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Send it to me traduction Espagnol

1,073 traduction parallèle
Send it to me with one of the boys...
Mándemela con uno de los muchachos.
If you have a request, send it to me, care of Armed Forces Radio Service.
Si quieren pedir algo en especial, escríbanme... al Servicio de Radio de las Fuerzas Armadas.
Pluck it and send it to me at home.
Me lo despluma y me lo manda a casa.
If you didn't want to hear the song, why did you send it to me?
Si no querías escuchar la canción, ¿ por qué me la enviaste?
Send it to me, I'll see it's granted
Envíamela, veré que tenga garantías.
Send it to me in peace
Envíamelo en paz
You can send it to me, then!
Puedes enviármela luego.
List, as well as you remember, where you were in each instance. Send it to me at the statehouse.
Recuerde dónde estaba usted en esos momentos y envíemelo a la oficina.
Send it to me, I'll read it with pleasure.
Mándemelo, lo leeré con mucho gusto.
But I'll get the money, my mother and sister will send it to me...
Pero recibiré dinero, mi madre y mi hermana me enviarán...
Sorry to send for you at this hour, but it involves a charitable deed.
Me molesta hacerla venir aquí a estas horas pero es por una buena obra.
If mail arrives for me, send it to the Hotel Excelsior.
Si llega correo para mí, envíemelo al hotel Excélsior
Well, I'll write to my sister and tell her to send it back.
Bueno escribiré a mi hermana para que me la devuelva.
Oh, Mama, now the first thing you must do as soon as you get home... is get my mountaineering outfit together and send it right on to me.
Mamá, lo primero que debes hacer cuando llegues a casa... es reunir mi equipo de alpinismo y enviármelo.
I'd like to send it to my father.
Me gustaría enviárselo a mi padre.
The teacher would send me to the blackboard to work on a problem in long division and I would go up to the blackboard and lean my head against it and just cry and cry and cry.
La maestra me enviaba al pizarrón a trabajar en un problema con divisiones largas y yo iba al pizarrón y recostaba la cabeza en él y lloraba y lloraba.
When I entered the Send in a Poochy Pup Dog Food Jingle for the Poochy Pup Dog Food Jingle contest. You want to hear how it goes?
Cuando me presenté para el puesto de anunciar una canción para "alimentar Kucecu a la casa." ¿ Quieres oírlo?
They were going to send me a birthday message and never got to it.
Iban a enviarme un mensaje de cumpleaños, pero no lo hicieron.
Your majesty pardon me but it would send one of your officers to certain death. The company seems disproportionate.
Disculpe, el asunto me parece una absoluta locura, y totalmente irrealizable.
No matter where you send me, if the God of Abraham has a purpose for my son, he will come to know it and fulfill it.
No importa a dónde me lleves... Si el Dios de Abraham tiene un propósito para mi hijo, llegará a conocerlo y a cumplirlo.
I didn't have time to put paper. Get it wrapped and send the bill to me.
No he tenido tiempo de envolverlo, que te lo envuelvan.
But I knew if I held out on it, they'd send you over to work on me.
Pero sabía que si me lo guardaba, te enviarían aquí a intentar sonsacármelo.
It must be surprising that, out of nowhere and after everything, I would dare to send you this handwritten letter.
Le extrañará que así de sopetón y a la vuelta de tantos sucedidos me atreva con la caligrafía y le mande la presente.
The Major didn't change his mind. It was me. I suggested he send you to Korea.
el Mayor no cambio de parecer,... fui yo yo le sugeri que lo mande a Korea.
I wasn't able to do much for you but tell me if you need anything and I'll send it to you later I already have enough, Mother.
No te he regalado nada. Dime si necesitas algo, y te lo enviaré. No hace falta mamá, tengo de todo.
If I don't get through, will you send this to my sister? The address is on it.
Por si no me salvo, ¿ querría enviar esto a mi hermana?
It wasn't easy for him to send me after you.
No fue fácil para él enviarme a buscarte.
And when you get picked up, get an acetylene tank, send it back to me.
Cuando los recojan, busquen un depósito de acetileno y mándenmelo.
I'd like to send him a signal telling him to be careful, but I'm sure he'd resent it.
Me gustaría enviarle un mensaje... pidièndole que sea cuidadoso... pero estoy seguro que no le haría caso.
Don't forget to send it up to me, okay?
No te olvides de mandármelo, ¿ sí?
I am the queen and you must know that the throne is mine... and you have to give it to me, if not I'll send you all to the caverns.
Soy la reina y debéis saber que el trono es mío... y me lo tenéis que dar, si no os mando a todos a la cárcel.
Tell him to read the last page and then send it back to me.
dile que lea la última página y que luego me lo devuelva.
Tell Mr Pierre that it's mean to not send me news.
Dígale al señor Pierre que espero noticias suyas.
You think it's easy to send the doomed to the gate?
¿ Ustedes creen que se me hace fácil mandar transportes de muerte al portón?
Why did you send it to me?
¿ Por qué me lo envió a mí?
It would've been fine to send them by mail.
Bastaba con mandarlo por correo. - ¿ Me guardas rencor?
You get me his picture and I'll send it to my friend DuBois in Haiti.
Consígame su foto y se la mandaré a mi amigo Dubois a Haití.
- She asked me to send it, that's how.
- Me pidió que lo enviara.
Well, considering the fact that I'm one of England's foremost aeroplanists... it's rather jolly inefficient of them not to send me one before.
Dado el hecho de que soy uno de los principales pilotos de Inglaterra... es bastante ineficiente de su parte no haberme enviado uno antes.
Then tell him not to send me gifts but to come see me,... and ask him if it seems fair to him to leave this poor woman here on her own doing nothing but...
Pues dile que no me mande regalos y que venga a verme, que si le parece justo tener abandonada aquí a esta pobre mujer que no hace más que...
Maybe, but it's time for me to send these people breathe the air in Fresnes.
Tal vez, pero ha llegado el momento de mandar a esa gente a tomar el aire en Fresnes. No, por favor.
Kiss this mark if you feel like it and send it back to me!
Besa esta señal si tu también sientes lo mismo.
And I'll get my picture taken... and I'll send it back to Dakar... and they'll all die of jealousy!
Y me sacaré un foto en la playa... y la enviaré a Dakar. ¡ Se morirán de envidia!
You'll receive a directive on it, of course, but with new teachers I like to warn them personally to watch for latent maladjustments and send them to me on alternate Tuesdays for depth coverage.
Aunque recibirá una directiva al respecto, prefiero atender a los nuevos profesores en persona, para evitar posteriores desajustes. Les atenderé con mayor detenimiento en martes alternos.
Send me your sister, I'll explain it to her!
¡ Mándame a tu hermana, se lo explicaré a ella!
And since it's too late to send in a new man now, you and me are the team.
Y como ya es tarde para que me envíen un nuevo agente, tú y yo formamos el equipo.
It was good ofyou to send a palanquin for me.
Es de agradecer que me enviaras un palanquín.
But as this boss was too demanding... he used to send me to fetch firewood without warm clothes when it rained...
Como este patrón me exigía mucho... ya que me mandaba a buscar leña sin manta y lloviendo....
If I knew which half was which, I'd dissect it out... and send it to the People's Democratic Morgue to be cremated.
Si supiera cuál es cada mitad, me la quitaría... y la enviaría a la Morgue Democrática Popular para que la cremen.
I forget where he said to send it.
Se me han olvidado sus señas.
You try beating it out of me, then you send that kid, hoping to lower my guard with his talk about Ulster.
Ya me disteis una paliza. Luego enviasteis a ese chico para ver si bajaba la guardia hablando del Ulster.

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