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We had a drink traduction Espagnol

259 traduction parallèle
We had a drink.
Bebimos un trago.
We had a drink afterwards.
No pasó nada. Después estuvimos bebiendo juntos.
He was looking to take someone to the Caribbean so we had a drink, and I signed on.
Buscaba a alguien que lo acompañase para hacer un viaje por el Caribe, así que tomamos unas copas, y nos fuimos.
I went at her place and we had a drink.
Me uni a ella, subi a su casa, luego tomamos unas copas.
We had a drink and walked out together.
Tomamos unos tragos y salimos juntos.
We had a drink in Montparnasse.
Fuimos a tomar algo a Montparnasse.
We had a drink.
Tomamos un trago.
We had a drink with your boss this morning.
Esta mañana, nos las hemos arreglado para... beber una copa con el dueño de su tugurio. Ese chimpancé ha soltado la lengua.
We had a drink.
Tomamos una copa.
That was nothing. Albert, a friend of mine, had taken a car to go for a drive. We had a drink in the village, and a cop asked for our papers just as we were leaving.
Mi novio, había cogido un coche para salir, tomamos algo en un bar... y cuando nos marchábamos la policía nos pidió los papeles.
And when you didn't show up that first time, she came by, and we had a drink.
Tú no lo sabes. Cuando no acudiste a nuestra cita, ella pasó por allí y tomamos una copa.
In the bathhouse we had a drink. To my fiancee, to me.
En el baño bebimos : brindamos por mi novia, después por mí...
Afterwards, we had a drink together.
Después tomamos algo.
We had a drink with Johann and Marianne.
Nos tomamos una copa con Johann y Marianne.
We had a drink with Mashka.
María y yo bebimos.
- We had a drink and went out to eat.
- Tuvimos una bebida y salió a comer.
You said you didn't want Dietz breathing down your neck, so we had a drink.
Dijiste que no querías a Dietz en tu espalda, así que tomamos un trago.
I met some friends, we had a drink together.
Me he encontrado con unos amigos y hemos ido a tomar algo.
We both had a lot to drink, went out in his car.
Ambos bebimos mucho y nos fuimos en su auto.
We had to drink it in Professor Kay's class.
Nos lo obligó a tomar el Profesor Kray.
You know, one day we were chatting and having a drink together... he hinted that the guy had made his will... and we are mentioned in it.
Tu sabes... comentarios van y vienen y un día tomando unos tragos... me dio a entender que lo había hecho... y que nos había incluido.
" If he at least had the decency to drink in more classy establishments, and not be the lover of another's man's wife, we could give him a chance.
" Si al menos tuviese el pudor de beber en los establecimientos de buen tono, de no llevar del brazo a esa mujer, le habríamos dado una oportunidad.
But we'll both feel better after we've had a drink and relaxed.
Nos sentiremos mejor después de que nos hayamos tomado un trago y nos relajemos.
We just had a drink.
- Sólo bebimos un trago.
If at least you had a bottle in every drawer... We could drink them up in alphabetic order.
Si tienes una botella en cada cajón... podemos beber en orden alfabético.
We took a hackney coach! I think I had too much to drink.
Hemos venido en coche y he bebido de más.
We've both had quite a bit to drink.
Los dos hemos bebido más de la cuenta.
- Thank you. - We just had a drink in Rome.
Hemos ido a Roma a tomar una copa con Enrico... y eso no es un drama.
I'm sure Mr. Jones wouldn't mind if we all had a sociable drink.
Estoy seguro que el Sr Jones no tiene nada contra el hecho de tomar un trago socialmente
I, uh, I guess we both had a little too much to drink.
Eh, creo que he bebido más de la cuenta esta noche.
What a great idea to come up for a drink, because that champagne we just had, it wasn't very festive.
Que gran idea la de subir a tomar una copa,... ese champán que nos hemos tomado,... no era muy festivo.
So we had a bit to drink, and I went to the store had a lie down on a bench, fell asleep, woke up no watch, coat taken.
Me recibieron y luego fui a una tienda me eché en un banco a echar un sueño...
Say, how would it be if we had a nice quiet little drink together some night? "
¿ Sabe qué? ¿ Qué le parece si vamos a tomar algo tranquilamente esta noche "?
We had a lot to drink.
Habíamos bebido mucho.
At least not until we've had a drink.
Por lo menos hasta que hayamos tomado algo.
Well, I was about 17 - and some mates and me went to a party - and, well, we had quite a lot to drink - and then some of the fellows there - started handing cheese around.
Bueno, tenía unos diecisiete años y... Unos amigos y yo fuimos a una fiesta. Bueno, bebimos bastante y algunos de los chicos... empezaron a repartir queso y...
You don't give a coin and drink the little wine we had left.
No traes nada y te bebes el poco vino que nos quedaba.
When you see Billy tell him we had a little drink together.
Cuando veas a Billy dile que hemos tomado un trago juntos.
We've had a drink, we've talked and even danced. But now it's goodbye.
Hemos bebido y hablado, incluso hemos bailado ; pero tengo que irme.
We did a little gambling, had a drink or two, all that.
Fuimos al cine, al Casino...
We just had a drink. "
Sólo tomamos una copa ".
Later, we parted and I had the elder woman's business card in his hand, and an invitation to a drink the next day.
Más tarde, partimos y tenía la tarjeta de visita de la mujer en la mano, y una invitación para tomar algo al día siguiente.
Then we had some more to drink, but that part I don't remember.
Allí volvimos a beber algo.
There we had a drink.
En el baño bebimos.
We have had quite a bit to drink.
Bebimos mucho.
Oh! We had just a little too much to drink.
Creo que hemos bebido demasiado.
We'd had a bit to drink, and we were driving much too fast, and then suddenly there was this lorry...
Habíamos tenido un poco para beber, y estábamos conduciendo demasiado rápido, y de repente había un camión...
Think we even had a drink afterwards.
Creo que después nos tomamos una copa.
Well, yeah, but after we have had a drink with the girls, do you not think? Where are they, by the way?
Podemos primero tomar una copa con las chicas. ¿ Dónde están?
We had a bit to drink and got on the wrong train.
Soy Lesa. Habíamos bebido y subimos a otro tren.
Then we all had a drink in the bar.
Entonces todos fuimos a beber al bar.

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