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She likes it traduction Espagnol

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- I think she likes it.
- Hombre 2 : Creo que le gusta.
I tried to stop her but she likes it better home.
Le he insistido que se quedara,... pero prefiere su pueblo.
Have a lot of it,'cause she likes it.
Ponga mucho porque le encanta.
Lord Bothwell protects her and she likes it
- Lord Bothwell la protege. - A ella le gusta. - ¡ Mientes!
I wonder how she likes it now, being ordered about by an ex-chorus girl.
Me pregunto cómo le cae recibir órdenes de una ex-corista.
Ok, Miss Jones, then, if she likes it better that way.
Bueno, Srta. Jones, entonces, si lo prefiere de ésta manera.
I think she likes it.
Por Io visto, hasta Ie gusta.
She likes it with us here.
A ella si le gusta estar aquí.
Sophie wallows in the gutter because she likes it. A blind person could see that.
Sophie vive en los bajos fondos porque le gusta.
She likes it.
Le gusta.
- Yeah, she likes it.
- Le gusta.
- But I wouldn't want her to stay unless she likes it out here.
- Pero sólo si a ella le gusta y quiere quedarse aquí.
She likes it.
A ella le gusta.
If she likes it, she'll introduce it next week.
Si a ella le gusta, la presentará la otra semana.
But she likes it here!
¡ Pero ella quiere quedarse aquí! Ven, siéntate.
She likes it.
Jefe, mira. Le gusta.
[Giles] I wonder how she likes it now, being ordered about by an ex-chorus girl.
Qué sentirá al recibir órdenes de una corista.
- You want to tickle Esther? She likes it.
- ¿ Quiere hacerle cosquillas?
She likes it.
- Le gusta.
I used to have a bottle of cognac. But my wife, she likes it. She drank it up herself.
Teníamos una botella de coñac, pero a mi mujer le gusta, se la bebió ella sola.
She doesn't say she likes it...
Ella no dice que le guste...
She says she likes it fine.
Dice que le gusta.
Let her try writing 600 letters a day by hand and see how she likes it.
Deja que escriba 600 cartas al día a mano y veremos si le gusta.
I brought Mrs. Halliday all the way downtown just to make sure she likes it.
Traje a mi esposa hasta aquí para asegurarme de que le gustara.
She likes it there.
Aquello le gusta.
And when I have succeeded I'll introduce Elizabeth to science and see how she likes it.
Y cuando lo logre le enseñaré a Elizabeth el mundo científico para ver si le gusta.
She likes it.
Le gusta beber.
Not if she likes it.
Si a ella le gusta, no.
But you know her, so you must know if she likes it.
Pero Ud. que la conoce, sabrá si le gusta o no le gusta.
- I hope she likes it.
- Espero que a ella le guste.
Yeah, she likes it.
It means she likes things that are small, cute, and funny.
Significa que le gustan las cosas pequeñas, lindas y divertidas.
That chambermaid you asked about likes it so well she won't touch any other.
Su camarera sólo bebe eso.
- Because she knows he likes it.
- Porque sabe que le gusta.
She's roomed with us for over three years and likes it.
Se aloja con nosotros desde hace más de tres años y le gusta.
It'll kill him if she likes that piece.
Como le guste la obra, se muere.
and in a way I sometimes find frightening daughters always have a crush on their fathers and we are only too glad to accept it for instance, I let my daughter call me Zeus or Wotan as much as she likes
Sí, de una manera a veces que a veces me da miedo. ¡ Las hijas generalmente sienten predilección por sus padres! Y a menudo estamos muy contentos con ello.
Even though Mother was against it at first now she likes her very much like me
Incluso tu madre se oponía al principio, y ahora le gusta más que a mí.
It isn't every day a woman is free and meets a man she likes.
No todos los días una mujer es libre y conoce a un hombre que le gusta.
Your Highness it is my duty to free the theatre from the general contempt very well, she may ennoble the theatre as much as she likes
Su Alteza es mi deber liberar al teatro del desprecio general muy bien, ella puede ennoblecer el teatro cuanto quiera
If you went to Hollywood and told Miss Linda how much you loves her, and misses her, and told her that the way a lady likes to hear it told, I'll bet you she'd be the quickest ex-movie star that ever exed.
Si fuera a decirle a la Srta. Linda cuánto la quiere... y la extraña, y todo lo que le gusta oír a una chica... apuesto a que se convertiría en una ex estrella de cine en un segundo.
My dear Lestrade, if we are to set a trap for this femme fatale I see no reason why we shouldn't bait it with the kind of food she likes?
Querido Lestrade, si pretendemos poner una trampa a esa mujer fatal ¿ por qué no usar como cebo la comida que prefiere?
It's Zofia Koslowska, and she likes me because she thinks I helped her through a most awful and tragic loneliness.
Se llama Zofia Koslowska y le caigo bien porque cree que la ayudé en un período de extrema y trágica soledad.
She likes it fine.
Va bien.
We bathe at my house but, sometimes, Leo forgets, as she likes comfort, she doesn't deal with it.
¡ En mi casa la bañera funciona!
If she likes you, you'll find it out.
Si le gustas, lo notarás.
It seems she likes me, Gaston.
Ningún hombre puede tener secretos con su valet.
She likes the candy that is stuck to it.
Le gusta el caramelo que hay pegado.
I hate to admit it, Sergio, but I think she only likes you.
Me disgusta admitirlo, Sergio, pero creo que se ha fijado en ti.
She likes smoothing your fevered brow, but it won't last.
Verá romántico mimar a un guerrero herido, - pero no por mucho tiempo.
If she likes your script, I throw it away.
Si a ella le gusta su guión, lo tiraré.

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