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Tell him i love him traduction Espagnol

521 traduction parallèle
Just tell him I love him, like a sister.
Dile que le quiero como a un hermano.
Tell him I love him and that I didn't count on being this rude.
Dile que lo quiero y que no contaba con ser tan grosero.
Not to hug him and tell him I love him, but just to say :
No para abrazarlo y decirle que lo quiero, sino para decir :
You go tell him I love him and want to apologize.
Dile que lo quiero y que lo siento.
You're not gonna tell him I love him, are you?
Espera. No le dirás que lo amo, ¿ verdad?
And I keep telling him, you silly boy, I'm telling him, if you love her, you can be her employee a thousand times, you simply have to tell her!
Pone lo profesional por encima de todo. ¿ Por eso...? ¡ Por supuesto!
You tell him I said we lost a lot When we stopped printing Jack Johnson's love confessions.
Dígale que perdimos lectores cuando publicamos las confesiones de amor de Jack Johnson.
I not tell no man I don't love him.
Yo no le digo a ninguno que no lo quiero.
Well, he's not gonna tell me I don't love him.
¡ Pues que no me diga que no lo quiero!
All I pray for is the chance to tell him how much I love him. You see, he doesn't know that.
Sólo ruego tener la oportunidad para decirle que le quiero.
I would like to tell him that I'd love to go and live in his house if my sister could come too.
Me gustaría decir que me encantaría Morar con él, pero mi irman tendría Que venir también. - ¿ Su hermana?
I would tell him that I love him.
Le diría que le quiero.
Tell me that you love him, Mary, and I'll let you go.
Dime que lo amas, María, y te dejaré ir.
Tell him that I love you?
¿ Decirle que te quiero?
I'm going to tell him that I love somebody else. I'm going to the country for the summer and I'm never going to see him again.
Le diré al Barón que amo a otra persona y que me iré al campo durante el verano y que no pienso volver a verlo.
Because I don't know that I'd have accepted him. Are you trying to tell me that because he comes here and they see her with him, driving and all that, they think that they were right in saying that she was... she was in love with him before... before my father died?
¿ Dices que porque él la visita, y porque les ven pasear, creen tener derecho a decir que ella ya le amaba antes de que muriera mi padre?
I've just come to tell I love him.
Tan sólo he venido a decirle que lo amo.
I was trying to tell Steve that I didn't want to marry him because I wasn't in love with him.
Intentaba decirle a Steve que no quería casarme con él porque no lo amo.
Tell Grandpa that I love him just as much as ever but a terrible, young vice president has me in his power.
Dile al abuelo que le quiero tanto como siempre, pero que un joven vicepresidente terrible me tiene en su poder.
I'll tell him that I love him and then he can't marry her.
Le diré que lo amo y no podrá casarse.
If I were a man in love with a girl who was engaged to somebody else... I'd-I'd go to that other person and tell him how I felt.
Si yo amara a una chica que está comprometida con otro... iría con ese otro y le diría cómo me siento.
Tell him I said that I know you love Missouri, that you wouldn't do anything...
Dile que te he dicho que yo sé que amáis Missouri. Que no haría nada...
Tell him, too, that I love and trust him as I would my own son. "
Dile, también, que le quiero y confío en él como si fuese mi propio hijo ".
I'll tell him I esteemed him highly, that I thought I could love him one day, but that I no longer think so because...
Le diré que lo estimo mucho, que creí poder amarlo un día, pero que ya no lo creo porque...
I would never be able to tell him all that was in my heart. For he could never love me as I loved him.
Nunca podría decirle todo lo que sentía mi corazón y nunca podría amarme como yo a él.
Tell him I love and adore him
Dile que lo amo y lo adoro
How many time must I tell you I love him?
¿ Cuántas veces he de decirle que le quiero?
Well, tell him I'm with my fiance whom I love very much.
Pues dígale que estoy con mi prometido al que adoro.
If you love him so much, tell me where he is, so that I can save him.
Por el bien de él debéis decirme dónde está. Quiero salvarlo.
Tell him how much I love The Fatal Winter.
Dlle cuánto me encanta El Invierno Fatal.
- Tell him I'd love to.
- Dile que me encantaría.
I'd love to tell him that you've been out today with me with him and with him!
Desearía decirle que hoy has estado con nosotros.
When I have doings of my own, I don't want to tell my husband. Because deep down I love him.
Yo, cuando tengo alguna historia, corro a contársela a mi marido, precisamente, porque, en el fondo, le quiero.
And I will tell you, if you will not be shocked... if I were in love with a man, really in love... and we couldn't get married, I would not hesitate to live with him,
Es más, le diré, y no se escandalice que si estuviera enamorada de un hombre, realmente enamorada y no pudiéramos casarnos, no dudaría en irme a vivir con él.
I wonder what Cousin Andre will say when you tell him we're in love.
¿ Qué dirá el primo Andre cuando le digas que nos amamos?
I'd love to tell him.
Me encantaría decírselo.
I want to see him to tell him I no longer love him.
Quiero verle.
- Tell him from me... that Steve is the first real man I've ever been in love with.
Dile que Steve es el primer hombre de verdad del que me enamoro.
I wanted to tell him :'Luca, love me, let's try.
"tenía ganas de decirle :" Luca, ámame, probemos. Déjame que probemos. "
¤ "Clear water, you who flow between the leaves and twigs,... ¤" tell him that roses have their thorns... ¤ "tell him I'm missing no color,... ¤" tell him I'm dying of love. Tell him to come home! " ¤
# Agua clara que caminas entre juncos y mimbrales, # dile que tienen espinas las rosas de los rosales, # dile que no hay colores que yo no tenga, # que me muero de amores. ¡ Dile que venga!
¤ "Clear water who flows between the leaves and twigs,... ¤" tell him that roses have their thorns... ¤ "tell him I'm missing no color in my feathers,... ¤" tell him I'm dying of love. Tell him to come home! " ¤
# Agua clara que caminas entre juncos y mimbrales, # dile que tienen espinas las rosas de los rosales, # dile que no hay colores que yo no tenga, # que me muero de amores. ¡ Dile que venga!
I'll tell him I no longer love him.
Le diré que ya no lo amo.
J Erry!
Tell him I love working with you? , I'm happy to work here.
He trabajado más tiempo que tú, dile que estoy harto.
You tell him that his coin is no good - it's worthless - but that i have a magic dust that turns hate into love but it is very, very precious very expensive, comprende?
Vas a decir algo a tu papá, ¿ entiendes? Dile a tu papá que quiero ayudarle. Dile que su moneda no sirve.
Now... now, you tell your papa to bring 100 pesos to my room in one hour and i will sell him the magic dust that makes people love and forgive.
Pero son muy valiosos, muy caros. ¿ Comprendes? Dile a tu padre que traiga 100 pesos... a mi habitación dentro de una hora.
I'd love to hear him tell the truth just once.
Me encantaría oírle decir la verdad por una vez.
I'll simply keep my lunch date with him and tell him I love my husband.
Iré a comer con él y le diré que quiero a mi marido.
Tell me I don't mean anything to you, that you love him.
Dime que no significo nada para ti, que le quieres.
How am I going to tell him he's fallen in love with my mother-in-law?
¿ Cómo voy a decirle que se ha enamorado de mi suegra?
It's very serious because in his letter I tell him that I love him and made plans to see him tonight.
Es algo muy grave, porque en su carta le digo que le amo y que tengo pensado verle esta noche.

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