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Stubbs traduction Espagnol

461 traduction parallèle
I had a friend once. His name was Stubbs.
Solía tener un amigo llamado Stubbs.
Well, folks say that now Stubbs'forehead... is holdin'up the prettiest tombstone in Green Lawn Cemetery.
La gente dice que la frente de Stubbs... mantiene de pie la lápida más bonita del cementerio Green Lawn.
So was Stubbs.
Stubbs también la tenía.
I have this dance engaged with Col. Stubbs.
Tengo este baile prometido al Coronel Stubbs.
- That's old Stubbs.
Kaput. ¿ Doric Star?
- Poor old Stubbs.
- ¡ Pobre Stubbs!
- I'm Stubbs. Doric Star.
Soy Stubbs, "Doric Star".
- Hello, Stubbs.
- Hola Stubbs.
Which half will you have, Stubbs?
¿ Qué parte quiere, Stubbs?
Cheer up, Stubbs.
¿ Le interesan ya las carreras de caballos?
"I would like to see you 1100 today on board flagship."
Ánimo, Stubbs.
Everything's in the file, Mr Stubbs.
Todo está en la carpeta, Sr. Stock.
Stubbs calling Skybase.
Stubbs llamando a Skybase.
Stubbs and Cotton investigating malfunction storage area three.
Stubbs y Cotton investigando mal funcionamiento de área de almacenamiento 3.
What's your view, Stubbs?
¿ Cuál es tu punto de vista, Stubbs?
Sorry about that, Stubbs.
Lo siento, Stubbs.
Stubbs and Cotton, come in.
Aquí el mariscal. Stubbs y Cotton, adelante.
- All right, Stubbs, you know what to do.
Muy bien, Stubbs, ya sabes qué hacer.
Don't be a fool, Stubbs. Can't you see?
No seas tonto, Stubbs. ¿ No lo ves?
I've been chatting with Stubbs.
He estado conversando con Stubbs.
Get me Stubbs and Cotton.
Ponte con Stubbs y Cotton.
Ah, Stubbs and Cotton.
Ah, Stubbs y Cotton.
STUBBS : Ah, there you are.
Ah, ahí está.
STUBBS : Doctor!
¡ Doctor!
Hurry up, Stubbsy!
¡ Date prisa, Stubbs!
- No. Sorry, Stubbs. No, you go.
No, lo siento, Stubbs, no, vaya.
It's me, Stubbs.
Soy yo, Stubbs.
Stubbs, treason.
Stubbs, traición.
By Stubbs and Cotton.
Stubbs y Cotton?
If Mr Stubbs wants to know anything, just ring, but don't if you don't have to. It's the first weekend we've had off since Audrey had her hysterectomy.
Sólo llámanos si el señor Stubbs necesita algo, es el primer fin de semana libre desde la histerectomía de Audrey.
I told you not to call. You know my wife thinks Stubbs is doing the doors.
Mi mujer piensa que Stubbs va a hacer las obras.
- With Stubbs you may pay a little more...
- Stubbs es un poco más caro...
One other thing, when the men come, they won't be Stubbs's, they'll be O'Reilly's.
¡ Ah! No vendrán los obreros de Stubbs sino los de O'Reilly.
Stubbs has a virus, or something.
- Stubbs tiene un virus.
That's Stubbs for you.
Well, he's here now. Of course he's here now. He's here to clear up this mess your Stubbs has made!
Claro, está aquí porque ha venido a arreglar lo que ha hecho Stubbs.
Yes, but if Stubbs has made this mess then I think they should come and clear it up.
Sí, pero si ha sido Stubbs que venga él a arreglarlo.
There's no point in paying O'Reilly when Stubbs would have to do it for free.
¿ Por qué pagarle a O'Reilly? Stubbs lo hará gratis.
Is that somebody there trying to pretend they're from Mr Stubbs's company? What game are you playing? I mean, really!
¿ Está fingiendo ser de la empresa de Stubbs?
Fair enough, but Stubbs is partly to blame...
Stubbs tiene parte de culpa.
Your coffee's going cold, Mr Stubbs.
Se le va a enfriar el café, señor Stock. Gracias, señorita.
- Stubbs, did you find Varan?
Stubbs, ha encontrado a Varan?
For a while, Stubbs.
Durante un tiempo, Stubbs.
Very well, Stubbs.
Muy bien, Stubbs, tú y Cotton.
Overlord swine. STUBBS : It's us, Doctor.
Somos nosotros, Doctor, Stubbs y Cotton. ¿ Está la señorita Grant con usted?
- If you had used Stubbs...
- Stubbs...
¿ Stubbs?
It's somebody from Mr Stubbs, dear.
Alguien de la empresa de Stubbs.

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