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What'd you tell him traduction Espagnol

249 traduction parallèle
Well, that's what you'd want me to tell him... isn't it?
Bueno, eso querías que le dijera... ¿ no?
What'd you tell him for?
¿ Para qué se lo dijiste?
It's, uh... it's none of my business, but... you know sailors are kind of crazy, and... i'd nip that bird right in the bud and tell him what's what.
Verás... No es asunto mío, pero... Los marineros están un poco locos y...
Julie, darling, what'd you tell him that for?
Julie, querida, ¿ por qué le dijiste eso?
But I wish you'd go ask him for the salt and tell me what you think.
Pero mejor vas tú por la sal y ya me dirás qué te parece.
What'd you tell him?
- ¿ Qué le dijiste?
- What'd you tell him?
- ¿ Y qué le ha contado?
You'd better tell Mr. Brooke to keep away from us... or I'll let him know what I think of him.
Dile al Sr. Brooke que no se acerque o le diré cuatro palabras.
What'd you tell him?
¿ Qué le dijiste?
I don't want to talk about it I promised I'd watch him carefully then tell you what he did
Yo... prometí fijarme bien en él... e... informarte... de su estado.
Well, we can tell him what the situation is now, but I think you'd better let me do it.
Bueno, ahora podemos explicarle la situación, pero creo que será mejor que lo haga yo.
- What'd you tell him?
- ¿ Qé les has dicho?
What'd you tell him?
- ¿ Qué le has dicho?
I'd like you to tell me what you thought of him.
Quiero que me cuente lo que pensaba de él.
What'd your mother tell you about him?
Qué te contó tu madre sobre él?
Well, what'd you tell him?
Bien, ¿ y qué le dijiste?
Now, this fellow in the Carson case, you know... what I'd like to do is to go up to him... take him by the arm and tell him not to worry.
El hombre del caso Carson- - Lo que me gustaría es acercármele... tomarlo del brazo y decirle que no se preocupe.
- What'd you have to tell him for anyway?
- ¿ Por qué les ha dicho nada?
If he was doing to me what he's doing to you, I'd tell him the same thing.
Si me hiciera a mí lo que le hace a usted, le diría exactamente lo mismo.
What'd you tell him?
¿ Qué le vas a decir?
What d'you tell him?
¿ Qué le dijiste?
If Grady was alive and you was to ask him something, he'd tell you. Tell us what.
Si Grady estaba vivo y que era para pedirle algo, le diría a usted, nos lo dirá,
- What'd you tell him?
- ¿ Y qué le has dicho?
Listen, mam, I wish you'd tell him... he really doesn't think that he's guilty, and he should keep it to himself, you see what I mean?
Ojalá se lo explicases. Si realmente no cree ser culpable, debería callarse.
" What do you think he'd say if we were to tell him
"¿ Pero qué diría si le dijera..."
Tell me, what d'you see in him?
Dime... ¿ Qué es lo que has visto en él?
But now, I have some idea so I'd like to tell you what nobody else knows about him but me...
Pero ahora, ya tengo una idea. por lo que quiero decirle algo que nadie sabe de él excepto yo...
I want you to tell him what you would've told him voluntarily if we'd convinced you.
Explíquele lo que hubiese hecho voluntariamente de haberle convencido.
And what'd you tell him, exactly?
Y, ¿ qué le dijiste? ... ¡ exactamente!
What'd you tell him?
¿ Que le has dicho?
I'll tell you what I'd like for him, a good tune-up fight.
Prepárale un combate de reaparición.
What'd you tell him?
- ¿ Qué le dijiste? - Nada.
I'll tell you one thing, if he was an officer in my outfit... I'd bust him so fast he wouldn't know what happened.
Si fuese un ofiicial en mi unidad... le despediría en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.
I asked whether Koruga knew what you'd been thinking whether you'll only tell him after I've fallen for it
Te he preguntado sí Koruga ya conoce ese planteamiento. ... ó sí se lo diras cuando yo haya aceptado poner el Título en juego.
If you know what's good for you, you better get on that phone and tell Mr. Big-shot Farmer that I said he'd better let me on that stage or I'll crucify him in 150 newspapers every day for the rest of his useless life.
Si sabe lo que le conviene, es mejor que llame al Gran Sr. Farmer y le diga que más le vale dejarme entrar al estudio o lo voy a denigrar en 150 periódicos cada día durante el resto de su insignificante vida.
[Sighs] What'd you tell him?
¿ Qué le dijiste?
Didn't you tell him what time we'd get here?
- ¿ No le dijiste a qué hora llegaríamos?
I was hoping you'd tell him what really happened.
Y esperaba que usted le dijera lo que realmente pasó.
- lf he asked me, I'd tell him what I'm telling you.
Si viniese a verme, le diría lo que le he dicho a usted.
What did I tell you? Didn't I tell you we'd find him either... dealing on the shoeshine stand... or hanging out on the corner?
¿ No te dije que lo encontraríamos... cerca del lustrabotas o en la esquina?
So what'd you tell him?
Así Qué le has dicho?
What'd you tell him?
¿ Y qué le has contado?
- What'd you tell him?
- ¿ Qué le dijiste?
- What'd you tell him that for?
- ¿ Por qué le dijiste eso?
Tell me what you'd say, knowing that there's nothing more you can do for him.
Dime lo que le dirías, sabiendo que no hay nada más que hacer por el.
What'd you tell him, Hadley?
¿ Qué le has dicho, Hadley?
He asked if there ´ d be pe at harvard. - What did you tell him?
Me preguntó si habría P.E en Harvard.
I can't wait to get up at dawn and climb into a flying sardine can - thank you - with a woman who wishes I'd catch a disease, so I can do some dirty deed for an old geezer who ignores what I tell him and then gets annoyed at me cos he doesn't get better.
Estoy deseando levantarme al amanecer y meterme en una lata voladora con una mujer que me odia para hacerle un curro a un vejete que pasa de lo que le digo y luego se enfada conmigo porque no mejora.
- What'd you tell him?
- ¿ Qué le contestaste?
I'd love to tell you, I would. But imagine what a young Caesar might have done differently had someone given him a hint of what lay ahead, or if Lincoln had been coerced into changing his theatre plans!
Me encantaría contestarle, en serio, pero imagine lo que habría hecho el joven César si le hubieran dado una pista de lo que le esperaba o si Lincoln hubiera sido forzado a cambiar todos sus planes.
W-W-W-What'd you tell him?
¿ Y qué le dijiste?

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