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Totally awesome traduction Espagnol

301 traduction parallèle
By the way, it looked totally awesome when...
A propósito, fue increíble cuando...
Totally awesome!
¡ Totalmente increible!
He's totally awesome!
¡ Es impresionante!
Fuckin' - A, man. That jump was totally awesome.
Vaya, fue un salto de primera.
Totally awesome.
Es increíble.
- Totally awesome!
Esto es asombroso.
It is totally awesome.
Es increíble.
Totally awesome!
¡ Increible!
I think he's saying love is totally awesome.
Creo que dice que el amor es totalmente increíble.
That was totally awesome.
Era una mujer "tubular".
Totally awesome!
¡ Genial!
We got the Hang Ten Burger and the Totally Awesome Burger.
Tenemos el Hang Burger Diez y el Burger totalmente impresionante.
Totally awesome!
¡ Es fantástico!
Totally awesome!
Totalmente asombroso.
- Totally awesome.
- Asombroso.
Come on, dad, it's almost over, and Wally's totally awesome!
Vamos papá, ya casi se acaba. Y Wally es increíble.
Ow, You know, Grandma, this is totally awesome!
Ow, sabes, abuela, ¡ esto es totalmente horrible!
This is totally awesome. Thank you, everybody.
Esto es totalmente increible, gracias a todos.
- Totally awesome.
- Impresionante.
But she's been, like, totally awesome!
¡ Pero se ha portado totalmente increíble!
Totally awesome!
Totalmente asombroso!
This is totally awesome.
Esto es genial.
Isn't he like totally awesome?
¿ No les parece impresionante?
Can I take a moment to say how totally awesome this is?
¿ Puedo tomar un momento para decir qué increíble es esto?
Let's put aside for a second how totally awesome it is this producer wants to work with you and focus on it entirely in terms of me.
Apartemos lo del productor, que es fantástico y Veámoslo desde mi punto de Vista :
I think this place is totally awesome and the people are so...
Creo que este lugar es totalmente increíble y la gente es tan...
It's gonna be totally awesome mom.
¡ Será fenomenal, mamá!
Was it totally awesome?
¿ Estuvo totalmente fantástica?
Really, totally awesome.
En serio, totalmente increíble Gracias
It's gonna be open bar. It's gonna be totally awesome.
Va a ser bar abierto Va a ser totalmente fantastico
They were all, in their own way, totally awesome.
Todos tenían su forma de ser, excelente.
Oh yeah, sean penn, would be totally awesome, but is he gonna be willing to put on 150 pounds?
Oh, si, Sean Penn, seria totalmente increible, Pero ¿ estara dispuesto a engordar 150 libras?
Yeah, it's so totally awesome.
Sí, fue absolutamente increíble.
You're awesome. Totally awesome.
Son geniales, totalmente geniales.
Totally awesome!
Hey, Summer. Totally awesome carnival.
Hola Summer, la feria está genial.
That was totally awesome. Well, if it was so totally awesome, maybe you could take a lesson. Well, if it was so totally awesome, maybe you could take a lesson.
Si fue tan impresionante quizás debieras aplicarte la lección
- Totally awesome!
- ¡ Absolutamente genial!
This is so totally awesome!
¡ Esto es tan genial!
KENDALL : That's totally awesome.
Eso es absolutamente impresionante.
And your ass looks totally awesome, by the way.
Y tu culo es totalmente increíble, por cierto.
Totally awesome, all right.
And what an awesome partner Holling is, and what I'm about to say is totally uncool, but you can't dance with Holling tonight.
lo que voy a decir es una tremenda faena, pero no puedes bailar con Holling.
I'm totally down with your awesome scene.
Me cae bien su ambiente genial.
You know, what would be awesome is if I can go to the prom with some totally hot older chick like Roz.
Sabes, que sería asombroso que pudiera ir al baile con alguien candente y mayor como Roz.
Jackie, what the hell? She totally made you a witch. That's so awesome!
Jackie, ¿ Que demonios? Ella de veras te hizo una bruja.
This is so, like, totally, amazingly awesome.
Esto es como... totalmente, asombrosamente increíble
I totally missed it before and you know what, you're awesome.
Me olvidé de ello totalmente antes y sabes qué, eres maravillosa.
If by'like the Loch Ness monster you mean'totally exists and is awesome,'then, yeah, it's like the Loch Ness monster.
Si te refieres a esa criatura que existe y es genial entonces, sí, es como el monstruo del lago Ness.
I say you've gotta stand up for yourself. Like Drew did. That was totally awesome.
Como hizo Drew, fue totalmente impresionante.
The fare was $ 7... and I totally gave him 10, and that's awesome!
¡ El viaje costaba $ 7 y le di $ 10, totalmente, y es genial!

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