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Step on it traduction Espagnol

1,544 traduction parallèle
Come on. Step on it.
Vamos, rápido, rápido.
Step on it. Hit-and-run victim, approximately 1 7.
Fue arrollado, como de 17 años.
Step on it. "
Pisa el acelerador ".
Step on it!
Step on it.
Step on it!
! Acelera!
In case he missed the trap the banana skin here will help him to step on it
En caso que no se accione la trampa las pieles de plátano le ayudaran le haran resbalar
Step on it.
Step on it.
Dale al acelerador.
Step on it!
¡ Rápido!
- Step on it, Parks.
- Acelera, Parks.
Don't step on it!
¡ Sin pisárselo!
Candlestick, my man, and step on it.
Candlestick, buen hombre, y aprete el pedal.
Could you step on it a little?
- Sí lo que sea. ¿ Podría acelerar un poco?
- Step on it.
- Acelera.
I told you to step on it.
Tenías que apresurarte.
Step on it!
¡ Pisa fuerte!
Step on it!
¡ Venga!
Step on it.
Step on it.
Step on it. - Get out of my cab.
En carne propia -. ¡ Fuera de mi taxi.
Step on it.
En marcha.
Come on, step on it!
¡ Venga, pisa a fondo!
Step on it, Quill.
Acelera, Quill.
- Thanks. Step on it, huh?
Pisa a fondo, ¿ vale?
- Tell him to step on it.
- Dile que pise a fondo.
Just step on it!
Sólo acelera...
- Yes, step on it, cause the President is coming.
- Si, métale, porque va a venir el Presidente.
Well, step on it, because Prof. Garcetes coming.
Bueno, métale que viene el Prof. Garcete.
And step on it.
Y que sea rápido.
Step on it!
Go on, step on it. Speed it up.
Acelera un poco.
And step on it.
¡ Pisa a fondo!
Step on it!
Ponlo encima!
Step on it, double it, man!
Acelera. Rápido.
Translate that. Step on it.
Traduzcan eso, por favor.
Step on it, folks.
¡ Rápido!
So on your way out tonight, if you step on something flannel and squishy and real little, it could be Al.
Así que si volviendo a casa pisan algo de franela, gomoso y realmente pequeño podría ser AL
Much as it did when the Wayfarer's commander, Scott Keller... took his first historic step on the Red Planet nearly one year ago.
Tal como oasó cuando Scott Keller, el comandante del Wayfarer... dio su orimer oaso histórico en el Planeta Rojo hace un año.
It was as if I could just... step out and walk on the face of it.
Era como si pudiera... salir y caminar por su superficie.
For believe me, if he could step down and stand beside you on your pedestal of shame, it would be better than to
Porque créeme, si él pudiese afrontar junto a ti esta vergüenza, lo preferiría de sobra
There's no blood on the carpet, so it's a step up from the ER.
No hay sangre en el piso como en Urgencias.
Ho, Ho, Ho! It works when you step on the mat.
Habla cuando pisas la alfombra.
Well, I was trying to get to my seat, and I had to step over someone and I kind of got pushed, and it spilled on me.
Bueno, estaba intentando llegar a mi asiento y debía pasar por encima de alguien y como que me empujaron y me lo derramé encima.
Oh come on, step it up, he walked twice as fast as that!
Oh vamos, levante, el caminó el doble de rápido que eso!
This time I hope to make it to the top... attempting to report to all of you... step by step here on the Internet.
Esta vez espero llegar a la cima... intentando informar a todos ustedes... paso a paso aquí en la Internet.
It's okay to step on a mine, it's stepping off that counts.
No pasa nada si pisas una mina, lo que cuenta es bajar de ella.
Step on it.
Now, if you step on that court tonight, it's over.
Ahora, si entras a la cancha, todo habra terminado
It's getting so that decent people can't even go out on the street anymore without scum like you trying to step on whatever's decent in this world.
Es verdad que la gente decente ya no puede ni caminar por la calle sin encontrar gentuza como ustedes dispuesta a pisotearle.
I am taking it a step further, I am telling you that, at this point with you, because I am so attached to you, that every other girl on Earth is not exciting to me, in the slightest.
Lo digo porque estoy tan involucrado contigo que ninguna chica del mundo me excitaría.

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