funda de la silla de su caballo.
Apparently these instruments have not been recently used.
Al parecer, estos instrumentos no se han usado últimamente.
I can attest to the fact he's not been himself recently.
Puedo certificar que últimamente no es el mismo.
Until recently and since we entered into marine electronics we've not exactly set the shipping world on fire.
Solo una firma fuerte, con uno o dos jóvenes brillantes que sobresalen. Gracias... - Eso es lo que éramos, hasta ahora...
Not too well, just recently.
Últimamente no muy bien.
And your publicist has not made you aware of anything recently?
¿ Y su publicista no le hizo una llamada recientemente?
But that's not all. Recently Linwood reported that his car had been vandalised.
Pero eso no es todo. recientemente Linwood informó de que su coche había sido dañado.
Recently some of you behaved not very well, right?
Recientemente algunos de ustedes no se han comportaron muy bien, ¿ verdad?
I did not see it recently.
no la he visto hace mucho.
Excuse her... She's not been very well recently- -
Discúlpenla, no se encuentra bien.
"In Sicily leaving my beloved Floridia, who had recently become my dear wife,... and that was not even your mother".
"En Sicilia dejaba a mi amada Floridia, desde hacía poco mi estimada esposa,... y que aún no era tu madre".
Well, perhaps not in itself, maybe, but their plans may have changed recently.
Bueno, tal vez no sólo por eso. Pero sus planes pueden haber cambiado recientemente, ¿ quién sabe?
Not much, I imagine. He recently executed one of his followers called James.
No lo sé, pero lo imagino, porque no hace mucho ejecutó a un seguidor suyo.
Not even me, for that matter... until recently.
Tampoco yo, por ese asunto... hasta hace poco.
But, since she recently became so greatly obligated to you, it is not so impossible that this should sway her from her resolution.
Aunque considerando la deuda de gratitud... que mi hija contrajo con vos, su decisión podría sufrir cambios favorables a vuestros deseos.

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