Sitting there traduction Espagnol
6,305 traduction parallèle
About 20 minutes into the flight, we're just sitting there, we're laughing, and the flight attendant, she starts coming down the aisle with the little cart.
A los 20 minutos, estábamos ahí sentados, riéndonos, y la azafata empezó a acercarse con el carro de comida.
I went to put the mail out, and it was just sitting there.
- No lo sé. Fui a buscar el correo, y estaba ahí sentada.
Wh- - And it's just sitting there?
¿ Y está ahí?
You're supposed to be my mate and you're sitting there with your thumb up your ass while they take the piss out of me.
Usted debe estar conmigo en esto. Quédate ahí y no hacer nada mientras tomar uno con mi cara.
You're sitting there with your thumb up your arse while they take the piss out of me.
Estás aquí sentado callado mientras ellos se meten conmigo.
I want you to imagine her sitting there right now.
Ahora quiero que te la imagines sentada aquí mismo.
The device was just sitting there in the middle of the kitchen like we were supposed to see it.
El dispositivo estaba justo ahí en el medio de la cocina como si se suponía que lo viéramos.
His computer was just sitting there, logged in to the main system.
Su ordenador estaba allí, conectado al sistema principal.
Está tan quieto, como el agua en ese tanque.
Sitting there? in Paris, looking out, and still writing in his notebook.
Sentado allí, en París, con vistas, y sigue escribiendo en su cuaderno.
You know, I set aside 40 bucks a week to take out potential lady friends, so I had about 8 grand just sitting there.
Ya sabes, separé 40 dólares a la semana para salir con algunas potenciales amigas, así que tuve como unos 80 mil dólares estando solo sentado.
Look, Toby's college fund is just sitting there.
Mira, el fondo de la universidad de Toby esta justo ahí.
And then she started crying about something else, and then we're all sitting there, like, weeping.
Y empezó a llorar por no sé qué otra cosa, y entonces estábamos todos aquí sentados llorando.
You've been sitting there since I left this morning.
Has estado ahí sentado desde que me fui esta mañana.
And you're not sitting there!
¡ Y no te vas a sentar ahí!
And this is your thing, is it, sitting there like a pudding?
Y lo tuyo es esto, ¿ no, sentarte ahí como un pudin?
Him just sitting there, in his recliner.
Él ahí sentado, en su sillón reclinable.
Swan, that man sitting there... you don't know him.
Swan, ese hombre que está ahí sentado... no le conoces.
You've been sitting there for like and hour, and you've only done one lip.
Has estado sentada ahí por casi una hora, y sólo has hecho un labio.
No, anyway... We're sitting there and it was...
En fin, estábamos sentados ahí y entonces...
I was just walking by the conference room, and I saw Max Pollard sitting there all by himself.
Estaba caminando por el salón de conferencias, y vi a Max Pollard sentado allí solo.
Well, I'm enjoying my first dinner out and I'm sitting there with my fork in one hand and my shiv in the other.
Bueno, estoy disfrutando de mi primera cena fuera y estoy sentado allí con el tenedor en una mano y mi navaja en la otra.
Hey, no, at least Wilson had the guts to ask me, and you were all just sitting there, staring at my ass like scared little schoolgirls.
Hey, no, por lo menos Wilson tuvo las agallas de preguntarme que, y que eran todos allí sentado, mirarme el culo como pequeñas colegialas asustados.
I walked into a house, thought I'd see, you know, milk and cookies sitting there.
Entré a una casa, pensé que vi leche y galletas.
Why is it still sitting there?
¿ Por qué sigue ahí?
The idea that I have a boner and you have a boner and he has a boner and we're all sitting there with boners in our pants...
La idea de que se me pare, a ti se te pare a él se le pare, y que nos sentemos con el pito parado...
So she's sitting there on the conference table Indian-style in a dress and boots like some kind of perverted kindergarten teacher and she says, " Well, thank you, Robert.
Y allí está ella sentada en la mesa de la sala de conferencias, al estilo indio, con un vestido y botas como si fuera una especie de profesora de guardería pervertida y dice, "Buenos, gracias, Robert."
And he's just sitting there like...
Sentado así...
And then there's me, just sitting in a diner on the border of town looking for a way to get our home back.
Y luego estoy yo, sentado en un restaurante en la frontera de la ciudad buscando una manera de volver a casa
Um, I'd like to dedicate this song to my wife who's sitting right over there in 1976.
Hola, um, quiero dedicar esta canción a mi esposa. quién se sento justo allí en 1976.
Hey, uh, there's a Brendan Fraser DVD just sitting in a bush outside.
Oye, hay un DVD de Brendan Fraser fuera tirado en un arbusto.
I want you to imagine a ten-year-old version of yourself sitting right there on this coach.
Quiero que te imagines a tí misma con diez años. Sentada en este mismo sillón.
Raylan, if I walk in there to see Darryl and you guys are sitting out front in your van, he's gonna smell it on me. - We hear anything, we go in.
- Si oímos algo, entramos.
I was like a sitting duck in there. How could you let this happen?
Fui presa fácil, ¿ cómo pudo permitirlo?
Because they got to get out, or else there'd be no monthly adventures of your favorite superheroes, or else they'd just be sitting around because joker's still in jail.
Porque se tienen que escapar, o si no no habría aventuras mensuales de tus superhéroes favoritos, o estarían todo el día por ahí sentados porque el Joker sigue en la cárcel.
You know he's just sitting out there waiting.
Está sentado fuera esperando.
It was eating me up inside, that I was sitting in that jail cell rotting while Morgan was out there free as a bird.
Me comía por dentro, que yo estuviera pudriéndome en esa celda mientras que Morgan estaba fuera libre como un pájaro.
There's a man sitting in a car in the parking lot where I work.
Un hombre en un coche en el parking del trabajo.
Oh, why are you sitting there? Welcome!
¿ Qué hacéis aquí?
Why are you sitting there?
¿ Qué haces aquí sentado?
Um... maybe one of them mothery ones sitting down over there.
Tal vez una de esas tan maternales sentadas ahí.
Why's he sitting over there?
- ¿ Por qué se ha sentado allí?
This man was sitting at a corner table in his restaurant, the very same place he was sitting the last time I was there.
Este hombre estaba sentado en una mesa en la esquina de su restaurante, en el mismo sitio en el que estaba sentado la última vez que fui.
There are going to be challenges ahead, of course there are, but we are fortunate enough to be sitting at the centre of the greatest broadcasting organisation, arguably one of the greatest ideas in the world.
No va a haber problemas por delante, por supuesto, hay, pero tenemos la suerte estar sentado en el centro de la mayor difusión organización, sin duda uno de los más grandes las ideas que existen.
Instead of just sitting over there staring off into cyberspace.
En lugar de estar sentada con la mirada perdida en el ciberespacio.
I just came to tell you that my friend sitting over there... She thinks you're the most good-looking man in this bar.
Solo vine a decirles que mi amiga, la que está sentada allá... piensa que eres el hombre más guapo de este bar.
Beth solano--she's been sitting there for an hour.
Mrs. Johanssen from next door called and said there was a broad-shouldered, blazered man sitting on Maggie's porch.
La Sra. Johanssen de la casa de al lado ha llamado y ha dicho que había un hombre de espalda ancha con bazer sentado en el porche de Maggie.
It was sitting on one of the bags trying to get at whatever was in there.
Estaba sobre una de las bolsas, intentando sacar lo que contenia.
There's a mountain of it sitting in there unopened.
Hay una montaña de él todavía sin abrir.
They've been sitting in there all day.
Han estado allí todo el día.
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there is no such thing 30
there it is 2912
there aren't 60
there's no way 389
there's nothing to see here 35
there's nothing to it 48
there's nothing here 275
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there is no such thing 30
there it is 2912
there aren't 60
there's no way 389
there's nothing to see here 35
there's nothing to it 48
there's nothing here 275