She tell you that traduction Espagnol
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And why did she tell you that, particularly?
¿ Y por qué te dijo eso en particular?
Did she tell you that?
¿ Ella le dijo eso?
Is that what you want me to tell your mother when she asks me why you're dead?
¿ Es eso lo que quieres que le diga tu madre cuando me pregunte, por qué estás muerto?
I can't tell you that for I fear Miss Ruby would be cross with me and she said to tell no-one.
No puedo decirlo porque tengo miedo de que Srta. Ruby se enoje conmigo, y ella dijo que no se lo contara a nadie.
When you tell a teenage girl that she can't have something, she's gonna want it even more.
Cuando le dices a una adolescente que no puede tener algo, lo va a querer mucho más.
Well, I just don't think it's gonna do any good to tell haddie that she can't see Alex, you know.
Bueno, creo que no le va a hacer ningún bien decirle a Haddie que no puede ver más a Alex, sabes.
Or didn't she neglect to tell you that?
¿ O descuidó decirte eso?
Okay. Uh, would you please tell Morning that she is not a lesbian any more.
Bien, harías el favor de decirle a Morning de que no sigue siendo lesbiana.
and I can tell you that it's time for her, and that she is all that matters to me.
barco sin cobertura. Y no puedo decir que sí la necesito, y que lo único que me importa es ella.
When Sarah came to see me and introduced herself as Nora Walker's daughter, for a split second, I was afraid she was there to tell me that you had died.
Cuando Sara vino a verme y se presentó como hija de Nora Walker, por una fracción de segundo, tuve miedo estaba allí para decirme que habías muerto.
Well, honey, I got to tell you, you know, she's got to learn that there's a set of rules that everybody has to follow.
Bueno, cariño, tengo que decirte, sabes, ella tiene que aprender que hay un juego de reglas que todos tenemos que seguir
Why did you tell her that her dad hit her mom and she had a miscarriage?
¿ Por qué le dijo que yo golpeo a su madre y que por eso abortó?
And you and I both know That he is never gonna tell me where she is.
Y ambas sabemos que él nunca me dirá dónde está.
That's the only thing I can think of - that she wanted to tell you about me.
Es la única cosa que puedo pensar, que ella quería decirle sobre mí.
You could stand here, and when everyone comes in, you can just tell them that she screwed up and there isn't gonna be a party.
Tu podrías estar aquí, y cuando todo el mundo venga, Puedes decirles que ella lo ha arruinado. y no va a haber ninguna fiesta.
You know, I kept thinking that I was gonna tell Ellie all the details about her mother, how she was adopted, how she became my daughter, and I just never could find the right time.
, siempre he pensado en contarle a Ellie todos los detalles sobre su madre, cómo la adopté, cómo se convirtió en mi hija, pero nunca encuentro el momento.
Okay, I don't know what the rules are where you come from, but here on Earth, if you tell that to your girlfriend, she's just gonna run you over with her car.
De acuerdo, no se cómo serán las reglas de donde tú vienes, pero aquí en la tierra, si le dices eso a tu novia, te va a atropellar con su coche.
Uh, just tell them she had a medical emergency, you know, that, uh, you had to take her to another room for tests... X-rays.
Solo diles que tuvo una emergencia médica, ya sabes, que la tuviste que llevar a otra sala, para otros tests... rayos X.
We could stand here all day, and she wouldn't tell you that.
Podrías tirarnos aquí todo el día y ella jamás se lo diría.
She didn't tell you about that either?
¿ No te dijo sobre eso tampoco?
You can't tell me that you don't care if she gets hurt.
Usted no puede decirme que no me importa si se lastima.
And things that she can tell me, you know, what I'm doing wrong.
Y las cosas que ella me puede decir, ya sabes, lo que estoy
I'll tell you what... maybe I can get Mrs. LeBlanc to paint your nails like she did that one time.
Te diré algo... quizás consiga que la señora LeBlanc te pinte las uñas como hizo aquella vez
Kate, um, julia has something That she would like to tell you.
Kate, Julia tiene algo que le gustaría decirte.
They said that this old lady worked at the fair, that she was some kind of a fortune teller or something, but she could only tell you one thing, something you didn't want to hear.
Dijeron que esta vieja mujer que trabajaba en la feria, era algún tipo de adivina o algo, pero que solo podía decirte una cosa, algo que no querrías oir.
She could only tell you the last thing that you'd ever see before you died.
Solo podía decirte la última cosa que verías antes de morir.
Did she tell you, specifically, what upset her that night?
¿ Le dijo de forma específica por qué estaba disgustada esa noche?
But if you call her and tell her that, she'll be even angrier with you for ignoring her boundaries.
Pero si le llamas y se lo dices estará más molesta contigo por ignorar sus límites.
- Can you tell me where marnie may have gone the afternoon that she disappeared?
- ¿ Podría decirme a dónde pudo ir Marnie la tarde que desapareció?
- You cannot tell her that she doesn't need a lawyer.
No puedes decirle que no necesita un abogado.
And anything that she says after you tell her
Y todo lo que diga después de que tú le dijeses
All I can tell you is that she's a customer.
No. Lo único que puedo decirle es que ella es un cliente.
You know, if you and I are Madison's friends, we would go over there and tell her dad that she's lying about this guy.
Tú sabes, si tú y yo somos amigas de Madison, deberiamos ir allí y contarle a su padre que ella está mintiendo sobre ese chico.
She should be back soon. Uh, can you tell her that Patty stopped by?
¿ Puedes decirle que Patty ha pasado por aquí?
Jack called to tell me that Adrian is inviting you and me to be in her wedding, and she wants you to walk down the aisle with Tom, and she wants me to walk down the aisle with Jack.
Jack me llamó para decirme que Adrián nos invita a estar en su boda, y quiere que tu camines por el pasillo con Tom, y quiere que yo vaya con Jack
Besides, she's already in love with you, and she had your baby. Are you gonna tell the woman who had your baby that you're not in love with her and you're never gonna marry her?
Además, ella ya está enamorada de ti, y ella tuvo tu bebé. le vas a decir a la mujer que tuvo tu bebé que no estás enamorada de ella y nunca te vas a casar con ella?
I'm sure she'll be reasonable if you tell her firmly and decisively that you want out.
Estoy seguro de que será razonable si le dice firmemente y con decisión que quiere escapar.
I just want you to tell Aunt Mel that my outfit was a huge hit and she did a great job with the lipstick.
Sólo quiero que le digas a tía Mel que mi conjunto fue un gran éxito y que hizo un gran trabajo con la barra de labios.
She's gonna tell you if you're flat, and she's gonna tell you if you're sharp, and that is a good thing, because it's the only way you're gonna improve.
Ella te dirá si es aburrido o si lo estás haciendo bien
♪ she's so beautiful ♪... ♪ and I tell her every day ♪... ♪ when I see your face ♪... ♪ there's not a thing that I would change ♪... ♪'cause you're amazing ♪...
* cuando veo tu cara * * no hay nada que yo cambiase *
Did she also tell you that her uncle was a detective?
¿ Te dijo también que su tío erá detective?
I got to tell you, that pithing cause of death she discovered, that was a once-in-a-career catch.
Tengo que decirte, que esa descabellada causa de la muerte que descubrió, Esa es una oportunidad que solo se da una vez en la carrera
I'm not, but if I were, I'd tell you that Adrian wanted to invite every girl I've ever slept with to her shower just so she could show them how much better her life is without me,
Yo no, pero si lo estuviera, te diría que Adrian quería invitar a cada chica con la que yo me he acostado a su fiesta y así ella podría enseñarles cuanto mejor es su vida sin mi, a la vez que mostraba a Amy, con cuantas chicas me he acostado,
This is gonna be one of those things that we tell our daughter about when she's older, you know?
Ésta va a ser una de esas cosas que contaremos a nuestra hija cuando ella sea mayor, ¿ sabes?
You tell Neha that she's troubling us?
¿ Y le dices a Neha que nos preocupa?
And maybe I'm overstepping when I say this, but I think, in this case, she would have wanted you to hold your advice and just tell her that she was doing fine. - Janie.
Y tal vez me sobrepase diciendo esto, pero creo que, en este caso, ella tal vez quisiera que mantuviera su consejo y solo le dijeras que todo va a ir bien.
She was taken by ambulance to the Royal Oldham at 6.15 this morning but I'm very sorry to have to tell you that she died shortly after.
La llevaron en ambulancia al Royal Oldham a las 6 : 15 de la mañana pero siento mucho decirle que murió poco después.
Anyway, she went in the ambulance, but she's on her way back, and she wanted me to tell you that she intends to cooperate fully with the investigation.
Ella se marchó en la ambulancia pero regresará, y me pidió que les comunicara que ella les brindará toda su ayuda en la investigación.
Then she can tell you that I wasn't.
Entonces ella podrá decirles que yo no estuve aquí esa noche.
- you might be the father of Judith and Herb's baby, you didn't tell your late brother that the woman he was chasing was married to a mannequin because she gave you $ 50,000 to keep it a secret.
No le dijiste a tu tardio hermano que la mujer que el perseguía estaba casada con un maniquí Por que ella te dio $ 50.000 para que le guardaras el secreto
Did I tell you that she, um... She plays soccer for school?
¿ Te dije que ella... juega fútbol para la escuela?
she told me 344
she told me everything 40
she tried 35
she tried to kill me 33
she turned me down 20
she turned 16
she told you 103
she texted me 29
she threatened me 21
she told me that 29
she told me everything 40
she tried 35
she tried to kill me 33
she turned me down 20
she turned 16
she told you 103
she texted me 29
she threatened me 21
she told me that 29