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Sixth grade traduction Espagnol

626 traduction parallèle
Now that she's in the sixth grade, however, she has to put more effort into her studies.
No obstante, ahora está en sexto grado, tiene que esforzarse más en sus estudios.
We're not kids out of the sixth grade.
No somos chicos recién salidos de sexto grado.
You can go while in the sixth grade, right?
Puedes ir en sexto grado, ¿ vale?
When you were in the sixth grade, at summer camp, she left that behind.
Cuando estabas en sexto grado, en el campamento de verano, ella dejó esto.
I never got past the sixth grade.
Yo nunca pasé de sexto grado.
You was in the sixth grade at eight and a half?
¿ Estaba en sexto con ocho años y medio?
It's your first day in the sixth grade
Es tu primer día en sexto curso.
You never went past the sixth grade. It was probably the fourth grade because you said it was the sixth.
No pasaste de 6º grado, que probablemente sería 4º.
All right, the sixth grade, but there's nothing wrong with your arithmetic.
- Bueno, 6º. No vas mal de aritmética.
Through sixth grade.
En sexto grado.
Well, I've been in the sixth grade, I think five times now, that's right.
Bueno, cursé sexto grado cinco veces, creo.
To the sixth grade?
Para el sexto grado?
A climber on a rock face that has exceeded the sixth grade.
Un escalador en una vertical que ha superado un paso de sexto grado.
That lady taught me all through Sunday School... and in the sixth grade.
Fue mi maestra de catecismo y de sexto grado.
Remember that, Ez, back in sixth grade?
¿ Te acuerdas del sexto grado, Ez?
He's in the sixth grade.
Está en sexto grado.
Obviously, Mrs. Seward has never taken any big steps outside of the sixth grade.
Se nota que la Sra. Seward se pasa la vida en el colegio.
I went to school - to age of school - I've got part of the sixth grade... because Daddy got eight dollars and somethin'a shift.
Volví al colegio... a la edad escolar... Empecé en sexto grado... porque papá ganaba ocho dólares en cada turno.
For sixth grade Choperena, recently added, with 10 votes.
De sexto, Choperena, últimamente agregado, con 10 votos.
I wish everyone could smoke but I don't think it's advisable for the health of the littlest ones, so those from sixth grade and pre-college may smoke during break.
Me gustaría que pudiesen fumar todos pero no creo que fuera conveniente para la salud de los más pequeños, así que podrán hacerlo durante los recreos los de sexto y los de preuniversitario.
Here, three kids in the sixth grade beat their teacher up.
Tres niños de sexto grado le dieron una paliza a su maestra.
Do you won the match against sixth grade?
Ganaron el partido contra sexto?
Marvin, that was in the sixth grade!
¡ En el sexto grado!
Since then, it's moved up to the sixth grade. Is that it?
Desde entonces, se fue para el 6to grado. ¿ Es eso?
Well, I did have a crush on Pamela Browning in the sixth grade.
Bueno, estaba loco por Pamela Browning en el sexto grado.
Queen of the sixth grade, or fifth. Fourth, maybe.
La reina de sexto, quinto, o quizá incluso cuarto.
He's given up everybody he's known since the sixth grade.
Ya delató a todos los que conoce desde el sexto grado.
Look, I got my reputation in the sixth grade.
Mira, adquirí esta reputación en el sexto año.
If he'd gone beyond the sixth grade, poor bastard... would know that we were all crooks! I'm not gonna take any bribes.'
No voy a aceptar ningún soborno. "
I got the rep in sixth grade. And it, like, it stuck with me.
Conseguí esa reputación en el sexto grado y no la perdí.
I swear, sixth grade is so bogus, it's a joke.
De veras, sexto grado es tan aburrido. Es un chiste.
If I was in the sixth grade, I would have had a big night.
Si yo estuviera en sexto grado, hubiera sido una noche estupenda.
To convert the sixth grade dual rat and reduce...
Habría que convertir el seis dupIicar Ios ocho y restar...
And the sixth grade...
- EI seis Ie pide a...
Sixth grade. Yeah?
Sexto grado. ¿ Sí?
Yeah, we were in, uh, sixth grade together.
Si, estuvimos juntos en sexto grado.
As early as the sixth grade.
En sexto.
Sixth grade.
Sexto grado.
I helped you with math homework in the sixth grade.
Te ayudé en sexto grado con matemáticas.
My very first time was in the sixth grade.
Mi primera vez fue en el sexto grado.
She was in the sixth grade.
Estaba en sexto grado.
We were in the sixth grade together.
Fueron juntos a 6to grado.
They wanted to move me into high school out of the sixth grade because I was supposed to be this big genius.
Querían hacerme pasar al instituto cuando estaba en sexto porque según ellos yo era un genio.
- I got that in camp in sixth grade.
- La supe en el campamento de sexto grado.
I beg you, let him finish sixth grade
Iván Ivanocich, se lo ruego. Deje que acabe sexto grado.
The one you were in love with in sixth grade?
¿ De la que estas enamorado desde sexto grado?
As a matter of fact, I never got past the sixth grade.
No sirvo para nada como no tenga una cubierta bajo los pies.
But, then around about sixth or seventh grade, it became real obvious that we weren't boys and we were never gonna go to ranger school.
Pero en sexto o séptimo grado... resultó evidente que no éramos varones... que nunca iríamos a la escuela de policías montados.
You're not talking to your sixth-grade teacher, you know.
No le estás hablando a tu maestra de 6º grado, ¿ sabes?
He reads at a sixth-grade level and he's majoring in detention.
Lee como un chico de sexto grado y es un experto en castigos.
The kid had about a sixth-grade reading level.
Tenía un nivel de lectura de sexto grado.

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