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People were killed traduction Espagnol

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Two people were killed up there.
Mataron a dos personas.
Many people were killed.
Murió mucha gente.
Apparently two or three more people were killed.
Parece ser que han matado a dos o tres personas más.
Just the other day, the stage was robbed and people were killed.
El otro día asaltaran la diligencia. Y hubo muchos muertos.
A WAIF HAVING STRONG RESISTANCE TO RADIATION Hundreds of thousands of people were killed.
Si, esto ahorrara muchos sufrimientos humanos.
People were killed on both sides.
Ha habido bajas en ambos bandos.
Seven people were killed at Evreux junction last Sunday
¿ Sabías que el domingo pasado en el cruce de Evreux hubo siete muertos?
It says some people were killed. Some others killed them.
Dice que algunas personas murieron.
Seven McCandles people were killed, one crippled, your own brother shot, maybe crippled, maybe even dead, and my grandson kidnapped.
Mataron a siete personas del rancho, dejaron a uno tullido, dispararon a vuestro propio hermano, puede que quede mal o muera, y secuestraron a mi nieto.
That four people were killed in Akasava, and probably your friend Forrester as well, because we must assume
Que en Akasawa se han matado a cuatro personas, probablemente tendremos que considerar que su amigo Forrester....
There were no air raids, but thousands of people were killed or injured in accidents in the blackout.
No hubieron ataques aéreos, pero cientos de personas murieron o resulatron heridas durante los toques de queda.
Most people were killed by the fierce heat, not burnt or suffocated or poisoned by carbon monoxide.
Muchos murieron por el intenso calor, no quemadas, o sofocadas o envenenadas por monoxido de carbono.
These people were killed.
Asesinaron a esa gente.
Inspector Silvestri, the fact that two people were killed at the same place allows for the presumption that you're dealing with a monster.
Hable usted por todos, escucho. Sr. Silvestri, partiendo del hecho de que dos personas han sido asesinadas... en el mismo sitio. ¿ Se puede pensar que están buscando a un monstruo, un maníaco?
- Five people were killed...
- Cinco personas murieron...
7 people were killed. - The Company didn't order it!
- ¡ Siete personas asesinadas!
And two people were killed to protect your secret.
Y dos personas murieron para proteger tu secreto.
15 people were killed.
Hubo 15 muertos.
Is it true that two people were killed in this house?
Es cierto que dos personas perdieron la vida en esta casa?
Earthquake, an earthquake has hit the maternity home... maternity home, there's no such place as a maternity home... an earthquake has struck the maternity hospital, three people were killed, however, six people were born.
Terremoto, un terremoto ha golpeado una casa de maternidad... casa de maternidad, no hay tal lugar como una casa de maternidad... un terremoto ha azotado el hospital maternoinfantil, tres personas murieron, sin embargo, nacieron seis personas.
Not towns where millions of people were being maimed and killed by bombs.
Y no ciudades con millones de habitantes aniquilados por bombas
Well, there were three policemen killed in this town last year by the kind of people that play around with the Scanlons.
El año pasado asesinaron a tres policías... y fueron los tipos que andan con los Scanlon.
People were hurt. Some men were killed.
Gente herida y algunos muertos.
This afternoon, we bury some of our people who were killed in battle.
Esta tarde enterramos algunos de los que murieron en la batalla.
Ends killed four people who were in a car.
Acaba de matar a cuatros personas, en un auto.
Well, those people killed and were discovered only years afterwards by accident or belated confession.
- Las muertes de esa gente... se descubrieron años después, por accidente... con confesiones tardías.
Those people were killed by something. Not me.
No fui yo.
There were nine million people killed in the war.
Nueve millones de personas murieron en la guerra.
For instance, how it was that people were chosen to live or to be killed.
Por ejemplo, cómo se elegía a la gente para que viviese o para que muriese.
The old people and children were killed without mercy.
Pocas fueron las muchachas que sacaron fuera de nuestra ciudad. Los viejos y los niños eran asesinados.
Because the purple and grey people, didn't want the others to know, so they were bad and killed the cat.
Porque la gente violeta y gris, no querían que los otros se dieran cuenta, entonces se pusieron furiosos y mataron al gato.
At 2.30... 23 people were already killed, and 132 injured.
A las 2.30... ya hay 23 personas muertas, y 132 heridos.
Well, there were people accused of, I don't know, having killed thousands of people. And they didn't remember a thing.
Bien... los acusados que había allí, no sé... que habían matado miles de personas... no se acordaban de nada.
Fueron los últimos en ver a Hubert vivo y quizá uno de ellos sea el asesino.
[LIQUID POURING] The people who were killed, I was miles away when it happened.
Cuando la gente murió yo estaba muy lejos de allí.
And so, feeling as I do I can't really feel that the people I killed were real
Sintiéndome así no podía darme cuenta de que las personas que mataba eran reales.
I won't name any names, but they were hateful people, people who were hoping for the cruelest of sentences, who were hoping I'd be killed immediately, who didn't think I should even be allowed to defend myself.
No diré ningún nombre, pero era gente odiosa, gente que estaba esperando las sentencias más crueles, quienes esperaban que me mataran inmediatamente, que incluso no creían que debería permitírseme defenderme.
And we were also touched by the fact that in February 1934, people were killed.
Fue el comienzo de una revolución. Francia estaba dividida en dos.
Yesterday the Black Bear people were at it again. Wei fought and killed three of them.
Ayer los del Oso Negro lo hicieron otra vez, Wei lucho y mato a 3 de ellos.
Our people were either killed or forced to flee.
Nuestra gente fue asesinada o forzada a irse.
They say a lot of people were killed. Go lock the front door.
Cierra la puerta principal.
So far, this zombie has only killed people who were connected to his murder.
Hasta ahora este zombi sólo ha matado a gente relacionada con su homicidio.
They killed six people before they were caught.
Mataron a seis personas antes de que los atraparan.
And I think there were 12 out of 15 or 16 of the people aboard... were either killed or badly hurt.
Y creo que 12 de 15 ó 16 personas que iban a bordo... fueron asesinadas o seriamente heridas.
These people Roschmann killed they weren't Russians or Poles, they were Germans.
La gente a la que mató Roschmann... no fueron ni rusos ni polacos, fueron alemanes.
You say that people were hurt, even killed?
¿ No dijiste que hubo heridos, incluso muertos?
What about the people who were killed?
¿ Y los que han matado?
And then, we were going to put it someplace where a black person would pick it up and use the credit card so that the people, the establishment would think it was some sort of organized group that killed these people.
Y luego, íbamos a ponerla en algún lugar donde una persona negra la tomara y usara la tarjeta de crédito para que el pueblo, la clase dirigente pensara que una especie de organización era la que había matado a esas personas.
No one was killed, however, 20 people were overcome by fur.
¡ Nadie ha resultado muerto! Sin embargo, veinte personas fueron atendidas por alergia al pelo!
No one was killed, however 12 people were overcome by fur.
Nadie murió, sin embargo 12 personas quedaron inconscientes por los pelos.
Were people killed?
¿ Hubo muertos?

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