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Voi traduction Espagnol

73 traduction parallèle
# "Se voi darete a me un poco di amor..." #
"Si me dariáis un poco de amor..."
You wait a moment we go to call our daughter.
Voi attendé un momant che noi andem a chiamé nostra figlié in cim.
I've got the score! You're the maestro of "Ed ecco a voi".
Yo tengo la partitura.
Today's "We are proud to present" show will be aired in three hours and it will not just have extraordinary people.
El programa de hoy, "Ed ecco a voi"... que estará en su pantalla dentro de tres horas... no será solamente un desfile de personajes extraordinarios.
Attention please, actors and guests should go to the make-up.
A todos los actores e invitados del programa "Ed ecco a voi"... Pippo, nos llaman.
It will start in one hour.
"Ed ecco a voi", que dentro de una hora estará en sus pantallas.
Mr. president, how "We are proud to present" will bring culture to the country?
- Presidente... ¿ Podría decirnos cómo un programa como el "Ed ecco a voi"... puede saciar la sed cultural de todo un país?
e comes the numbers, gentleman, "Mot" that is 1, "Nha here Mot Bang" is 3.
Y estos son los números señor. Mot, que es Uno, Hai-Voi-Mot que es Tres, Ba-Voi-Hai que es- -
Con donnas tan bellas como voi, solo los loquinis se van al monasterio.
The address is on the, uh, little thing. And I will be there at about 12 : 30 and... - you can bring it by then.
Adresa este pe, uh, chestia aia mica, si voi fi aici pe la 12 : 30, si... le poi aduce aici atunci.
Well, I'll just go down to the corner and offer the first person I see... - five bucks to stay with you.
Merg in intersectie si ii voi oferi primei persoane pe care o voi vedea cinci dolari ca sa raman cu tine.
I'm gonna trade Ed Buckley for a trip to Mexico for a week and we're gonna disappear. Would you like that?
Voi negocia cu Ed Buckley pentru o calatorie in Mexico pentru o saptamana, si vom disparea.
- I'm not staying with her.
Vezi? No voi sta cu ea.
I'm gonna have somebody over there right away. - You understand?
Voi trimite pe cineva acolo imediat.
And I'm gonna call you right back.
- Ok. - Ok, si te voi suna din nou.
Because I'll die if you do.
- Pentru ca voi muri daca o vei face.
That thought would never enter my mind.
Nu ma voi gandi la asta niciodata.
- What am I gonna do? - We'll figure it out.
- Ce voi face?
I'm gonna find you the best treatment... the best in the fucking world.
Voi gasi cel mai bun ratament. Cel mai bun din lumea asta fututa.
- And then I'll be home. - And we'll go to the beach?
- si apoi ma voi intoarce acasa.
- I'm gonna take care of Daddy.
Voi avea grija de tati.
I'll call you tonight. - I'm sorry.
- Te voi suna la noapte.
I'm not gonna die.
No voi a morir.
Bueno, ¿ qué nos vas a cantar? Cantaré "Voi que sapete" de Mozart.
What have we done to be so horribly neglected by you and your father?
Che abbiamo fatto per essere tanto trascurati da voi e da vostro padre?
What have you done to us? Keeping the two of you here in domestic harness, with me and the Principino and Charlotte - when the two of you must be longing to get away on your own.
Vi tengo tutti e due qui nella gabbia domestica con me e il principino e Charlotte, quando voi magari sognate di andarvene per conto vostro
Father thinks he would like to go down early to Fawns this year, if that suits you two.
Papà dice che quest'anno vorrebbe anticipare l'andata a Fawns se voi due siete d'accordo
But it's not you I have to shield.
Ma non è per proteggere voi due che lo farò
ok.. deci nu te voi intreba despre puterea viitorulii.
Esta bien.. bueno no cuestionare sus poderes en el futuro.
Voi ramane.
Me quedaré.
There am lost something bine voi verifaca dar va dura ceva timp.
Me he perdido algo? Esta bien te verificare pero tomara algun tiempo..
la statia United la ora 9 voi fi acolo..
Estacion Unida 9 en punto Alli estare..
- correct cat sunt nu multumesc nu.. voi fi acolo
- correcto- hace cuantos dias? no gracias No...
am crezut ca nu te voi revedea
pense que nunca te veria otra vez.
asteapta aici, ma voi intoarce intr-o ora.
espera aquí.. volvere en media hora..
asta este adevarul o voi face
El dijo la verdad... Lo hice..
You have to say'voi'.
Debe decir "usted".
And saliva is no longer dripping from my mouth.
Y no voi por ahí babeando.
Wow, I haven't seen a play in a long time.
Wow, hace mucho tiempo que no voi a la ópera.
Tadeshina, I will not listen to you again.
Tadeshina, no voi a seguir escuchandote.
Then I will go.
Voi a ir a verla.
No, no, no, no "Voy-tee-wa."
No, así no se dice. "Voi-tee-wa".
Th-there's a voi- - voice in my head that drives my heel
# Una voz... en mi cabeza que domina mi tacón. #
- Grazie a voi.
- Grazie a voi.
She thinks that if I think that she thinks he's cute, then I'll think he's cute, too. I don't think he's that cute.
- Ella cree que si lo encuentra bonito, voi a encontrarlo bonito también.
Voï. But you're double-dealing.
Con eso sí tengo un problema.
We'II have a game in a minute, when this man is gone.
* Ella canta "Voi che sapete". *
I'm gonna stop drinking so much.
Nu voi mai bea atat.
Are you guys sayin'that this dude don't drink?
Voi spuneti ca acest om nu bea?
Mozart's "Voi Che Sapete."
Francis, acércate, ven.
o / ~ Se il mio nome saper voi bramate Dal mio labbro il mio nome... o / ~ I'm so tense.
Estoy tan tensa.

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