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Townsend traduction Espagnol

723 traduction parallèle
" Nancy voorhees married to Michael townsend,
Nancy Voorhees, casada con Michael Townsend,
Oh, thanks, Mrs. townsend.
Muy bien, Sra. Townsend.
Yes, this is Mr. townsend.
Sí, soy el Sr. Townsend.
Dr. isopod. Mrs. townsend.
Padre Isopod, la Sra. Townsend.
How do you do, doctor?
- ¿ Cómo está, padre? - Sra. Townsend.
And you, Mrs. townsend, Do you find it easy to pass the time?
Y usted, Sra. Townsend, ¿ Cómo pasa el tiempo?
Now, now, now, Mrs. townsend, Judging from all that I have heard...
Oh, no, Sra. Townsend, de acuerdo a todo lo que he escuchado.
Why, that you are a wonderful mother, Mrs. townsend.
Que usted es una madre maravillosa.
Ah, yes, yes, to be sure, Mr. townsend...
Ah, sí. Por supuesto, Sr. Townsend.
Daily, Mr. townsend.
Cada día, Sr. Townsend.
Why, of course, Mrs. townsend.
Por supuesto, Sra. Townsend.
Really? Really, Mrs. townsend?
¿ De verdad, Sra. Townsend?
Oh, my dear Mr. and Mrs. townsend, I'll go immediately.
Mis queridos Sr. y Sra. Townsend, iré inmediatamente.
All I could get was that she had a good record, Was very quiet, and, of course, was known as "miss townsend."
Que tenía buenas notas, era tranquila... y se la conoce como la Srta. Townsend.
Hello, Mrs. townsend.
- Hola, Sra. Townsend.
I presume you know why we are here, Mrs. townsend.
Supongo que sabe por qué estamos aquí, Sra. Townsend.
Mr. townsend, we should appreciate it If you'd make matters as easy as possible.
Sr. Townsend, le agradeceríamos que haga esto tan fácil como sea posible.
Isobel : Frankly, miss townsend, there can be no marriage.
Srta. Townsend, no va a haber matrimonio.
Nancy townsend.
Nancy Townsend
To Nancy voorhees, Michael townsend, And our circulation increase.
¡ A Nancy Voorhees, Michael Townsend y por el aumento de tirada!
There's a young lady... A miss townsend... To see Mr. hinchecliffe or Mr. Randall.
Hay una joven, la Srta. Townsend, quiere ver al Sr. Hinchecliffe o al Sr. Randall.
Bring miss townsend in here.
Que pase la Srta. Townsend.
Miss townsend.
La Srta. Townsend.
May I give you a chair, miss townsend?
¿ Quiere sentarse, Srta. Townsend?
Miss townsend, I want to say how dreadfully sorry...
Srta. Townsend, quiero decirle cuanto lo lamento.
By all means, miss townsend.
Por supuesto, Srta. Townsend.
My dear woman, my dear miss townsend...
Mi querida mujer... Mi querida Srta. Townsend...
Miss townsend, you must understand That I am not forced to listen to you.
Srta. Townsend, entienda que no tengo la obligación de escucharla.
Miss townsend, would you be calm and listen to me?
Srta. Townsend... ¿ Quiere calmarse y escucharme?
We killed your mother and Michael townsend For the purpose of circulation.
Hemos matado a su madre y a Michael Townsend para aumentar la tirada.
This bracelet is a present from Nick Townsend. You've heard of him.
Esta pulsera es un regalo de Nick Townsend.
Sorry this happened, Mr. Townsend.
Lamento lo ocurrido, señor Townsend.
This is my good friend, Mr. Nick Townsend.
Te presento a un buen amigo : Nick Townsend.
- Mr. Townsend.
Señor Townsend.
You're quite at home here, aren't you, Mr. Townsend?
¿ Se siente como en su casa, verdad, señor Townsend?
You embarrass me, Mr. Townsend.
Me abruma, señor Townsend.
How am I to believe that, Mr. Townsend?
¿ Por qué iba a creerle, señor Townsend?
This is Mr. Townsend, Johnny.
Te presento al señor Townsend, Johnny.
- Hello, Mr. Townsend.
Hola, señor Townsend.
- Nick Townsend.
Nick Townsend.
- But you ask a guy named Nick Townsend- -
Pero pregúntele a un tal Nick Townsend.
- ls his name Townsend?
¿ Se llama Townsend?
Hello, Townsend, how's the market?
Hola, Townsend. ¿ Cómo está el mercado?
- My name's Townsend.
Me llamo Townsend.
Do you mind going now, Mr. Townsend?
¿ Le importaría irse, señor Townsend?
Surely, Mr. Townsend, you can afford to be more liberal.
Señor Townsend, seguro que puede ser más generoso.
This is Sylvia Townsend, Mrs. Ingram, Dr. Abbott.
La señorita Sylvia Townsend, la señorita Ingram, el doctor Abbott.
Yes, Townsend is looking for you. He wants to see you at once.
- Sí, Townsend te está esperando.
This way, sir. Townsend.
- Es por aquí.
Everybody knows her as Mrs. townsend.
Todos saben quien es la Sra. Townsend.
Goodbye, Mr. townsend.
- Adiós, Sr. Townsend.

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