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Until yesterday traduction Espagnol

479 traduction parallèle
"I was until yesterday evening a dutiful constable - ... and now -"
Hasta ayer noche, siempre cumplí con mi deber y ahora...
I was at a spinning mill until yesterday
Estaba en un molino que hacía girar hasta ayer
Until yesterday, he thought he was a dog.
Hasta ayer, pensó que era un perro.
Bernstein, these men who are now with the Inquirer who were with the Chronicle until yesterday
Bernstein, estos que hoy apoyan al Inquirer estuvieron con el Chronicle hasta ayer...
Until yesterday, we've had no less than 50 of your friends at any one time.
Hasta ayer, recibíamos a no menos de 50 de tus amigos a la vez.
Yes, until yesterday it was unsure, but today I'm certain.
Hasta ayer no se sabía. Hoy estoy seguro.
- Like you called me until yesterday.
- Como me llamaste ayer.
But he didn't come home until yesterday at teatime.
Pero no regresó a casa. hasta ayer a la hora del té.
Until yesterday.
Hasta ayer.
But I never refused to fly, until before yesterday, until yesterday!
Pero nunca me negué a volar, hasta antes de ayer, hasta ayer!
He was until yesterday, but the naughty man ran away.
Si, hasta ayer. El muy travieso ha volado.
That is, there were until yesterday anyway.
Es decir, las hubo hasta ayer.
Incluso desde la primera vez que te vi, Frank, y hasta ayer...
- Nothing. Jeffers and I have been away on holiday, and we didn't know a thing until yesterday.
Jeffers y yo estábamos de vacaciones y no nos enteramos hasta ayer.
You mean to stand there that and tell me that you'd not been thinking of that girl until yesterday evening?
¿ Pretendes hacerme creer que tu no pensabas en élla antes?
I didn't know anything, until yesterday.
No sabía nada, hasta ayer.
What happened was that we remained isolated until yesterday.
Sucedió que nos quedamos aislados hasta ayer.
Everything was fine until yesterday. If that idiot had not gone with the money...
Tenías dinero ayer y aún lo tendrías de no ser por ese idiota.
The people, that until yesterday he feared the war, have to believe now that the danger has passed,
El pueblo, que hasta ayer temía la guerra, tiene que creer ahora que el peligro ha pasado,
Until yesterday I was living like a...
Si pienso que hasta ayer vivía como un...
-... until yesterday morning. - What time?
-... hasta ayer por la mañana, a las 6.
Until yesterday, I've been completely satisfied in regard to his sincerity.
Hasta ayer, estaba plenamente satisfecho en cuanto a su honestidad.
Up until yesterday that's all I could remember.
Hasta ayer, es todo lo que podía recordar.
Up until yesterday afternoon, you had nothing.
Hasta ayer por la tarde, no tenías nada.
I had one until yesterday.
Tenía una hasta ayer.
Now, I understand you've been employed here for several years and have given excellent service in that time but until yesterday, you'd never missed a day off work.
Tengo entendido que usted lleva trabajando aquí varios años y ha prestado un excelente servicio durante ese tiempo, pero hasta ayer, nunca había faltado un solo día al trabajo.
Until yesterday everybody was ok with you coming here for a coffee.
Hasta ayer nadie le decía nada porque usted pasase a tomar un café.
Neither did I, until yesterday.
Ni yo, hasta ayer.
Because until yesterday, I was a part of it.
Porque hasta ayer, yo formaba parte de ella.
Until yesterday he didn't know his father was ruined and that he was going to auction off the stable.
Hasta ayer no supo que su padre estaba arruinado y que se iba a subastar la cuadra.
They both say they never remember her mentioning having a sister until yesterday.
Dicen que no recuerdan que ella dijera que tenía una hermana, hasta ayer.
She was, until yesterday.
Lo era hasta ayer.
At least, until yesterday.
Al menos hasta ayer.
I run away from the place where I discovered the true face of my wife, the wife I loved until yesterday.
Salí huyendo del lugar en el que descubrí la verdadera cara de mi mujer, la mujer que amaba hasta ayer.
There were no telephones where you were, Mrs. Kinnian... no post offices until yesterday?
¿ No había teléfonos donde estaban, Sra. Kinian, o correos?
I thought so, too, until yesterday.
También lo creí, hasta ayer.
I was in Toulouse until yesterday.
Estaba en Toulouse.
We shot until yesterday, we can still shoot!
¡ Total, si disparamos hasta ayer, todavía podremos disparar!
Until yesterday I was busy with murders, with success.
Hasta ayer me he ocupado de los asesinos famosos.
Until yesterday, I drove a forklift truck at a warehouse.
Hasta ayer manejaba una elevadora en una ferretería.
Until, in the office yesterday, you realized that I was wise to you.
Hasta ayer, en la oficina, cuando caíste en la cuenta que te conozco.
- Until dinner, tell us the story he had promised yesterday!
- Hasta que llegue la cena, ¡ cuéntenos la historia que había prometido ayer!
Yesterday, I had to battle with some grubby little man from noon until 2 : 00 in the morning, and I had one of those idiotic attacks.
Ayer, batallé con un cliente desde las 12 : 00 hasta las 2 : 00 de la madrugada. Luego sufrí uno de esos ataques.
We thought Glennon was dead too, until the French Police resurrected him yesterday.
También le dimos por muerto, y la policía francesa le resucitó ayer.
He was here until lunch yesterday. If he came back, would your police know?
Estuvo aquí hasta la hora de comer ayer.
The court-martial convened upon my orders yesterday... has found you guilty of willful desertion... and has therefore recommended that the extreme penalty be imposed... that you be hanged by the neck until dead.
El consejo de guerra reunido ayer según lo ordené... lo encontró culpable de deserción voluntaria... y recomendó que se imponga el castigo máximo : Colgará del cuello hasta que muera.
I've told you a dozen times, I never saw Ockham... until I saw him at the morgue yesterday.
Ya le dije que no había visto a Ockham... -... hasta que lo vi en la morgue ayer.
Until the day before yesterday I had some powdered milk, but...
Hasta anteayer yo tenía leche en polvo, pero...
Didn't you tell the major that there was no real trouble yesterday until you reached for that rifle?
Pat, ¿ no le dijiste al mayor que ayer no corríamos peligro hasta que sacaste el rifle?
Well then, yesterday, I left everything open until midnight, although it was getting cold.
Pues bien, ayer, dejé todo abierto hasta la medianoche, aunque está haciendo frío.
You can stay... yesterday... until... tomorrow.
Te puedes quedar ayer hasta mañana.

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