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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ W ] / We found nothing

We found nothing traduction Espagnol

311 traduction parallèle
We found nothing.
No encontramos nada.
- We found nothing.
- No encontramos nada.
We found nothing incriminating but a very large table... fit for a giant.
No encontramos nada comprometedor, salvo una enorme mesa... a la medida de un gigante.
We found nothing so far.
No encontramos nada hasta ahora.
We found nothing, not a sign of slavery.
No encontramos ninguna señal de esclavitud.
We searched the boat and we found nothing, except rats.
Registramos el barco... pero sólo encontramos ratas.
We found nothing.
- Nada, jefe.
- We found nothing. Nothing, nothing!
- ¡ No encontramos nada!
And always we found nothing.
Y no encontramos nada.
We found nothing but desintegrated bodies
No encontramos nada salvo cuerpos desintegrados.
We found nothing.
No hay nada raro.
We went through it all and found nothing.
Estuvimos allí y no encontramos nada.
We've known all along that we're probably the most good-for-nothing bunch of kids who were ever raised, but it didn't bother us much until we found out that Pop knew it too.
Siempre hemos sabido que somos los hijos más desagradecidos que se hayan criado nunca, pero nunca nos ha preocupado hasta que hemos descubierto que papá también lo sabía.
We searched through everything and found nothing.
Lo hemos registrado todo. No hemos encontrado ni un céntimo.
Then we found out that Joel Cairo intended to desert us taking the falcon with him and leaving Floyd and me nothing so we did exactly that to him.
Entonces descubrimos que Joel Cairo pretendía abandonarnos... y llevarse el halcón, dejándonos a Floyd y a mí sin nada, de modo que se lo hicimos nosotros a él.
Well, we found out a sum total of nothing.
Vaya, no hemos averiguado nada.
No one would ever know the difference. No matter what the district attorney's office found... we'd be safe... they'd have nothing on us. Then we'd be safe.
Nadie se daría cuenta nunca.
I reckon you won't mind, Mr. Ballantine. Because we ain't found nothing.
Supongo que no le importa, Sr. Ballantine, porque no encontramos nada.
If that wire is found we've come a long way for nothing!
Si encuentran ese cable, habremos venido para nada.
- Aye sir, but we found nothing.
- Sí, señor.
We've found nothing, sir.
No hemos encontrado nada.
We've found nothing.
No hallamos nada.
We have found nothing, Your Majesty.
No hemos encontrado nada, majestad.
Nothing ma'am... it's just that we found the door op...
Nada señorita... solo que encontramos la puerta abier...
OGU has investigated Selby's escape and we have found nothing that would warrant suspicion.
La OGU ha investigado la huida de Selby y no descubrimos nada que nos haga sospechar.
That way, we get it on the record that nothing's been found to incriminate her.
De ese modo, quedará constancia de que no se halló nada que la incriminara. Muy bien.
We found her with a dress on and nothing under it.
Llevaba solamente el vestido, sin nada debajo.
Well, when we found out it weren't no oil, there was nothing to do about it, so we fed it to the chicks.
Bueno, cuando descubrimos que no era petróleo, no había nada que hacer, y se lo dimos a las gallinas.
We found evidence that were here last night but it means nothing.
Hallamos evidencia de que estuvieron aquí anoche, pero no significa nada.
This morning we ran a profile on Saint Sauvage and found nothing, and now suddenly, we've got something.
Esta mañana no encontramos nada sobre el perfil de Saint-Sauvage y ahora de repente, tenemos algo.
While you were busy here screwing around with your computers We been out there for five weeks we had found nothing.
¡ Mientras Ud. está aquí entretenido con sus ordenadores, nosotros llevamos ahí fuera cinco semanas sin encontrar nada!
Uncle, there was nothing else where we found this.
Tío, donde hallamos la moneda no había nada.
Some terminals found the capsule before we did so there was nothing we could do.
Algunos terminales encontraron la cápsula antes que nosotros, no pudimos hacer nada.
We found ourselves in the middle of nowhere, with nothing!
¡ Nos hallamos a nosotros mismos en el medio de la nada, sin nada!
We have found nothing except for a few concealed weapons.
-... sólo unas armas ocultas.
You found my "G" spot, but this was a one-time trip to the moon. It happened, and there's nothing we can do about it now.
Has encontrado mi punto G, pero este viaje a la luna no se repetirá.
Only when we found him... did I realize that this sick man... was nothing more than a victim, a weapon of war.
Cuando dimos con él me di cuenta de que ese enfermo era una víctima más. Un arma de guerra.
We have been through this place with a fine tooth comb and found nothing more significant than bat shit.
La última vez, encontramos sólo excremento de murciélago.
Oh, no, ma'am, no, no, no, nothing like that. It's just that... You see, we found his wallet and it had over $ 200 in it.
Oh no señora, nada de eso, es solo que encontramos su cartera y dentro había más de 200 dólares, 10 billetes de 20 dólares y este recibo de un cajero automático, lo ve?
We've found absolutely nothing.
No hemos encontrado absolutamente nada.
Major, we have looked everywhere and found nothing.
Mayor, esperamos su instruccion.
We was coming in here to put back the silverware... that we lifted because we thought that she stole it from Aunt Viv... and, then we found out that she ain't lift nothing.
Nos iba a venir aquí para volver a poner los cubiertos... que nos levantamos porque pensamos que lo robó de la tía Viv... y después nos enteramos de que no se levante nada.
However, I have found some new information that, if nothing else, only raises a new set of mysteries which I hope we can discuss together.
Sin embargo, creo haber encontrado nuevos datos que, en el mejor caso, nos plantearán nuevos misterios que espero podamos discutir aquí.
But at Back Story, we found that these children of privilege have nothing to be smiling about,
Pero en "Trasfondo", descubrimos que esos jóvenes privilegiados no tienen nada de qué sonreír.
We have investigated every cause we can imagine and found nothing, nothing to explain these comas.
Hemos investigado todas las causas imaginables y no hemos hallado nada. Nada que explique estos comas.
So far, we haven't found any evidence of parasites, fungus or viruses. Nothing.
No hallamos parásitos, virus ni hongos.
We searched the house and found nothing untoward.
- No, Monsieur. Revisamos la casa y no encontramos nada incriminatório.
So you're saying the abnormal wave forms we found in the brain wave data had nothing to do with you?
Así que, las ondas anormales que encontramos en el registro de ondas cerebrales, ¿ no tiene que ver contigo?
But so far we've found nothing that doesn't kill the host.
Pero hasta ahora no hemos dado con nada que no mate al huésped.
Now we have found the land promised to us. We have found peace for the weary Mexican people. Now we want for nothing.
hemos encontrado la tierra prometida hemos encontrado la paz para el cansado pueblo mexicano hora no tenemos nada que desear sean confortados hijos, hermanos y hermanas hemos obtenido la promesa de nuestro Dios.
Well, everything's under control and we've found nothing suspicious.
Tenemos todo bajo control no vemos nada sospechoso. ¿ Cómo es el horario?

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