She is my wife traduction Espagnol
609 traduction parallèle
If you want to see Theonis alive, do not humiliate her, she is my wife.
Si encuentras a Theonis aún con vida, no la degrades, ¡ es mi esposa!
But she is my wife.
Pero es mi esposa.
I am her husband. And she is my wife.
Yo soy su marido... y ella es mi mujer.
Let me tell you, gentlemen, she is my wife and always will be my wife.
Déjeme le digo, caballero, Ella es mi esposa y siempre lo será.
She is my wife.
Es mi mujer.
She is my wife, Mrs Armfeldt.
Es mi esposa, Sra. Armfeldt.
I know, but she is my wife.
Lo sé, pero es mi esposa.
She is my wife's.
Es de mi mujer.
Your daughter, so soon to be my wife, how beautiful beyond words she is, so full of sincere kindness.
Vuestra hija, y pronto mi esposa, es tan inefablemente maravillosa, tan dulce y bella, tan profundamente bondadosa.
My wife is becoming impossible. She makes Catherine's life unbearable.
El carácter de mi mujer se vuelve intolerable, le hace la vida imposible a esta pobre chica...
She is very tactful, and my wife is very unpunctual.
Es muy considerada, y mi esposa es muy impuntual.
My idea of a husband is a guy that looks after his wife and takes care of her... and sees that she don't want for nothin'.
Yo creo que un marido debe mirar por su mujer y cuidar de que no le falte nada.
Did she say my wife is cheating on me?
¿ Qué ha dicho Vd.? ¡ Mi mujer! ¡ Los cuernos!
My wife is full of it, isn't she.
Mi mujer también me compadece.
My wife is a fine woman. But she cramps my style.
Mi esposa es una buena mujer, pero coarta mi estilo.
Well, listen, that dame is my wife. She's sore at me and my brother, see?
Esta señora es mi mujer.
- Is she my wife?
- ¿ Es ella mi esposa?
I said " my poor wife. Where is she?
Dije : "¿ Dónde está mi pobre esposa?"
just imagine, she told me she dreamed of me every night... and always in connection with my late wife she is convinced that our marriage hadn't been interrupted for a moment as if my late wife and I still were... even today, insolubly tied to each other
Imagínate, me dice que sueña conmigo noche tras noche... y siempre... en relación con mi difunta esposa. Está convencida de que nuestro matrimonio no ha estado interrumpido ni un momento, como si mi difunta esposa todavía se... en su opinión... incluso hoy, estuviéramos indisolublemente atados.
It wasn't my wife. She is not so familiar with men.
No mi mujer, ella no tiene esas familiaridades.
And if the last chapter's as good as the other six, then my wife will be as rich as she is lovely.
Si el último capítulo es tan bueno como los otros seis, mi mujer será tan rica como encantadora.
This is my friend, Katherine Borg. By the way, she's your wife's twin sister.
Mi amiga, Katherine Borg, que por cierto, es la hermana gemela de tu esposa.
I've had the honor of meeting your wife. Is she with you? No, my wife is traveling.
Tengo el gusto de conocer a su mujer, ¿ le acompaña?
Mi mujer me dice que me deja por otro hombre y se ofende porque me atrevo a hablar de él.
Charlotte terese, she is called - the daughter of my father, nicholas dulaine, and his wife.
La hija de mi padre, Nicholas Dulaine y su mujer. - Tiene 17 años y es criolla. - ¿ Criolla?
- Jupiter, no! Not that the lady's not a very striking figure in her own way... but she is not my wife.
No porque no sea atractiva a su manera pero no es mi esposa.
If you know where she is, tell me where my wife is.
Si lo sabe, dígame dónde está mi mujer.
Well, the reason I've been trying to find you is... It may seem ridiculous, but Chrystal, my wife, she's in Bay City.
Te he buscado porque... parecerá ridículo, pero Chrystal, mi esposa, está en Bay City.
It is my wife who got this news and she is certain about it.
Es mi esposa quien consiguió estas noticias y está segura de ellas.
She is my wife.
Ella es mi esposa. Durante muchos años ella ha sido mi esposa.
The fact of the matter is, Mr. Virgil my wife is leaving day after tomorrow on a South American cruise and, well, she insists on going without me.
El asunto es, Sr. Virgil que mi mujer se marcha pasado mañana en un crucero a Sudamérica y, bueno, insiste en ir sin mí.
But if I did say keep an eye on my wife for me, I meant see if she's lonely some evening. And if she is, take her to the movies, you and Barbara.
Si te dije vigila a mi mujer me refería a no dejarla sola a sacarla al cine, tú y Barbara.
How beautiful is my wife how well she can cook and she's the best at sewing and ironing.
Qué bonita es mi mujer, qué bien sabe cocinar y es muy hacha pa'coser y pa'planchar.
This witness is not only my wife, she is my patient.
Vuelva a su asiento.
My wife is not a contented woman. She wants clothing and money and jewels.
Ella no es fácil de complacer, siempre quiere ropa, dinero.
You see Walt.. my wife is just very tough with Eloise and me. But when she has to face anything.. She runs for the bathroom.
Verás, Walt, mi mujer es muy dura con Eloise y conmigo, pero en cuanto tiene que enfrentarse a algo, corre al baño.
By the world i think my wife be honest, and think she is not.
¡ Por Dios! Creo que mi esposa es honesta y no lo creo.
My wife is not as ugly as she is.
Mi mujer no es fea como ella.
My wife? What is she saying?
¿ Mi mujer que dice?
My wife is dead. She died three years ago.
Mi esposa murió hace tres años.
The problem is, I had a row with my wife She threw me out of the house
Es que, verá, tuve una bronca con mi esposa y me corrio de la casa
All I care about is my wife, and if she doesn't make parole, every stir-crazy con in this joint will find how to get over on the other side.
Lo único que me importa es mi esposa, y si ella no consigue la condicional, cada convicto de esta Mixta sabrá como llegar al otro lado.
Now, my wife, she is...
Mi esposa...
Camilla, has my wife gone mad? She's not leaving, is she?
Pero, Camilla, ¿ ha enloquecido en serio la señora?
What I want to know is... while I was gone did my wife get lonely and forget that she was a wife?
Lo que quiero saber es... mientras yo estaba fuera mi esposa se sintió sola y olvidó que era una esposa.
My lord, I have the most serious objection to this witness being summoned, as she is the wife of the prisoner.
Su Señoría tengo una gravísima objeción. La fiscalía no puede citar a este testigo. Es la esposa del acusado.
My wife is sitting right here and she too could tell you how it was all arranged by our parents ln that regard, our young couple today is very lucky l truly envy them
Mi esposa, aquí presente, también se acuerda. Todo lo arreglaron nuestros padres. En cambio, estos jóvenes se enamoraron por azar.
The girl I introduced you to, she is going to be my wife. Please, be kind and follow me.
Usted pretende quitarme algo que es mío desde hace tiempo, y si mis ilusiones no me engañan para toda la vida.
Oh, here she is- - my wife, Ms. Van Gorder, Ms. Allen.
Mi esposa, la Srta. Van Gorder, y la Srta. Allen.
He has covered my wife with suckers a hundred leeches sucked her blood, but she her condition is the same.
ha puesto cien sanguijuelas a que Ia chupen y ella sigue igual.
Mr. Olderberry, I think you should know, my wife and I are absolutely convinced that Jean's story is true, that your father did behave exactly the way she said he did.
Sr. Olderberry, creo que debería saberlo. Mi esposa y yo estamos convencidos de que Jean dice la verdad,... y de que su padre se comportó tal y como ella dice.
she is my sister 22
she is very beautiful 18
she is beautiful 76
she is fine 24
she is pretty 34
she is mine 31
she isn't 158
she is 1880
she is hot 33
she is amazing 19
she is very beautiful 18
she is beautiful 76
she is fine 24
she is pretty 34
she is mine 31
she isn't 158
she is 1880
she is hot 33
she is amazing 19
she is my daughter 29
she is nice 18
she is a woman 24
she is crazy 20
she isn't here 44
she is not here 20
she is not 72
she is good 37
she is dead 73
she is gone 33
she is nice 18
she is a woman 24
she is crazy 20
she isn't here 44
she is not here 20
she is not 72
she is good 37
she is dead 73
she is gone 33
she is right 38
she isn't dead 20
she is alive 24
she is here 40
she is sick 17
she is now 20
she is great 21
my wife 1458
my wife and i 71
my wife left me 55
she isn't dead 20
she is alive 24
she is here 40
she is sick 17
she is now 20
she is great 21
my wife 1458
my wife and i 71
my wife left me 55