Speaking of that traduction Espagnol
1,372 traduction parallèle
Yeah, well, speaking of that, I had hoped to control some of these costs. But now that we're paying more for immediacy you'll have to offset that by either laying off three senior nurses and hiring new grads or canceling x - ray and lab service after 10 p. m.
Hablando de eso, pensaba que podría correr con los gastos pero tenemos que pagar por esta urgencia tendrás que compensarlo echando a tres enfermeras con antigüedad y contratando a recién graduados o cerrando rayos X después de las 22 : 00.
Speaking of that, how's Chloe's paper coming along?
Hablando de eso, ¿ cómo está saliendo el trabajo de Chloe?
Well, you know speaking of that h-how how how booked is the cruise?
Hablando de eso. ¿ Va muy lleno el crucero?
Speaking of that, i heard you took a shower with the twins.
Hablando de eso, oí que tomaste un baño con las gemelas.
Speaking of that, did not want a promotion?
Ya que hablas de eso, no querías un ascenso?
- Speaking of that...
- Hablando de...
- Speaking of that...
- Sí, de eso hablaba.
"When I said at that terrible seance that you had made a murderess of me, " I was speaking of poor Blanche, who then torments me daily, " and I thought,'Let him think so then...
Cuando dije en aquella sesión que me habías convertido en una asesina... hablaba de la pobre Blanche, cuya muerte me atormenta a diario... y pensé :'Que piense eso pues... si tan poco me conoce'.
Already I passed all the archives of hacker that I have in this thing and we are speaking of serious decoders of passwords.
Ya he pasado todo los archivos de hackers que tengo en esta cosa y estamos hablando de malditos encubridores de contraseñas
Speaking of a lack of confidence... I don't need to remind you that I am putting you on live TV.
Hablando de eso, no necesito recordarte de que estarás en vivo en la TV.
If I see you anywhere near that building, I will personally set fire to your entire life's work. Speaking of which, when am I going to see something new?
Si llego a verlo cerca de ese edificio, personalmente quemaré el trabajo de toda su vida.
We could argue that she's emotionally incapable of bringing up the children... but I'm afraid all of that is, strictly speaking, irrelevant.
Podemos alegar que ella es emocionalmente incapaz de criar a los niños pero me temo que todo eso es estrictamente irrelevante.
And speaking of the screen, I think maybe that's the reason we're here today.
Hablando de eso, por eso estamos aquí hoy.
Cuba, that is, Cuban cinema... was the foundation... of Latin American cinema, economically speaking.
Cuba, o sea, el cine cubano... era un poco el sustento... del cine latinoamericano desde el punto de vista económico.
Because speaking is required in that line of work.
Porque hablar es imprescindible a ese nivel.
Speaking of which, that guy from the other day...
Hablando de, el tío del otro día...
Okay, well, speaking of working together, that guy I saw you with at the crime scene the other night, Is he...
Bien, hablando de trabajar juntos el tipo con el que te vi la otra noche en la escena, ¿ él es...?
Speaking of orbing up there, when do I get to do that?
Hablando de orbitar, ¿ cuándo conseguiré hacerlo bien?
Speaking of idiots... that cannot be right.
Hablando de idiotas... esto no puede estar bien
You appear to have back-doored into a part of the game that, technically speaking, shouldn't even exist.
Tu pareces tener una puerta trasera a una parte del juego, que, técnicamente hablando, ni siquiera debería existir
But that's not the war I'm speaking of.
Pero esa no es la guerra de la que estoy hablando
Speaking of hot, watching you do that.. really makes me want to have sex with you.
Al hablar de eso, al oírte así siento muchas ganas de hacerlo contigo.
Well, speaking of which, I noticed in Dahlia's records that her last supper was delivered by somebody with the initials H.S.
A propósito, noté en los registros de Dalia que la última persona que le llevó su comida tenía las iniciales H. S.
Speaking of things that are perfectly fine...
Hablando de cosas que están buenas...
Ben, leukaemia is a petty, ugly illness and we'll not dignify it by speaking of it unless absolutely necessary. Is that clear to you?
Ben, la leucemia es una enfermedad horrible y no la vamos a dignificar hablando de ella a menos que sea absolutamente necesario. ¿ Está claro?
Speaking on behalf of the British Catholics, it is obvious that the priest doesn't realise that the Holy Document of Vatican Law cannot be changed!
Hablando en parte de los católicos británicos es obvio que el sacerdote no se da cuenta que el sagrado documento de la ley del Vaticano no puede ser cambiado.
- That's not true. - Speaking of rain, there's supposed to be a hurricane tonight.
- Hablando de lluvia, dicen que esta noche habrá un huracán.
And if that means one of'em has to talk an ex-girlfriend out of their system... Joanie Fisher speaking. ... then so be it.
Si eso significa que uno de ellos tiene que expulsar una ex-enamorada de su sistema... hablando con Joanie Fisher entonces así será.
- Well off the record some of the things that you've brought up the website the idea that I was always speaking to these people through voice mail.... That is, that they were always calling me.... it didn't seem strange before, but clearly there are problems.
- Bueno... lnformalmente algunas de las cosas que ustedes mencionaron la página de lnternet la idea que yo siempre les hablaba a través del contestador o sea, que ellos eran quienes me llamaban.
Speaking of which, it's about that time.
A propósito, ya es hora.
Speaking in Tibetan, the Dalai Lama explains that due to his serious illness he will be unable to preside over the ceremonies, each of which lasts many hours.
El Dalái Lama explica en lengua tibetana que debido a su grave enfermedad no se ve en condiciones de hacerse cargo de las varias horas de presidencia de la ceremonia.
Speaking of nuptials, wait till I tell... the congresswoman that I was invited... to John McCain's nephew's wedding.
Hablando de matrimonios espera que le diga a la congresista que fui invitado a la boda del sobrino de John McCaine.
Speaking of which, did you know that "Citizen Kane" is the biggest practical joke in the world?
Y hablando de eso, ¿ sabías que el Ciudadano Kane es la burla más grande del mundo?
Speaking of which, that thing pecking at your leg, it's just a little cleaner fish.
Hablando de eso, lo que te tocaba la pierna era un pececito limpiador.
And there we sat for four long days speaking of things that changed my understanding of what he did.
Y allí nos sentamos por cuatro largos días. - hablando sobre cosas que cambiaron mi forma de entender su obra.
That, of course, was Chief Moose... of the Montgomery County Police Department... speaking earlier today, emotional... clearly upset over the shooting of a 13-year-old boy in suburban Maryland.
Ese, por supuesto, fue el jefe Charles Moose del departamento de policía del condado de Montgomery hablando temprano hoy, emocionado claramento disgustado por el disparo a un niño de 13 años en los suburbios de Maryland.
- Miss Bristow, Mr Vaughn doesn't know an investigation of this magnitude is taking place. And I will remind you that speaking to him about this is not only a criminal act, but will force us to consider you as a suspect as well.
Srta. Bristow, Sr. Vaughn no sabe que una investigación de tal magnitud está en curso y le recordaré que hablarle sobre esto no es solo un acto criminal sino que además nos obligará a considerarla sospechosa también.
speaking of kids, we should talk about that.
Hablando de niños, deberíamos hablar de eso.
What you don't know is that he did this with the collector's help from within the commonwealth... and speaking of my dear commonwealth, i know you won't help me, because i took rhade from you.
Lo que no sabes es lo que hizo con la ayuda del coleccionista desde dentro de la Comunidad... y hablando de mi querida Comunidad, Sé que no me van a ayudar, porque liberé a Rhade de ti.
Speaking of which, I learned that white people don't use washcloths.
Hablando de lavar, me he dado cuenta que los blancos no usan esponjas.
Speaking of which, do you think eye of newt would work on the woman that's trying to sue me?
Por cierto, ¿ crees que el ojo de tritón funcionaría con la que intenta demandarme?
Speaking of which... I know everything is really great with you and Marie... and I hope it stays that way. But for whatever it's worth...
Y a propósito, ya sé que todo va bien entre Marie y tú, y espero que siga así, pero... si te sirve de algo creo que deberías tener cuidado.
And speaking of the theatre, that night...
Y hablando de teatro, esa noche...
Speaking of falling, I tried the trapeze yesterday for that piece that I'm writing.
Hablando de caídas, ayer me subí al trapecio para mi artículo.
Not that I'm not cool with the whole concept... of corpses speaking to me... but if you were going to ask for my help... now would be the time.
No es que esté bien con esta idea de cadáveres que me hablan pero si vas a pedirme ayuda ahora es el momento.
Speaking of which... She tells me that you're... a real tiger in the sack.
Hablando de eso ella me dice que eres un tigre en la cama.
Speaking of which I checked this stuff out and even though it tastes like sugar, that is cocaine.
A propósito... Examiné bien esta cosa y, aunque sabe a azúcar, sí es cocaína.
Speaking of which, I have more of that airplane guff to attend to.
Y por cierto, tengo algunas "zarandajas" de aviones que atender.
Oh, yes, speaking of good looks, did you notice that young man as you came in?
Y... hablando de buen aspecto ¿ No te fijaste en ese joven al entrar?
So right of perpetual ownership that you will know of which I am speaking.
Así que juro que sabrás de lo que estoy hablando.
You realize of course that you're speaking in the third person. It's a little weird.
Te das cuenta que estas hablando en tercera persona, ¿ verdad?
speaking of which 971
speaking of 385
speaking of money 16
of that i have no doubt 18
of that 53
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
speaking of 385
speaking of money 16
of that i have no doubt 18
of that 53
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830