What's that look traduction Espagnol
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I promise you that's what you look like.
Te prometo que es lo que pareces.
What's that gonna do? Look, I don't do the big-brother thing very well.
Mira, yo no hago eso del "hermano mayor" muy bien.
Yeah, so what's that look for?
Dice que no sabe nada.
Look, I'm just double-checking to make sure that what I told dad, that the art guy's not involved with mom, that that's the truth, right?
Mira. Sólo estoy asegurándome para no tener dudas de que lo que dije a papá, lo de que el hombre artista no está involucrado con mamá, es... es la verdad ¿ cierto?
Well, that's what we usually look like.
Pues así nos vemos generalmente.
That's what you're supposed to look at.
Se supone que la mires.
What's that look?
Qué es esa mirada?
Look, Alicia, I don't know what you're hearing, but that's all we'll be looking at.
Mira, Alicia, no sé qué es lo que has oído pero eso será lo único que miraremos.
That's what you have to look forward to.
Eso es lo que debes hacer.
When the threats appeared, Jon Pertwee's Doctor knew exactly what to do and he did this great look, like that.
Cuando las amenazas aparecían, el Doctor Jon Pertwee sabía exactamente que hacer y hacia su gran mirada, como esta.
That's what you look like.
Asi es como eras.
Look, I didn't take advantage of her if that's what you're trying to say.
Mira, no me aproveché de ella, si eso es lo que está tratando de decir.
What's that look?
¿ Que es esa mirada?
Look, not many of us on this side ever played or understand what that's like.
Mira, no muchos de nosotros ha jugado alguna vez o entiende lo que es eso.
Millie, what's up with you and the gladiator dude? Oh, look at that.
Millie, ¿ qué está pasando entre tú y el gladiador ese? Oh, mira eso.
No matter what that person says with his mouth, it's possible to look in his eyes and see what he truly means, don't you think?
No importa lo que él diga con su boca... es posible mirar en sus ojos y ver lo que realmente quiere decir, ¿ no te parece?
That's what happens when you look for bullets in detroit. I say we call it a day. Chi rinunciare non cattura del pesci.
Lo llamamos un día normal. ¿ Qué?
That's what we have to look out...
- ¿ Y entonces? - Es allí que debemos revisar No sé lo que sucede allá abajo...
One of the big things that would affect what life looks like on another planet, particularly if you're starting to look at large life, macroscopic life like us, is what the gravity's like.
Una de las grandes cosas que afectaría a lo que se parecería la vida en otro planeta, sobretodo en formas de vidas de tamaño grande, vidas macroscópicas como la nuestra, sería la gravedad.
The way that we're going to understand better what is this Dark Energy that's accelerating through the Universe today is to go back in time and look at, when did Dark Energy first start to become important?
La manera que entenderemos mejor lo que es esta energía oscura que esta acelerando el Universo, es ir atrás en el tiempo y observar... ¿ cuándo fue que la energía oscura pasó a ser tan importante?
So, if you look at what the galactic center would look like in a normal telescope, let's say, you would get images which look like that.
Así, si veis cómo sería el centro de la galaxia con un telescopio normal, digamos, observaríais imágenes similares a esas.
Over here, you see a single line that's giving up energy in the back half of the detector, more characteristic of what a muon object would look like, a muon being a heavy electron.
Por aquí, ves una línea única que cede energía a la mitad posterior del detector, más característico de lo que parece ser un objeto tipo muón, siendo un muón algo así como un electrón pesado.
that's what friends do. Now, Bobby, you look exhausted.
Bobby, pareces cansado.
You look at that brain and you have no idea actually what's going on because evolution has optimised it automatically.
Miramos ese cerebro y no sabemos lo que está pasando porque la evolución lo optimizó automáticamente.
( chuckles ) come on. Claudia joy, I know that look. What's on your mind?
vamos, claudia joy conosco esa mirada que tienes en mente?
I'll be back in an hour, because I'm really curious to see what that's gonna look like.
Volveré en una hora, porque realmente tengo curiosidad de ver que va a parecer éso.
Look, once she gets that warrant, I can't stop her, so if you know what's in that box, tell me now.
A ver, una vez que tenga esa autorización, no puedo detenerla, así que si sabe qué hay en esa caja, dígamelo.
Look, that's a hell of a story, Artie, but what's it got to do with Dickinson?
Mira, esa es toda una historia, Artie, pero ¿ qué tiene que ver con Dickinson?
That's why I'm trying to, like, manage you, because I'm trying to tell you, look, I hear what you're saying, and I want you to feel better.
y quiero que te sientas mejor
Look, I don't know what's going on, but if there is one person that Lux would want to protect, it would be you.
Mira, no sé que es lo que esta pasando, pero si hay una persona a la que Lux quisiera proteger, esa serías tú.
Look, I would have called the wedding off for her, if that's what she wanted.
Habría cancelado la boda por ella, si eso era lo que quería.
It may look like that, but that's not really what I am.
Puedo parecer eso, pero eso no es lo que realmente soy. Ocho años en la escuela de cocina.
Some say that he's spent all week daydreaming about what Rubens Barrichello would look like in a ham slicer. LAUGHTER And that he's terrified the BBC will reveal his salary, because he's paid in strong pornography.
Dicen que se ha pasado toda la semana fantaseando con el aspecto que tendría Rubens Barrichello en un cortafiambres. Y que está aterrorizado por si la BBC revela su sueldo, porque le pagan con porno duro.
Now, I personally happen to think that wind turbines look beautiful. But we still get what's called NlMBYism. "Not in my backyard" sorts of behaviors.
En lo personal las turbinas de viento me parecen hermosas, pero vemos que la gente tiene la actitud de que no las quiere en sus patios o jardines.
What's that... your southern-gentleman look?
¿ Eso qué es... tu traje de caballero sureño?
Look, that's not what I meant to happen.
Mira, eso no es lo que quería que pasase.
What's that look like to you?
¿ Qué te parece eso?
What's that look on your face?
Qué es esa mirada en tu cara?
That's what I'm saying. There's nothing to look at.
No hay nada que mirar.
Like, yeah, that's what your dick would look like if I ripped off half of it and threw it in the garbage.
Si, así es como sería si te lo cortan por la mitad y lo tiran a la basura.
What we do have, and what the People will show, is that Valerie Roberts staged evidence to make Freddy's death look like an accident.
Lo que sí demostraremos, es que Valerie Roberts armó una trama para hacer lucir la muerte de Freddy como un accidente.
Tyrone, what's that look for?
Tyrone, ¿ por qué es esa mirada?
Okay, all right, what's that look?
Vale, de acuerdo, ¿ qué es esa mirada?
Yeah, that's what he says,... but then, when you awaken a man's instincts,... he's like a bull in the arena,... just look at my nephew, who couldn't control his passions.
Sí, eso es lo que él dice, pero luego, cuando se despierta el instinto de un hombre, es como un toro de lidia, que mire mi sobrino, que no pudo contenerse.
What did you do to your head? Oh. That's my summer cut.
¿ Qué te has hecho en la cabeza? Es mi look veraniego.
Look, what we have to do is to find the killer,... that's what we have to do.
Mira, lo que tenemos que hacer es encontrar a ese asesino, eso es lo que tenemos que hacer.
Look, Alonso, that's the same way the nobles think... but if we keep everything we have and so does everyone else in town,... what's going to happen?
Mira, Alonso, eso mismo es lo que piensan los nobles, pero si nosotros nos guardamos todo lo que tenemos, y todos en la villa hacen lo mismo, qué va a ocurrir?
Look, if there's somebody there that-that nobody else can see but her, and he's telling her what to do, in my mind that's playing with an unfair advantage. It's cheating.
Mira, si hay alguien ahí que... que nadie más que ella puede ver y le está diciendo lo que debe hacer creo que está jugando con ventaja.
Let's take a look at that knee and figure out what we're doing for the second half!
¡ Vamos a echarle un vistazo a esa rodilla y a averiguar qué vamos a hacer en el segundo tiempo!
You know, what`s cool about YouTube, is that when you look at people`s comments you can see where they live.
Ya sabes, lo que es bueno de YouTube, es que cuando nos fijamos en los comentarios se se puede ver donde viven.
I think, that we just need to wake up and just look at what ´ s happening, because we can ´ t just ignore it, because it ´ s going to get worse and worse, if we just keep ignoring it and pushing it away like :
Creo que sólo tenemos que despertar y basta con ver lo que está sucediendo,. ... porque no podemos ignorarlo, porque que va a poner peor y peor, si sólo seguimos ignoràndolo y haciéndolo a un lado, como : Oh, eso no es nada!
what's that look for 19
what's that 9620
what's that supposed to mean 1098
what's that noise 213
what's that over there 34
what's that got to do with it 83
what's that got to do with me 46
what's that smell 333
what's that like 67
what's that all about 130
what's that 9620
what's that supposed to mean 1098
what's that noise 213
what's that over there 34
what's that got to do with it 83
what's that got to do with me 46
what's that smell 333
what's that like 67
what's that all about 130