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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ O ] / Overdo

Overdo traduction Espagnol

681 traduction parallèle
Did I overdo it a little? you were superb.
Bueno, te he hecho esperar.
Did you overdo it last night with your "boyfriends"?
¿ Ha cometido algunos excesos la noche pasada?
Oh, don't overdo it.
No exageres.
Don't overdo it.
No exageres.
The cook doesn't overdo it. But your gourmet lips will also get apple pie and goat cheese.
No privándose de nada, el cocinero ofrece a sus finos labios patatas en estofado y queso de cabra.
Yes. War can be a highly stimulating thing. But you can overdo a stimulant.
Sí, la guerra puede ser muy estimulante, incluso en exceso.
Don't we rather overdo that song?
¿ No nos excedemos con esa canción?
Now, don't overdo it.
Ahora, no exageres.
Don't overdo yourself, dear.
- No te agotes, querido. ;
Don't overdo it.
No te pases.
Don't overdo it.
No te exijas.
Don't overdo it.
Come on, don't overdo it.
Ya vale, no exageréis.
Well, I've already got the book, I won't overdo it.
Ya me he cogido el libro, no quiero abusar. Adiós.
- Let's not overdo it.
- Ahora exageras.
- It's well done, but I think José's starting to overdo it.
¿ Bien? Demasiado. Me parece que José exagera un poco.
No, I only mean that sometimes we are inclined to overdo it a little.
No, sólo quiero decir que a veces tendemos a comer demasiados.
But don't overdo it.
Pero no se agote.
Don't overdo.
No se esfuerce demasiado.
if only she doesn't overdo the salt with all her tears hasn't she shed enough tears on the stage?
si no hace demasiado la sal con todas sus lágrimas ¿ ella no ha vertido bastantes lágrimas en escena?
Now, don't overdo it.
No exagere.
- My dear fellow, you mustn't overdo it.
Cuidado, no te canses.
Don't overdo it
No exageres
Don't overdo it.
No exagere.
Well, don't overdo it.
Tampoco es para tanto.
Hey, hey, take it easy now, take it easy. You don't have to overdo it, you know.
¡ Calma, chico, no te pases!
Don't overdo it, Corporal.
No te excedas, cabo.
- Calm down, don't overdo it.
- Cálmese, no exagere.
Even if you overdo it, be animated.
Aunque lo exageres, hazlo.
Sometimes I think we overdo it.
A veces creo que tenemos demasiada.
That's natural. So long as they don't overdo it. Now...
Bueno, creo que es natural, siempre y cuando no exageren.
You cannot ask more of her but don't overdo it
¡ No puedes pedir más! ¡ Pero no te excedas!
It's OK to act noble, but don't overdo it!
Hay que ser altivo, sí. pero hasta cierto punto.
Don't overdo it, Georgie.
No te pases, Georgie.
I don't mind, if they don't overdo it.
No me importa, si no es demasiado.
It's all right to pretend we're married to get you a seat in the club car, but we can't overdo this.
Está bien simular que estamos casados para conseguir asiento en el coche club, pero no podemos pasarnos.
I won't overdo it.
No hay que excederse.
Let's not overdo this.
No exageremos.
Don't overdo it.
¿ Estás enferma?
You don't want to overdo it.
No debes excederte.
Be careful, though, don't overdo it, because he's a tough one.
Pero, cuidado, no cantes muy alto, porque él es un bruto.
Don't overdo it.
No se exceda.
Then take care I don't overdo it.
Pues ten cuidado de que no me lo tome en serio,
Do not overdo it, man.
No exageres, hombre.
I know you're grateful, but don't overdo it.
Sé que estás agradecido, pero no hay que exagerar.
- Let's not overdo it!
- No "esageramus".
Now, don't overdo it.
Bien, pues no la exagere.
- We won't overdo it.
- Por qué no es bueno.
That's okay, but don't overdo it.
Muy bien, pero no diga tonterías.
And listen, don't overdo on the digging.
Y, escucha, no te pases cavando.
Let's not overdo it.
No exageremos.

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