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There was this one time traduction Espagnol

194 traduction parallèle
There was this one time, it was just me and 300 of these ferocious, mouse-eating dingoes.
Una vez, estaba yo solo con... unos 300 dingos feroces come ratones.
There was this one time we went to this Shakespeare in the park thing.
Una vez fuimos al parque a una de esas representaciones de Shakespeare.
- There was this one time... we went looking for a crashed meteor.
Una vez fuimos buscando un meteorito.
- There was this one time.
- Fue una vez.
There was this one time when we stayed up way past midnight, and -
Una vez nos desvelamos y pasada la medianoche...
There was this one time I was feeling really bad. It was really just a down day.
Por ejemplo una vez que yo me sentia muy mal, que estaba en un dia realmente malo
But there was this one time you guys you missed each other by, Iike, three minutes.
Pero hubo una vez en la que Uds. dos si no se encontraron, fue como por 3 minutos.
- Actually, there was this one time... in the eighth grade in the art supplies room at school.
- Sí, me pasó algo... en octavo curso, en el almacén de la escuela.
And there was this one time, and it was a Friday and we were supposed to go for the weekend, just me and my mom because my dad had all this work to do.
Y una vez, un día viernes en el que sólo íbamos mi mamá y yo porque mi papá tenía mucho trabajo.
There was this one time... When eric and I were on a ski lift... And I gave him a you-know-what.
Hubo una vez... en que Eric y yo estábamos en un teleférico... y le dí una "ya sabes qué"
Hubo una vez cuando fuimos a St.
There was this one time, I wanted to commit suicide But pornography saved my life
En una ocasión... quise suicidarme... pero la pornografía salvó mi vida.
There was this one time, he made his sparring partner laugh so hard the man pissed his trunks before he hit the mat.
Hubo una vez, hizo a su compañero de sparring reir tan fuerte que el hombre mojó sus pantalones antes de pegarle a la colchoneta.
And there was this one time where I cut my hair really short
Recuerdo que una vez, me corté el pelo realmente corto.
Years gone... there was a time when one could scarcely travel... in this part of the country without encountering corpses.
Como pasan los años... hubo un tiempo cuando uno podía viajar... en esta parte del país sin hallar cadáveres.
While I was there, these men... kind of guests, you might say... we'd get together and horse around a little bit and sing...'cause we were havin such a good time... and we always had a lot of fun with this one, "The Jailhouse Rock." And we always had a lot of fun with this one, "The Jailhouse Rock."
Ahí, estos hombres... podríamos llamarlos invitados... nos reuniamos para bailar y cantar... porque la estábamos pasando tan bien... y siempre nos divertimos mucho con esta :
All this time, I really was like the dead... but now there is no one who'll separate us.
Realmente estuve como muerta todo ese tiempo, pero ahora ya no habrá quien nos separe.
And one time, in the bunch of us there was this boy who was 15 and he had killed his mother with a shotgun some years before.
Y una vez, en el grupo estaba un muchacho que tenía 15 años que había matado a su madre con un rifle, años atrás.
I did not know there was another. He did not come with us. He was sent through the time portal to another period in history much later than this one.
Pasó a través del portal a un período de la historia muy posterior a este.
And in addition to this almost perfect existence, which made me the envy of all my married friends, there was no one to tell me it was time for me to get up and put the coffee on because I loved her.
Y además de esta existencia casi perfecta, que era la envidia de mis amigos casados, no había nadie que me dijera que ya era hora de levantarme y preparar el café por amor.
I remember this one time... there was...
Recuerdo esto una vez... había...
Even though there was an earthquake there this year. One's no big deal. It's not all the time.
"Aunque este año ha habido un pequeño temblor de tierra, no pasa mucho."
The amount of people who still hold it dear to their hearts after all this time shows that there would be enormous support for one if one was to come out.
Y la cantidad de gente que tiene esa esperanza arraigada en su corazón desde tanto tiempo... muestra que habría un enorme apoyo si algún día se decide a salir.
Then there was this time last year... We locked Alan Weinstein out of the cabin with no clothes on. Boy, did we get it for that one.
Hubo esta vez, el año pasado dejamos afuera a un tipo desnudo sí que nos castigaron.
You found my "G" spot, but this was a one-time trip to the moon. It happened, and there's nothing we can do about it now.
Has encontrado mi punto G, pero este viaje a la luna no se repetirá.
Once upon a time, there was this scruffy old man, and you know, he was one of them yes-and-no kind of guys.
Espera un minuto. Erase una vez, un hombre, muy rudo. De aquellos que solo contestan "si, o no"...
Every time Peg and I went out, it was there. Every time I saw it, I'd run like hell, but I knew that one day we'd have to settle this thing once and for all.
One time, he arranged this thing that he took this chick home... an ugly bitch, he did with her what he did, then he woke up his dad : "Hey dad, get over here, there's a fine lady let's not wake up mom." Their mom was religious and everything, so...
Una vez, él colocó esto que tomó de esa casa de chicas... una perra fea, él hizo con ella lo que hizo, entonces él despertó a su papá "Eh papá, ven aquí, hay una señora no despertemos a mamá." Su mamá era religiosa y todo eso, así que...
The reason I ask, alright? I was with this woman this one time and she goes down there for like three seconds'n then she starts coming back up.
La razón por la que pregunto, es porque estuve con una mujer una vez que bajó por unos tres segundos y después empezó a subir.
I can remember this one time, I was on a beach, and there are all these kids and they're all singing, yellow submarine.
Recuerdo que una vez, estaba en una playa, y había unos niños que cantaban, Yellow Submarine.
There was a time I scored four touchdowns in one game on this field but now I can't run four feet without being tackled by someone else's garbage.
Hubo un tiempo en que anoté cuatro touchdowns en este campo Pero ahora no puedo correr cuatro metros Sin ser tacleado por la basura de los demás.
Well, there was this one dude who rubbed up against my butt one time, but I ain't like it.
- Bueno, una vez un tipo me frotó el trasero con su cosa, - pero no me gustó.
In a time when one's town was one's world... and the actions at a dance excited greater interest... than the movement of armies, there lived a young woman who knew how this world should be run.
En una época en que su ciudad era su mundo... y en que la danza era su más exitante interés... que el movimiento de ejércitos, allí vivió una joven mujer que sabía como hacer funcionar el mundo.
The first time there was one right here in this ashtray. I took a good look at that.
La primera vez había uno aquí, justo en este cenicero.
Now, during the day there was only one time that we could do this.
De día sólo había un momento para hacerlo.
But by the time I asked this question, there was no one around to answer it.
Cuando formulé esa pregunta no había nadie que la contestara.
There was a time, many years ago, when every castle had a ship like this one and the night sky was full of their flashing lights
Hubo una vez, hace mucho tiempo, cuando cada castillo tenía una nave como esta. Y el cielo nocturno estaba lleno de luces fascinantes.
All right, there were four offworld activations prior to this one and the iris was closed all the time.
Hemos tenido cuatro activaciones extraterrestres antes de esta. Y el iris estuvo cerrado todo el tiempo.
One time... I arrived at this car early in the morning, And there was a man trapped inside -
Una vez, llegué a un coche de mañana temprano, y había un hombre atrapado dentro, un anciano.
The scariest one - There was this time I was driving...
La más tenebrosa...
I remember this one time you were drunk and telling me how crappy your childhood was Except for this one summer you spent on the Maryland coast Where there was clean air and friendly people
Una vez estabas borracho y dijiste que tu infancia fue triste menos por un verano que pasaste en Maryland, donde había aire limpio y gente amable.
One of Shimomura's friends who was there while the signal was being traced... was none other than John Markoff... who wrote an even bigger front page story this time.
Uno de los amigos de Shimomura que estaba allí mientras que la señal estaba siendo rastreado... no era otro que John Markoff... que escribió un aún más grande en su primera página de este tiempo.
I myself prayed pilgrim this nightmare to happen That's what I thought Until my return to England, last month One night after my arrival Was working and found a great bat Hanging from the mirror of the pool bathroom In the mirror written in blood There was another message Written was " the fan back, my time came.
Yo mismo peregriné y recé para que esta pesadilla pasara eso es lo que pensé hasta mi regreso a Inglaterra, el més pasado una noche después de mi llegada estaba trabajando y encontré un gran murcielago colgando del espejo de la pileta de baño en el espejo escrito con sangre había otro mensaje escrito estaba " el admirador regresó, mi momento llegó.
I remember this one time, there was this well-built Latino...
Recuerdo que una vez, había un latino corpulento.
This time tomorrow, no one will know it was even there.
Mañana a esta hora, nadie percibirá nada.
One day, if they were diligent, it was said they'd go to write their answers on the wall, only this time they would find a riddle waiting there instead.
Un día, si eran diligentes, se decía que al ir a escribir sus respuestas en la pared, esta vez hallarían un acertijo esperándolos.
Now I wish I had taken more time to walk around and praise. But it was only this one picture and I lost it from there.
Me hubiera gustado haber tenido más tiempo para ir por el salón, agitando los brazos, pero me hicieron una sola toma y me fui, pero gané.
Well, there was this other apocalypse, this one time, and... I took off.
Bueno, una vez hubo otro apocalipsis y esa vez, en fin... Fui con ellos.
You know, there was this one guy a long time ago.
No sé, hubo un tipo hace un montón de tiempo...
No one will ever know the true number of deaths from starvation during this time and even in Pyongyang there was no escape from the misery.
Nadie sabrá nunca el número real de las muertes por inanición durante este tiempo e incluso en Pyongyang no había escapar de la miseria.
- There was this one time in France...
Una vez, en Francia...

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