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That all traduction Espagnol

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- I just wish that all my projects didn't have to be about me.
- Sólo quisiera que todos mis proyectos no tengan que ser sobre mí.
Well, for my boyfriend Sam, life is always like that all the time.
Pues para Sam, mi novio, la vida siempre es así, todo el tiempo.
Uh, thanks for hanging in with me though all that.
Gracias por estar conmigo a pesar de todo.
I think they just think that music festivals are all about drugs, sex, and... people standing around in the dirt.
Lo que creo es que piensan que los festivales musicales solo están llenos de drogas, sexo, y grandes montoneras de gente.
We're "all or nothing" guys, and there's nothing wrong with that.
Somos así como "todo o nada", y eso no tiene nada de malo.
So you... you want to make sure that I take the blame for cheating when you were cheating all along?
¿ Entonces quieres asegurarte de que sea yo el culpable por engañarte cuando tú me engañabas desde el principio?
First, you'll need to get, uh, an assessment to see where... where your learning is, how you're retaining information, and all that.
Primero, necesitas presentar un examen para saber... tu nivel de aprendizaje, cómo estás reteniendo información, y todo eso.
It's too late. And you don't want to end up carrying around all that regret.
Y no querrás andar por ahí cargando ese arrepentimiento.
Not yet, but Ana was gonna tell the twins today, if that's all right.
Aún no, pero Ana iba a decirle a los gemelos hoy, si eso está bien.
For all the stuff that I said when you came to see me in Folsom.
Por todo lo que dije cuando fuiste a verme a Folsom.
'Cause we could do all of that together.
Podemos hacer todas esas cosas juntos.
I've never had a group of friends that were all badass Latinas.
Nunca había tenido un grupo de amigas que fueran todas geniales y latinas.
Our live streams are for you guys out there who love playing the game, but without all that other negative baggage.
Nuestro canal es para todos los que aman jugar el juego pero sin toda esa carga negativa.
That's where all the old-people commercials are.
Ahí están los comerciales para viejos.
Lillian, modern technology can take care of all of that.
Lillian, la tecnología puede encargarse de todo eso.
First of all, I sanded mine off after the Lufthansa heist, and that thumb I found- -
Primero, me lijé las huellas después del robo de Lufthansa.
We haven't spoken for weeks, and that's all you have to say to me?
No hemos hablado durante semanas, ¿ y eso es todo lo que me tienes que decir?
I'll connect with her and see what she knows that we don't, all right?
Contactaré con ella y veré lo que sabe y nosotros no, ¿ de acuerdo?
That's all.
Eso es todo.
And I've spent all the years since then landlocked on the Farm, safe from discovering what we both learned today... that I don't have what it takes when it comes down to it.
Y he pasado todos los años desde entonces sin salida en La Granja, a salvo de descubrir lo que ambos vimos hoy... que no tengo lo que se necesita tener cuando se necesita.
All right, hey, that was a parole officer in East Garfield Park.
De acuerdo, oigan, era una oficial de libertad condicional en East Garfield Park.
Like I said, Barry kept me out of all of that stuff.
Como dije, Barry me mantenía alejada de todo eso.
- Mm-hmm. - That's all he told me.
Eso es todo lo que me dijo.
I was sitting in that window, and I could see it all.
Estaba sentada en esta ventana y lo pude ver todo.
That fire, all those kids...
Ese fuego, todos esos chicos...
The appearance of reality is all that matters. "
La apariencia de la realidad es todo lo que importa ".
So it's no big deal that they're all dead?
Así que ¿ no es gran cosa que todos estén muertos?
All right, whatever. Some lady you barely know says that it's not true, you listen to her.
Pero si una mujer que apenas conoces te asegura eso, hazle caso.
So in conclusion, I think that Newton High should be a place that's inclusive of all students.
Por eso, en conclusión, creo que Newton debería ser incluyente con todos sus alumnos.
That's all that really matters.
Es lo único que importa.
You know, I'll trade that pancake for a wife with more hands all over me.
, cambiaré ese panqueque por una esposa con muchas manos sobre mí.
All he's interested in is that kid's arm.
Todo lo que le interesa es el brazo de ese chico.
Look... my girl was all over that Jesse kid, so I got in his face a little.
Mira... mi chica estaba encima de ese chico, Jesse, así que lo encaré.
All right, well, that was quick.
De acuerdo, bueno, eso fue rápido.
All you did was complain when he did that.
Todo lo que hacías tú era quejarte cuando él hacia eso.
For the love of all that's holy, Virginia, get Vern and Reg on the phone right now.
Por el amor de Dios, Virginia. Pon a Vern y a Reg ahora mismo.
- That's all you get. - That's all you get. All you get.
- Eso es suficiente.
Yeah, but think about all the jobs that it's gonna create.
Creará muchos empleos.
Who wants to see me push all these motherfucking chips in? That's what I'm talking about!
¿ Quién quiere que meta todas las fichas?
Yeah, all you gotta do is drop the cannabis thing, sign on the dotted line, that car and a quarter mil is yours.
Solo tienes que olvidarte del cannabis, firmar, y ese carro más un cuarto de millón son tuyos.
Hey, Vernon, on the real, the word is out all around the league. They're telling us to keep our guys away from that green, bruh.
Ya se corrió la palabra por la liga de sacarlos de ese negocio.
Man, look, that's all the more reason for you to go over there and confirm for yourself.
- Cámbiate para el crack.
All I'm saying is that girl is going through something right now that is scaring the shit out of her, and that baby's gonna soak up all the fear.
Pero hablo de Pep o Lucas, ¿ y soy el gorila agresivo? Te mezclaste con algunos de ellos.
Hear what? How you plan on getting me all the money I deserve. You said some things that got you in trouble with your team.
No donar a la derecha, negándole igualdad a mi gente.
I like that, but with bass in your voice. - All the time.
Ahora mismo salgo por la puerta principal.
I told you that I needed the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and you held back on me, all right?
Ahí estaré.
All that effort, and you didn't even find what you were looking for.
Tanto esfuerzo y ni siquiera encontraste lo que buscabas.
- That sounds ominous. - Not at all.
Para nada.
And that's all I see.
Y eso es todo lo que veo.
To understand that we all live with the pain of what's happened to us.
Entender que todos vivimos con el dolor de lo que nos ha pasado.
We try things all the time that fail.
Probamos cosas todo el tiempo que fallan.

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