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Saving your life traduction Espagnol

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But before you take leave, it might be well if you thanked her for saving your life.
Pero antes, debéis agradecerle que haya salvado vuestra vida.
Also, saving your life wasn't what I had in mind.
Y no lo hice pensando en salvar su vida.
For saving your life?
¿ Por salvarte la vida?
I am saving your life, Frau Churchill.
Estoy salvándole la vida, Frau Churchill.
It is not right to love a man for saving your life?
No está bien amar a un hombre por salvarte la vida?
I suppose he thought saving your life didn't warrant your killing a man for him.
Creería que salvarle Ia vida no justificaba que matara por él.
We're both grateful to him for saving your life.
Lo siento mucho, los dos le debemos tu vida.
- That's my fee for saving your life. $ 500?
Son mis honorarios por salvarle la vida.
Consider this as saving your life, and put your sword away! Ichi, come, let's have a drink.
Ichi, vamos, tomemos un trago.
Well, since it's about saving your life, I think...
Bueno, cuando se trata de salvar tu vida, creo...
It's been a pleasure saving your life.
Fue un placer salvarte la vida.
- I suppose that saving your life...
- Supongo que el ahorro de tu vida...
Then you may have a slight chance of saving your life.
Entonces usted puede tener una pequeña posibilidad de salvar su vida.
What did I gain for saving your life?
¿ Qué gané yo por salvarte la vida?
Could you get your husband here if it meant saving your life?
¿ Podría traer aquí a su marido si eso significase salvar su vida?
For saving your life.
Por salvarte la vida.
It was the price for saving your life.
Era el precio por salvar su vida.
That's the last time you catch me saving your life.
Es la última vez que intento salvarle la vida.
Well, this is hard for you to understand, but I'm probably saving your life, sonny.
Esto es difícil de entender, pero estoy salvando tu vida.
- For saving your life.
- Por salvar su vida.
I want my own home That's all saving your life means to me A chance to work my own land a free man in the country I love
Busco un sitio para mí Es todo lo que tu vida significa para mí.
I'm saving your life, stupid.
Te estoy salvando la vida, estúpido.
- Saving your life, I hope.
- Salvando su vida, espero.
Got too much to do around here to go around saving your life all the time.
Tengo tanto trabajo que no siempre tendré tiempo para salvarte la vida.
Thanks. For... for saving your life.
- Por salvarte la vida.
Hey, Johnson... how are you going to make it up to Decker for saving your life?
Oye Johnson, no vas a reconciliarte con Decker, por haberte salvado la vida.
- I'm saving your life.
- Te salvé la vida.
Saving your life.
Salvarle la vida.
It'll be a book in my honor, for saving your life and nursing you back to health.
Escribirás un libro en mi honor, por salvarte la vida y cuidar de ti.
- Well, since I'm saving your life, when we reach the bottom, you let me go free.
- Bueno, como estoy salvando tu vida cuando lleguemos a la base, me dejarás ir.
- Would you come on already? - I'm saving your life.
- Te salvaré la vida.
You've been saving and scrimping all your life to keep this jane in school.
Has ahorrado toda tu vida para mantener a la chiquilla en el colegio.
This is for your work and this is for saving my life.
Tome esto por su trabajo y esto otro, por salvarme la vida.
Philip you must give up your life-saving medal but that goes without saying
¡ Philip! ¡ Tendrás que renunciar a tu medalla de salvamento! ¡ Naturalmente!
Is that the thanks she gets for saving your no-good life? Huh?
¿ Así agradeces que salvara tu miserable vida?
I'm really saving your honor and your life.
- ¿ Cómo sabe que lo tengo? - Lo sé, y pretendo llevármelo.
Well, despite the fact that this ship was built and advertised... as the vessel that could not be sunk... your life-saving equipment is insufficient and inadequate.
A pesar de que el barco fue construido y publicitado su equipo salvavidas es insufiiciente e inadecuado.
Now I think in exchange for saving your life, you will lead me to the burial place.
El de los Dólares americanos, lo olvido!
Thanks for saving my life I'll repay your kindness
Gracias por salvarme. Te pagare tu gentileza.
The only way I can repay Ngai for saving me, is with your life.
La única manera que puedo pagar Ngai por salvarme, es con su vida.
Your life saving thruster!
Sólo su virilidad.
Anyways, for being so grateful and saving my life, here's your flesh, I give it back!
En fin, estando tan agredecido por haberme salvado la vida, aqui está tu carne, te la devuelvo!
Breaking out of prison, racing here in the nick of time and saving your brother's life.
Escaparte de la prisión Llegar a tiempo y salvar la vida de tu hermano.
I believe I'm deeply in your debt for saving my daughter's life. Well...
Le estoy en deuda por haber salvado la vida de mi hija.
Your passionate interest in saving my life was deeply flattering!
Su apasionado interés por salvarme la vida ha sido profundamente halagador.
- Your dad died saving my life, and these people were killing firemen for money.
- Tu padre murió... por salvarme, y esta gente mataba bomberos por dinero.
Well, as an employee, I thank you for saving my job, and as your lover, - I thank you for ruining my life.
Bueno, como empleado, agradezco por salvar mi trabajo, y como tu amante, te agradezco por arruinar mi vida.
- Your stupid life wasn't worth saving.
- Tu estúpida vida no merecía ser salvada.
Well, I appreciate your saving my life and all but you're gonna have to come up with a better reason for me to turn stoolie.
Aprecio que me salvaras pero dame razones para volverme informante.
Moon, I really appreciate your saving my life.
Luna, realmente aprecio que me hayas salvado la vida.
It was for saving your fucking life back there!
¡ Por salvar tu jodida vida!

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