Six of them traduction Espagnol
783 traduction parallèle
Now understand, it took six of them to throw me out.
Entiende, se necesitaron seis tipos para sacarme.
Six of them biggest I...
- Seis de los mayores...
I think the musicians we have will be enough. Six of them placed near the microphone will make more noise than sixty ten kilometres away.
Creo que con los músicos que tenemos será suficiente,... pues seis de ellos cerca del micrófono harán más ruido que 60 a 10 kilómetros de distancia.
- Yeah, and there's six of them, too.
$ 1 cada uno. - Sí, y son seis.
Strangers are carrying dynamite over the Amur state border - six of them are Russians ; two are not.
Los extraños están llevando dinamita hacia la frontera del Estado Amur - - seis de ellos son rusos, y dos no lo son.
- Six of them.
- Seis de ellos.
- Six of them, poor kids.
- Seis, pobres chicos.
There were about six of them. Six or seven of them?
Eran unas seis. ¿ Eran seis o siete?
Six of them are reputable citizens
6, son ciudadanos respetables.
Six of them, all by hanging.
Seis de ellos, todos colgados.
Except all six of them were on the Savaard jury.
Excepto que todos ellos estaban en el jurado de Savaard.
All six of them have been sent back home.
A las 6 me las han devuelto vivas al corral.
You're dealing with Silvio - the pride of the air force - who has to his credit 19 planes shot out from under him... six of them bombers.
Están tratando con Silvio, el orgullo de las fuerzas armadas, quien logró derribar 19 aeroplanos, uno detrás de otro, seis de ellos bombarderos.
Six of them were strangers to us.
Seis de ellos eran extraños.
Six of them!
¡ Cuatro, cinco, no, seis de ellos!
- they were delivered all six of them. - Yes, yes but to whom?
Que entregamos los seis.
Six of them.
Seis de ellos.
But there are six of them.
- ¡ Son seis!
Yeah, six of them.
Sí, tres para cada uno.
Just six of them. An evening sport.
Fue una práctica nocturna.
There were five or six of them.
Eran 5 o 6.
Thirty-two people had had contact with her, and within four days, before the disease could be correctly diagnosed and contained, twenty-six of them had died, and they died suddenly, violently and horribly.
Treinta y dos personas tuvieron contacto con ella... y, en cuatro días, antes de diagnosticar y controlar la enfermedad... veintiséis de ellos murieron repentina, violenta y atrozmente.
In the morning, six of them lay dead.
Por la mañana, seis de ellos yacían muertos.
Today at noon, six of them will be lined up against a wall in the square where our men were murdered.
Hoy a mediodía, seis de ellos serán llevados al paredón en la plaza... donde asesinaron a nuestros hombres.
Take any six of them, my wife included throw them up in the air.
Tome seis, incluyendo a mi esposa láncelas al aire.
Yeah... six of them.
Si... Seis de ellos.
There's six of them with the same message...
Hay seis con el mismo mensaje : "Porque lo prometí".
- I found out that six of them had been friends of Mr. Stanford White. - Hmm.
Averigüé que seis de ellos fueron amigos del Sr. Stanford White.
I scouted for six of them.
Fui explorador seis años.
Six hours later, most of the people in the queue learned that there was not enough meat for them.
Seis horas más tarde, la mayor parte de la gente de la cola sabía que no quedaba carne para ellos.
If I had the price, I'd been outside of six stacks of them already. - Oh.
Señora, si tuviera dinero ya me habría zampado seis docenas.
You get one out of six for taking care of them.
Se gana uno de cada seis por cuidarlos.
Whoever brings them back... will be given a reward of six weeks furlough.
¡ Los que den con su paradero tendrán 6 semanas de permiso!
Give me six more, and keep track of them.
Dame seis más, y lleva la cuenta.
Well, I'm out here, and it ain't gonna do them Daltons no good... if you shoot one of my six horses!
¡ Pues yo estoy aquí, y los Dalton no saldrán beneficiados... si Uds. les disparan a mis caballos!
Once there were six of us. Now I represent them all.
Antes éramos seis, ahora los represento a todos.
No. Just six of them.
No, sólo son seis.
For six months, a mere handful of them have held the palace... against the whole of Egypt's armed forces.
Durante seis meses, un puñado de ellos mantuvo a salvo el palacio.
After six months one of them's lucky.
Después de seis meses, uno tiene suerte.
I've got six baskets of them.
Ya llevo seis canastas.
One of them contained six bottles of whisky.
Contenían seis botellas de whisky.
Go down to Porter's hardware store and get six of them.
Ve a la tienda de Porter y tráeme seis.
They're only taking six reporters, Phyl, and you're one of them.
Sólo irán 6 perioditas, Phyl, tú eres una de ellos.
In those six miles there's probably thousand of guys and every one of them was taught to shoot at uniforms like this.
Ud. sabe muy bien que en esas seis millas puede haber miles de soldados,... entrenados para disparar contra uniformes como estos.
This effort began six months ago in Portoverto, where we were all to board the ship for Africa. And they were my... associates, In a quest for uranium, an element not one of them knew the first thing about except they'd heard you could get dough for it.
Esa empresa comenzó hace 6 meses en Portoverto, donde íbamos a tomar un barco para África, y ellos eran mis... socios en la búsqueda de uranio, un elemento del que ninguno sabía una palabra, excepto que habían oído que se podía sacar pasta con él.
You offer them a fortune for a few coconuts and they refuse to work yet they go out and kill themselves for six pieces of stone.
Les ofreces una fortuna por algunos cocos y rehúsan trabajar. Sin embargo, salen y se matan por seis pedazos de piedra.
Anyway, there I stood halfway around the world from Hollywood and Vine in a little graveyard near Rapallo, Italy watching them bury the Contessa Torlato-Favrini in ground she'd never heard of six months ago with a stone statue to mark the spot
Da igual, lo cierto es que ahí estaba yo a medio mundo de distancia de Hollywood y Vine en un pequeño cementerio, cerca de Rapallo, Italia viéndoles enterrar a la condesa Torlato-Favrini en una tierra de la que ella ni había oído hablar seis meses antes con una estatua de piedra indicando el lugar
Not that I placed any evil construction on it then... but now I find myself quite unable... to continue thinking of them as two young music lovers... listening steadily to the phonograph for something like six weeks.
No digo que lo haya interpretado como algo malo entonces... pero ya no puedo seguir considerándolos... dos amantes de la música que escucharon el fonógrafo seis semanas.
Fifty six, you owe me thirty of them.
Apuesto a que me debes más de la mitad.
All of them threw away a four-by-six inch scrap of yellow paper.
Todos tiraron un pedazo de papel amarillo.
They were paroles, and we fought for six years to earn them, those of us who were still around.
Libertades provisionales, y luchamos seis años para conseguirlas. Los que quedábamos.
six of one 24
of them 508
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
of them 508
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17