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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ W ] / We're good to go

We're good to go traduction Espagnol

609 traduction parallèle
You know, if they're gonna march us in again tomorrow, we ought to go see how Kemmerick is. - That's a good idea. - Let's do that.
Si mañana nos llevan de nuevo al frente... debemos ver cómo está Kemmerick.
As soon as you're dressed we'll take his advice and go to a high-class place for a good time.
Cuando os hayáis vestido, siguiendo los consejos del juez, iremos a un sitio decente para divertirnos.
- Then we're good to go.
- Entonces, todo arreglado.
Okay, I think we're good to go.
Bueno, creo que podemos continuar.
Incidentally, now's a good time, while we're stopped, if any of you want to go see Mrs. Murphy.
Por cierto, ahora es un buen momento... si alguno de Uds. tiene que ir al baño.
We're good to go, skipper.
Listos para salir, "capi".
Then we're good to go, boys! To Fiumicino.
Entonces, de acuerdo. ¡ Daos prisa!
Now that you're here with these friends of mine who want to have a good time, we'll go where we like.
Estamos con estos amigos que son muy buena gente, y tienen ganas de juerga. Vamos adonde haga falta.
- Looks like we're good to go.
- Parece que ya podemos irnos.
I'll go to pray for us because we're all terrified seeing this good helmsman of ours mad with terror.
Voy a orar, por nosotros... porque estamos todos aterrorizados... ... al ver a éste, nuestro buen timonero loco de terror.
Oh, we're just going to go back to States and take a good rest.
Volvemos a los Estados Unidos a descansar.
Why don't you let me take your purse for you for the rest of the show, because we're going to go on up to a new level, and I'm going to take good care of it downstairs, okay?
Déjame tu bolso durante la obra porque pasaremos a otro nivel y yo lo cuidaré aquí abajo, ¿ de acuerdo?
If you're that good, then I'd like to go listen to you but, we'll be so busy here during the festival, we won't be able to.
Si sois tan buenos, me gustaría ir a escucharos pero, estaremos tan ocupados durante el festival, que no podremos.
We're good to go.
Estamos listo para irnos.
wave good-bye don't make a scene just let it go don't smother love and glory put an ending on our story we're riding to that final round-up this is where the old trail wound up here's another fine mess
Di adiós No montes un número Déjalo ir
Let's go, we're going to have a good time.
Vamos, intentaré que te diviertas esta tarde.
Now, we're gonna say good night to these people and go home.
Ahora vamos a despedirnos de la gente e irnos a casa.
Oh, Carl, we're here to have a good time, let's not go into that.
Carl, estamos para pasar un rato a gusto, no entremos en eso.
Now we're going to be nice good girls and go beddy-bye.
Ahora nos portaremos bien y nos iremos todas a dormir.
But in case we have to go that route, I want you to know we're in good shape.
En caso que tengamos que coger esa ruta, quiero que sepas que estamos en forma.
We show up and we're decked out and good to go.
Llegamos elegantes y nos vamos.
Howard Beach, Howard Beach, Howard Beach, Howard Beach... Good people, we're giving you one more warning to please go home.
Les avisamos una vez más que se vayan a sus casas.
We're gonna go where people pretend they want to go when they can't afford to go someplace good.
Iremos adonde la gente pretende que quiere ir cuando no pueden darse el lujo de ir a un lugar bueno.
We're good to go, sir.
Podemos empezar, señor.
Good climbing, man. We're in. Okay we're going to go offline now.
Estamos dentro, investigaremos, si no hay emergencia no nos llamen.
Fridays... and when Friday's the first and when they get their checks, we have to be ready... It's time to go. Good night everyone, we're going to clean up.
tenemos que estar preparados... | vamos a limpiar esto.
That's the way I grew up and what I know... I hope we all go to heaven when we die, if we're good.
Y ésta es la manera en que yo he crecido. Espero que al morir todos vayamos al cielo... si hemos sido buenos.
- I got something for you to make the girls... think you're smelling good. There we go.
One time, Granma told me that when you come on something good, first thing to do is stare it with whosoever you can find. That way, the good spreads out, we're no telling how far it'll go.
Una vez, la abuela me dijo que cuando uno consigue algo bueno, lo primero que debe hacer es compartirlo con todo aquel que pueda encontrar, de esa manera, el bien se expanderá, quién sabe hasta dónde.
20 years later, we're saying, "Good God, it's going to go on forever."
20 años después, estábamos diciendo, "Dios mío, esto va a ser para siempre."
We're good to go.
Estamos listos para irnos.
It's no good for me to go waving my arms in the air... and screaming, "Oh, shit, we're gonna die."
No puedo ir caminando, agitando los brazos, gritando : "¡ Carajo, nos vamos a morir!"
- We're good to go.
- Listos para ir.
We're good to go.
Estamos listos.
He's going to escape and go back to DS9 and his friends and we're all going to have a good, long laugh at your expense.
Se escapará y volverá a EP9 con sus amigos y todos vamos a reírnos un buen rato a su costa.
We're good to go.
Ya podemos partir.
Coast is clear, big guy. We're good to go.
No hay moros en la costa, andando.
Well, we're good to go.
Todo en orden para partir.
All right, kids. We're good to go.
Vale, ya podemos irnos.
We're trying not to go too nuts up here, but we think there's a good chance... that this could be an extrusion from some subsurface geothermal column of water.
No queremos emocionarnos mucho pero puede ser una efusión de agua subterránea.
We're good to go.
Estamos a punto.
Everything's in there, we just need to get the slice of Belthazor flesh, and we're good to go.
Ya está todo, sólo falta el trozo de carne de Belthazor y ya está.
We're good to go?
Deberíamos marcharnos.
We're always willing to go that extra light-year for a good cause.
Siempre estamos abiertos a ganar unos años luz en esta causa.
We're good to go here.
Por aquí estamos listos.
We're good to go with the drop-off.
Entrega en progreso.
Where we're going, you go before 10 you get a good place to dance and boys get in free.
Adonde vamos, si vas antes de las 10 encontrás un buen lugar para bailar y los hombres entran gratis.
Okay, Sidle we're good to go.
Deséame suerte.
- Okay, we're good to go.
Estamos listos
We're good to go.
Somos buenos para ir.
Max and I, we're guys, and sometimes guys just like to go out and tear it up for no good reason
Max y yo somos hombres. A veces nos gusta divertirnos sin motivo alguno.

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