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Stampy traduction Espagnol

28 traduction parallèle
I think I'm gonna call him Stampy.
Creo que voy a llamarlo Stampy.
Here you go, Stampy.
Aquí tienes, Stampy.
Strip the bark now, Stampy.
Quítale la corteza ahora, Stampy.
Good night, Stampy.
Buenas noches, Stampy.
- Taught Stampy any tricks yet, Bart?
Ya le ensenaste algún truco a Stampy?
You guys don't understand Stampy. He's just like me.
[Skipped item nr. 196]
Stampy's food bill today was $ 300.
La cuenta de comida de hoy de Stampy fue de $ 300.
Lisa, a guy who has lots of ivory is less likely to hurt Stampy... than a guy whose ivory supplies are low.
Lisa, un hombre que tiene mucho marfil es menos probable que lastime a Stampy... que un hombre cuyas reservas de marfil son bajas.
Stampy is my friend.
Stampy es mi amigo.
- Done. I'll be back in the morning to pick up Stampy.
- Volveré a la manana a recoger a Stampy.
Don't worry, Stampy.
No te preocupes, Stampy.
Mom, Dad, Bart and Stampy are gone!
! Mamá, papá, Bart y Stampy se fueron!
Stampy, where are you, boy?
Stampy! Stampy, dónde estás, muchacho?
! Stampy!
Stampy, where are you, boy?
Stampy, dónde estás, muchacho?
Stampy and I are friends.
Stampy y yo somos amigos.
Stampy, quick!
! Stampy, rápido!
Thanks, Stampy.
Gracias, Stampy.
I guess it wouldn't be right to sell Stampy... after he saved my life.
Supongo que no sería correcto vender a Stampy... después de que me salvó la vida.
So long, Stampy.
Adiós, Stampy.
I know you're gonna like it here. No, Stampy, no!
Sé que te gustará estar aquí.
Some of them act badly because they've had a hard life- - Stampy! or have been mistreated.
Algunos actúan mal porque han tenido una vida difícil o los han maltratado.
Welcome to stampy town, population five.
Bienvenido a Sellolandia, habitantes : Cinco.
A rogue elephant, played by my old friend Stampy is about to crush sweet young Milhouse.
Ok, el plan es asi Un elefante salvaje, que es mi viejo amigo Stampy Estara punto de aplastar al dulce joven Milhouse
Then you run up and save the day by saying Stampy's safety word, "magumbo."
Entonces tu, corres y salvas el dia diciendo la palabra de seguridad de Stampy : - MAGAMBOW!
Spencer, the guy with the stampy thing, he's top-drawer.
Spencer, el chico con los sellos, es de primera.
Attaboy, Stampy.
Eso es, Stampy.

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