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What were we supposed to do traduction Espagnol

99 traduction parallèle
What were we supposed to do, go to your house?
¿ Y qué quieres, que vayamos a tu casa? Si eso quieres...
What were we supposed to do? Lock the door. Is that what you and your friends did when you went on your beer runs?
Casi vomito en el Empire State y eso estaba 3.300 metros más abajo.
Come on, what were we supposed to do?
Vamos, ¿ qué debíamos hacer?
Yeah. What were we supposed to do?
Eso. ¿ Què querías que hiciéramos?
What were we supposed to do?
¿ Cómo se supone que deberíamos haberlo hecho?
What were we supposed to do?
¿ Qué se supone que hagamos?
What were we supposed to do?
¿ Qué debíamos hacer?
So what were we supposed to do, Tom?
¿ Qué podíamos hacer, Tom?
So what were we supposed to do tonight?
¿ Qué deberíamos de haber hecho?
The weapons were down. What were we supposed to do?
¿ Qué íbamos a hacer sin armas?
I didn't want to leave them either, but what were we supposed to do?
Yo tampoco queria dejarlos ahi, pero que se supone que tenemos que hacer?
I didn't want to leave them either, but what were we supposed to do?
Yo tampoco quería dejarlos ahí, ¿ pero que debemos hacer?
What were we supposed to do? Keep sneaking around until someone catches us?
¿ Qué debíamos hacer, andar a hurtadillas hasta que alguien nos descubriera?
What were we supposed to do?
¿ Qué se suponía que debíamos hacer?
What were we supposed to do?
¿ Qué se supone que debíamos hacer?
- what were we supposed to do? - How about ignoring them?
Los donantes nos retiraron su apoyo. ¿ Qué debíamos hacer?
- What were we supposed to do?
Bueno, ¿ qué se supone que podíamos hacer?
Of course we did. What were we supposed to do?
Claro que sí. ¿ Qué íbamos a hacer?
Well, what were we supposed to do?
Bien, ¿ qué se supone que debíamos hacer?
what were we supposed to do, hmm, carry him down the mountain?
Que se supone que debíamos hacer, hmm, bajarlo de la montaña?
What were we supposed to do?
¿ Qué se suponía que hiciéramos?
What were we supposed to do!
¡ Qué se supone que debíamos hacer!
That guy saw our car, he saw our faces, what were we supposed to do? Let him turn us in?
El hombre vio nuestro auto, nuestros rostros... no podíamos permitir que nos denunciara.
What were we supposed to do?
¿ Qué podíamos haber hecho?
What were we supposed to do?
¿ Que se supone que debíamos hacer?
What were we supposed to do? Just run it for five seconds and then stop it to fool ourselves?
Simplemente ejecute él por cinco segundos y luego parar para engañar a nosotros mismos?
What were we supposed to do after?
¿ Qué se supone que se hace después?
If I had stayed, what were we supposed to do?
Si me hubiera quedado, ¿ qué se suponía que hiciéramos?
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } They followed us { \, Jules }. What were we supposed to do?
Nos siguieron, Jules. ¿ Qué se supone que tendríamos que haber hecho?
We did what we were supposed to do.
Hicimos lo que debiamos.
We did what we were supposed to do!
¡ Nosotros hicimos lo que debíamos hacer! ¡ Tú no!
We did what we were supposed to do!
¡ Nosotros hicimos lo que debíamos hacer!
So once we went to bed, we didn`t know what we were supposed to do. You know?
Así que una vez que nos acostamos, no sabíamos qué debíamos hacer. ¿ Entiendes?
I don't know what we were all supposed to do.
No sé qué esperaban de nosotros.
So everybody was busy at what they were supposed to do. We didn't have any extra people.
Cada uno estaba ocupado en lo suyo, y no teníamos gente adicional.
Of course, we were both doing what we were supposed to do but under different circumstances, we might've been friends.
Naturalmente, ellos cumplían con su deber y yo con el mío pero en otras circunstancias, pudimos haber sido amigos.
Verdict? Is that what we were supposed to do?
¿ Eso era lo que debíamos hacer?
Jay, what the fuck were we supposed to do?
Jay, ¿ qué mierda debíamos hacer?
et cetera, et cetera, "Did I forget something about what we were supposed to do yesterday?"
Etcétera, etcétera. "Me olvidé algo sobre lo que debía haber hecho ayer?"
"we're at The Voyager Motel, let's go back and shoot what we were supposed to do here in the pool."
"estamos en el motel The Voyager, regresemos y filmemos... " lo que íbamos a hacer en la piscina. "
We should've done what we were supposed to do.
Deberíamos haber hecho lo que se suponía que hiciéramos.
And to us, putting it into a car was not the most gigantic thing what we were supposed to do.
Y para nosotros, instalarla no era una cosa tan difícil.
If everything was mechanistic and God was the Holy Creator... - [Jabbering] - then what were we humans supposed to do?
Si todo era mecanicista y Dios era el Sagrado Creador... entonces ¿ qué debiamos hacer nosotros los humanos?
Uh, yeah. What else were we supposed to do?
Eh, si. ¿ qué querías que hiciesemos?
What the hell were we supposed to do?
¿ Qué íbamos a hacer con plantas?
I'm sorry it's not ok because the quantity is not the same i don't know what happened we were supposed to do 15 in a row and we did 16 it's not sixteen
Lo lamento, no está bien porque la cantidad no es la misma. - No sé que sucedió. - Teníamos que hacer dieciséis....... y hicimos quince.
And-And everything was working fine until Kate spoke up, and did exactly what we were not supposed to do.
Y todo iba bien hasta que Kate habló, e hicimos exactamente lo que se suponía que no hiciéramos.
Did miss colletto happen to mention What we were supposed to do with the spectacular spider remains?
¿ Te dijo la señorita Colletto qué se supone que hagamos con los restos de la espectacular araña?
But the truck we were supposed to load never showed up, so my boss said, "There's nothing to do, go home." What did I do?
Pero el camión que íbamos a cargar no apareció, y mi jefe me dijo : "No hay trabajo, vete a casa." ¿ Qué hice?
You'll forgive my skepticism, but the last thing Richard said before he went stomping off into the jungle, was that we were all in hell, and he had no idea what we were supposed to do next.
Disculpa mi escepticismo, pero Io último que dijo antes de meterse en la jungla fue que estábamos en el infierno y que no sabía qué debíamos hacer ahora.
Well, what were we supposed to do?
Bueno, ¿ que se suponía que hicieramos?

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