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West covina traduction Espagnol

76 traduction parallèle
♪ One day I was crying a lot ♪ ♪ And so I decided to move ♪ ♪ To West Covina, California ♪
* Un día rompí a llorar * * así que decidí mudarme * * a West Covina, California *
I mean, landing him would make us West Covina's premiere law firm.
Si lo conseguimos, seríamos el primer bufete de West Covina.
Going on to our next call now from West Covina- -
Y nuestra siguiente llamada es de...
Ida. Hello, lda.
West Covina, lda.
You worked out of West Covina?
¿ Trabajabas en Covina Oeste?
I'm not from West Covina.
No soy de Covina Oeste.
I checked. West Covina never heard of him.
Lo investigué y no es de Covina Oeste.
My office spent an hour talking to West Covina and the U.S. Attorney's Office trying to find out just who it is you're working for.
Mi oficina lleva una hora hablando a Covina Oestey con el Procurador General tratando de averiguar para quién trabajas.
Metro Police received a major break in the case when firefighters responding to a blaze at this chemical storage warehouse in West Covina discovered a burned-out van.
La policía recibió una buena pista sobre el caso, cuando los bomberos fueron a un incendio... en un almacén de productos químicos en West Covina, descubrieron una furgoneta quemada,
She moved to West Covina.
Se mudó a West Covina.
Yeah, three-bedroom in West Covina.
Sí, tres habitaciones en West Covina.
Isaac's at an auto body in West Covina staring at Marty Babish's Lexus.
Isaac está en un taller en Covina Oeste. Mirando el Lexus de Marty Babish.
So our first competitor, representing the new Harcourt International Institute of Table Tennis of West Covina, Gerald Harcourt.
Nuestro primer competidor, representando al nuevo Instituto Internacional Harcourt de Tenis de Mesa de West Covina Gerald Harcourt.
After L.A.P.D.Andthe federal gang task force made their determination, we stashed her in west covina.
Después que la policía y el equipo de fuerzas especiales terminaron, determinamos llevarla a Covina.
MICHAEL ARIAS Director of Tekkonkinkreet transition between the end of the first film and parking West Covina...
MICHAEL ARIAS Director de Tekkonkinkreet La transición entre el final de la primera película y el estacionamiento de West Covina debe ser la transición más discordante que he experimentado.
Alice just buzzed my celly and wants me to join her in West Covina for a business convention.
Alice me ha llamado al móvil y quiere que vaya con ella a West Covina para una convención de negocios.
Earth Pets of West Covina, such a respectable company.
Tierra mascotas de West Covina, una empresa tan respetable.
"Don't cry for me, West Covina"
"No llores por mí, West Covina".
The Marriott hotel, West Covina.
Al hotel Marriot, es West Covina.
I gotta go to west Covina.
Me tengo que ir a West Covina.
And when you went to West Covina
Y cuando fue a West Covina
West Covina, California.
West Covina, California.
West Covina, I remember that.
West Covina, ahora me acuerdo.
West Covina, California. 91791.
"West Covina, California. 91791".
♪ West Covina ♪
* West Covina *.
♪ West Covina... ♪
* West Covina *.
♪ Yes, I heard of West Covina from Josh ♪
* Sí, me enteré de West Covina por Josh *
♪ West Covina ♪
* West Covina *
Uh, is there a problem with cell phone service in West Covina?
¿ Hay algún problema con el servicio de móvil en West Covina?
So what, uh, brings you to our lovely West Covina?
¿ Y qué es lo que te trae a nuestra querida West Covina?
But you know, that's why I moved to West Covina, to be with families who care.
Por eso me mudé a West Covina, para estar con familias que se preocupan.
Uh, so I run into Chan and he tells me how great West Covina is.
Así que me encuentro con Chan y me dice lo genial que es West Covina.
ATF busted two former Cal Tech grad students in West Covina for manufacturing Binetex.
ATF arrestaron a dos estudiantes de posgrado ex Cal Tech en West Covina para la fabricación Binetex.
I got it... - West Covina.
- West Covina.
♪ Hey, West Covina ♪
* Oye, West Covina *
♪ Can't you see, West Covina ♪
* ¿ No lo ves, West Covina? *
♪ You're killing me, West Covina ♪
* Me estás matando, Wes Covina *
♪ Last call, West Covina ♪
* Último aviso, West Covina *
♪ West Covina, California ♪
♪ West Covina, California ♪
The West Covina Taco Festival.
El Festival del Taco West Covina.
Local West Covina favorite,
Local favorito de West Covina,
♪ to west Covina, California ♪
♪ a West Covina, California ♪
♪ one day I was crying a lot ♪ ♪ and so I decided to move ♪ ♪ to west Covina, California ♪
* Un día rompí a llorar * * así que decidí mudarme * * a West Covina, California *
It's over on East Cameron, which is basically the Park Avenue of West Covina.
Está en East Cameron, básicamente el Park Avenue de West Covina.
Why was a prince in West Covina?
¿ Qué hacía un príncipe en West Covina?
Unlike West Covina, which is so historically interesting.
No como West Covina, que es históricamente muy interesante.
I wanted you to live with me, but you insisted on staying in West Covina.
Quería que vinieras conmigo, pero te empeñaste en quedarte en West Covina.
West Covina?
¿ De West Covina?
They hit a mark in West Covina and got their hands on four antique guns,

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