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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ S ] / See what he says

See what he says traduction Espagnol

180 traduction parallèle
I'll ask him, we'll see what he says.
Le preguntaré y veremos qué dice.
See what he says.
Veamos que dice.
We'll ask him to tell us about his holiday and see what he says.
Le pediremos que nos cuente sobre sus vacaciones y verémos que nos dice
I'll see what he says.
Veré qué me dice. Querida Rose : Surgió algo importante y quizá no llegue a dormir.
You just put the arm on Maitland and see what he says.
Agarre a Maitland a ver qué dice.
Let's see what he says.
A ver qué dice.
Let me see what he says.
Vamos a ver qué dice.
- Here comes your father, Boulon. - Go, we'll see what he says.
vamos a ver qué dice.
Let's talk to Professor Cutolo. Let's see what he says!
Quiero hablar con el profesor Cutolo...
I shall call the Secretary General. Let's see what he says.
Llamare al Secretario Gral. a ver qué dice.
- Send word, see what he says.
- Díselo, a ver qué dice.
Well, heavens, I don't know. That would be up to your brother, not me. Well, why don't you give the tutti-frutti snowcone a buzz on the hotline and see what he says?
no a mi entonces llamaré a ese copo de nieve por la linea caliente
I'll go and wake the Doctor and see what he says.
- Despertaré al Doctor a ver qué opina.
Maybe I'll cruise on back up to Sunset... and check out and see what he says next.
Quizá vuelva en el auto a Sunset... y vea si me recomienda otro lugar.
I'm gonna talk to the commissioner, see what he says. If I have anything positive for you,
Hablaré con el comisionado, veré que dice, y si hay algo positivo para tí,
Let's see what he says. - We'II meet with him on Monday.
- Hablaremos con él el lunes.
- I gotta call Nettle and see what he says.
Voy a llamar a Nettle y veré lo que dice.
- Let's see what he says.
- Veamos qué dice.
- Just see what he says.
- Sólo fíjate en lo que dice.
See what he says.
A ver qué dice.
All I can do is talk to him, see what he says.
sólo puedo hablar con éI y ver qué dice.
I'II see what he says.
Veré que me dice.
Why don't I talk to him? I'll see what he says...
Hablaré con él, oiremos su versión...
You better fly a kite to that mouthpiece and see what he says.
Más vale que se lo digas a tu abogado, a ver qué dice.
I'll see what he says.
Veré lo que dice.
See what he says.
Ver qué tiene que decir.
See what he says where?
¿ Ver qué tiene que decir en dónde?
- Let's wait and see what he says.
Esperemos a ver que nos dice.
See what he says.
Vea que dice.
- From now on, you do what he says, see?
- A partir de ahora, hazle caso a él.
If only he could have been with me the day I went all by myself to the Statue of Liberty and read what it says there for the whole world to see.
Me hubiera gustado estar con él cuando fui sola a la Estatua de la Libertad y leí lo escrito ahí para que todo el mundo lea.
You know, my father once told me : "Monique, you cannot judge a man by what he says unless you see his face."
Sabes, mi padre una vez me dijo "Monique, no puedes juzgar a un hombre por sus palabras si no ves su rostro."
Just wait and see what the captain says after he makes his inspection tomorrow.
Espera a ver lo que dice el capitán cuando las inspeccione mañana.
You see, what the legend really says is that Cosmo Waldemar will resume human shape again when he's replaced in his coffin. Not by the owner of the house, but by a descendant of the man, who killed him.
En realidad la leyenda dice que Cosmo Waldemar tomará forma humana de nuevo, cuando en su ataúd esté, no el dueño de la casa, sino un descendiente del hombre que lo mató.
He can see it in your eyes. He says you haven't a notion of what love is like.
Él dijo "Mira sus ojos, él no sabe cómo amar"..
We'll see what my brother, the governor, says when he reports to him.
Ya veremos que dirá mi hermano, el señor gobernador, cuando lo reporte.
He says that Xoanon has told him we will win. - You see what that means?
Dice que ha sido Xoanon quién le ha dicho que ganaremos, ¿ sabes qué significa eso?
Hernández, let's see what your father says... when he gets to pay the bill for the window.
Hernández, ya veremos, a ver lo que dice su padre cuando tenga que pagar la factura de los cristales.
If that streak is pure gold and somebody's trying to offload garbage onto you, well, you take what he calls gold and you rub it on the touchstone, and you can see immediately, that what he says is gold, isn't up to your standards.
Esto es oro puro y si alguien trata de darle algo sin valor, toma usted eso que dice que es oro y lo frota e inmediatamente sabrá que no alcanza sus normas de calidad.
And what I'm calling about is, see, there's this guy that goes to my school, and I really like him a lot and he says he likes me.
Y estoy llamando porque hay un chico que va a mi escuela y él me gusta mucho y dice que le gusto.
I'll see what he says.
Veré que me dice.
Well, we'll see what he says.
Veremos qué dice.
Let's see what he says.
- ¿ Lo hizo?
But when your son locks himself in the bathroom and sits in bleach - deliberately sits in bleach - and you see what he's done to himself, and you're screaming at him, and he looks at you and he says, "I wanna be like you."
Pero cuando su hijo se encierra en el baño... y se sienta en lejía - deliberadamente se sienta en lejía, y ves lo que ha hecho a sí mismo, y le gritas a él, y él te mira y dice : "Quiero ser como tú."
He says he's not gay, but let's see what a few drinks and a back massage will do to him.
Él dice que no es gay, pero, eh... veamos qué le harán un par de tragos y un masaje de espalda, ¿ eh?
About 60 years later, his father's dying, and he goes to see him for the last time... and his father's slipping away... and he says, "what did that mean, pa?"
Pasan 60 años, su padre está a punto de morir, y él se va a verlo por última vez. Su padre está casi inconsciente... y él le pregunta :
So... so anyway, this one guy, see, he steps forward and he says, uh, he says... " You know what?
Así que el típo se adelanta, y dice :
I don't see what choice we have, if we believe he can do what he says he can do.
No creo que tengamos opción... si creemos que puede hacer lo que dice.
The world will see what fate befalls anyone... who casts an eye on Mother India. - What he says is right!
Todo el mundo verá el destino que recaerá sobre... quien ponga sus ojos... sobre Madre India.
When he hits her, he says, "See what you made me do?"
Cuando la golpea, dice : "¿ Ves lo que me has hecho hacer?"
The ACC who prosecuted says Tate told the psychiatrists he killed puppies to see what it felt like.
El Fiscal que lo procesó dice que Tate le dijo a los psiquiatras que mataba mascotas para ver qué sentía.

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