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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ R ] / Remain seated

Remain seated traduction Espagnol

190 traduction parallèle
Just remain seated, Mr. Sérigny.
Siga sentado, sr. Sérigny.
Remain seated and come to order.
Permanezcan sentados y en orden.
- Remain seated.
Permanezca sentado.
Remain seated
Quédate ahí. Haz pasar a esos caballeros.
I think I'd better remain seated.
Mejor me quedo sentado.
You will remain seated.
Permaneceréis sentados.
Remain seated.
Permaneced sentados.
Remain seated!
¡ Permaneced sentadas!
Remain seated.
Permanezcan sentados.
Remain seated, my son.
Quedaros sentados, hijo mío.
please, remain seated.
Siéntese, por favor.
But kindly remain seated, ladies and gentlemen!
Se lo ruego, damas y caballeros, quédense sentados... Un whisky.
Remain seated, please.
Permanezcan sentados, por favor.
- Children know who loves them. - Remain seated.
- Los niños saben quien les quiere.
Please remain seated, and come to order.
Por favor, permanezcan sentados y en silencio.
The defendant will remain seated and keep his mouth shut.
El acusado permanecerá sentado y mantendrá la boca cerrada.
So please remain seated.
Por favor permanezcan sentados.
Mr. Olderberry, you may remain seated.
Sr. Olderberry, puede permanecer sentado.
Remain seated!
¡ Permaneced sentados!
You may remain seated.
Pueden permanecer en sus asientos.
I prefer to remain seated.
Prefiero permanecer sentado.
For your safety, please remain seated until the aircraft has come to a complete stop.
Por su seguridad, permanezcan sentados... hasta que el avión se haya detenido por completo.
Kindly remain seated until we have...
Tengan la bondad de permanecer sentados...
Oh, sir, please remain seated.
Señor, por favor permanezca sentado.
Please remain seated.
Permanezcan sentados.
Please remain seated.
Por favor permanezcan sentados.
I must remain seated here.
Debo permanecer aquí sentado.
But France will remain seated.
Pero Francia seguirá segura.
Will you please remain seated?
Por favor siéntense y abróchense los cinturones.
Please remain seated...
No se levanten, por favor.
You have to remain seated
Vaya a sentarse enseguida
You learn how to remain seated, or supine, or erect.
Aprendes a estar sentado, a permanecer acostado, a quedarte de pie.
Once we've landed remain seated until the plane has stopped.
Once we've landed remain seated until the plane has stopped.
Would you please remain seated until the craft has come to a complete standstill.
Por favor, permanezcan sentados hasta que la embarcación se detenga por completo.
You'll all remain seated.
Quédense sentados.
You will all remain seated.
Sigan sentados.
Do not stand up ; remain seated.
No te pares, permanezca sentada.
He's been wounded. Let him remain seated.
EI está herido, que se quede sentado.
Mr. Olav, I am an Israelite and now, remain seated is rational if you want to live.
Sr. Olav, yo también soy israelita y en este momento, seguir sentado es lo racional si quiere vivir.
Please, remain seated.
Por favor, no se muevan.
And we want to remain seated on them, correct?
Y queremos seguir sentados en ellas, ¿ correcto?
Don't get up, remain seated.
No te pares, permanezca sentada.
Please remain seated until the aircraft is in the terminal.
Por favor, permanezcan en sus asientos hasta que el avión llegue a la terminal.
- Remain seated!
- ¡ Permanece sentado!
This is what forces us to remain seated here waiting for the Cossacks!
Esto es lo que nos obliga permanecer sentado aquí a la espera de los cosacos!
Please ensure that you remain seated... until the spraying is completed.
Por favor, asegúrense de permanecer sentados... hasta que se haya completado la aplicación del spray.
Sir, during takeoff you must remain seated.
Señor, debe permanecer sentado durante el despegue.
Remain seated. How are the trial preparations?
¿ Cómo van los preparativos?
I want everyone seated and remain seated until further notified.
Quiero que se sienten ahí y sigan sin moverse hasta nueva orden
Stay seated, everybody, please. Remain calm.
Permanezcan sentados.
You better remain seated to hear this.
Es mejor que esté sentado.

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