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Remotely traduction Espagnol

1,649 traduction parallèle
I don't recall saying anything even remotely amusing.
No recuerdo haber dicho nada divertido.
As I unlock each pod remotely, the light will go off.
A medida que abra las cápsulas en forma remota, las luces se apagarán.
I mean, the fact that you find this trip even remotely interesting is... hey, you.
El hecho de que encuentres este viaje remotamente interesante es... ¡ Hola!
Who doesn't need to point out every time I'm even remotely attracted to another man.
Alguien que no tenga que señalar cada vez que miro a otro hombre.
Dr. Vindi has remotely activated the bombs.
El Dr. Vindi las activó por control remoto.
How how is that even remotely...
- ¿ Cómo puede esto ni de lejos...?
I'm sure there's nothing remotely interesting Or important or enlightening on it.
Estoy seguro que no hay nada remotamente interesante. O importante o ilustrarte sobre ello.
So it's not a star at all... nothing even remotely similar to a star.
Así que no es para nada una estrella... nada ni remotamente parecido a una estrella.
Do you think I find that even remotely attractive?
¿ Crees que encuentro eso ni siquiera remotamente atractivo?
I kissed him. It was a long time ago and I thought that there was something evil about him that I was extremely attracted to, but now I realize that he isn't remotely wicked.
Hace bastante tiempo, y a pesar de que habia algo maligno en él me sentía muy atraida por el pero ahora, me doy cuenta de que no es ni remotamente malvado
y creo que podemos abrir la puerta del garaje de manera remota.
¿ Podemos apagar los sistemas de manera remota?
And all you can really hope to do is find a couple of people who will make the 70 or 80 odd years we get to live on this sweet, swinging sphere remotely tolerable. I gotta take a leak.
en esta esfera que se balancea.
Eric cartman, you are handsome and not even remotely fat.
Eric Cartman eres guapo y ni siquiera remotamente gordo..
- Not remotely.
- Ni en lo mas remoto.
At no stage during this process have you provided anything remotely resembling a case.
En ningún momento de este proceso has facilitado nada remotamente parecido a un caso.
I'm sure Jane Fairfax is not remotely good at things I do well.
Estoy segura de que Jane Fairfax no es ni remótamente tan buena en lo que a mí se me da mejor.
That's just a large complex about 200 klicks from anything remotely populated.
Eso es un complejo grande a unos 200 klicks de cualquier lugar poblado.
Oh darling ~ even remotely romantic?
Oh amor mío ~ algo romántico?
I want full searches of anything that even remotely matches the description.
Quiero que registren minuciosamente todo vehículo que concuerde mínimamente con la descripción.
No, l-l-I tried to get in remotely and I couldn't do it.
No. Intenté penetrar de forma remota y no pude.
I could... I'll try to hack into Shannon's computer again remotely.
Podría intentar nuevamente penetrar en la computadora de Shannon de forma remota.
- What is this? - Upload the right program... and you've got a roving bug you can turn on remotely.
Instálales el programa correcto, y tienes un micrófono móvil que puedes activar remotamente.
We detected a remotely - activated data burst just before the facility was set on fire.
Detectamos una descarga de datos activada remotamente justo antes del estallido de la instalación.
And yet you don't sound even remotely sleepy.
Y aún no suenas ni remotamente somnolienta.
He's never done anything even remotely inappropriate.
El nunca ha hecho algo ni siquiera remotamente inapropiado.
I spend all day in a room full of six year olds who laugh at anything that sounds even remotely like poo.
Paso el día en un lugar lleno de chicos de seis años... que se ríen de cualquier cosa que suene remotamente a caca.
She's no longer even remotely human.
Ella ya no lo es ni remotamente.
Anything remotely hopeful? Well, we certainly didn't talk about the damn Mayans!
Bueno, seguro que no hablando de los malditos mayas.
I don't care. Not even remotely.
Ni remotamente.
So, you can turn it on remotely?
- ¿ Lo puedes conectar por control remoto?
So you cleared the phones remotely.
Así que limpiaste los teléfonos a distancia.
Chief, I just want to say that I am 100 % sure that you have no proof whatsoever that I have done anything even remotely Old Sonora-related in the last two hours.
De acuerdo, jefa, solo quiero decir que estoy seguro al 100 % que no tiene pruebas o lo que sea de que hiciese cualquier cosa remotamente relacionada con Old Sonora en las últimas 2 horas.
Besides, it wouldn't be remotely interested in our emergency rations.
Además, ni remotamente le interesarían nuestras raciones de emergencia.
Adult vampire squid don't secrete anything remotely like this.
El calamar vampiro adulto no segrega nada ni remotamente parecido a esto.
Good luck in New York. Put your money in your sock, don't eat from a cart, and never ever trust anyone remotely like me.
Guarda el dinero en tu saco, no comas en la calle, y nunca confíes en alguien remotamente parecido a mí.
I'm going to try and dismantle him remotely.
Voy a intentar desmantelarlo remotamente.
If this is the same system they have in Fox River, that door can only be open remotely from the Centre Control.
Si es el mismo sistema que tienen en Fox River esa puerta solo se podrá abrir desde el control central.
Derek always thought there was more to it than that. A lot more, according to his files, and none of it remotely plausible.
Derek siempre pensó que había más que eso mucho mas, de acuerdo a su archivo y ninguna es remotamente posible
The only thing even remotely resembling any kind of hiccup are a couple of credit card charges made last week.
La única cosa que remotamente parece algo sospechoso son un par de cargos a la tarjeta de crédito efectuados la última semana.
How is that remotely feasible?
¿ Cómo es eso remotamente posible?
Are you saying that you think a "celebtion pie" is even remotely comparable to a Nobel Prize?
¿ Dices que crees que una "tarta para celebrar" se compara remotamente a un premio Nobel?
This thing's set up to remotely access another machine.
Esta cosa está configurada para acceder remotamente a otra máquina.
Well, I wouldn't bother with me, seriously, because I wouldn't even socialize with anyone remotely related to my job.
Bueno, ni te molestes conmigo, en serio... porque nunca socializo con nadie que esté remotamente relacionado a mi trabajo.
I am not the police, if that's even remotely close to what you're asking me.
No soy la policía, si pudiera eso parecerse a lo que me estás preguntando.
okay, i can do that, but i have to access it remotely.
Bien, puedo hacerlo, pero tengo que acceder remotamente.
All I'm saying is, if she was remotely good in bed, He would have delivered the box himself so he could hit that one more time... ow!
Lo que digo es que si ella fuera remotamente buena en la cama, él le habría entregado la caja personalmente para así poder montárselo una vez má...
He was able to worm his way around, remotely shutting down the engine.
el pudo arrastrarce, renotamente apagando el auto.
No, not remotely.
No, ni remotamente.
Then i kill every single person even remotely involved.
Entonces mataré a cualquier persona remotamente involucrada.
- then i'm gonna kill... Every single person Even remotely involved.
Luego voy a matar a cada persona que esté remotamente involucrada.

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