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What were you gonna say traduction Espagnol

312 traduction parallèle
What were you gonna say?
¿ Qué iba a decir?
Lucy, what were you gonna say, just now?
Lucy, ¿ qué estabas a punto de decir?
No, if I were you I would forget all about it. - What were you gonna say?
No, si yo fuera usted, me olvidaría de todo. - ¿ Qué iba a decir?
Go on, Lenny. What were you gonna say?
Sigue, Lenny. ¿ Qué ibas a decir?
- What were you gonna say?
- ¿ Qué ibas a decir?
- Sorry. What were you gonna say?
- Perdona, ¿ qué ibas a decir?
What were you gonna say?
¿ Que iba a decir?
- What were you gonna say?
- ¿ Qué iba a decir?
- No, what were you gonna say?
- ¿ Qué ibas a decir?
Now, what were you gonna say?
¿ Ahora, qué fue lo que dijiste?
So, what were you gonna say?
¿ Entonces, qué tienen que decirme?
- What were you gonna say?
- Que quieres decir?
And I if I had answered, what were you gonna say?
¿ Y qué me hubieses dicho?
What were you gonna say?
¿ Qué me ibas a decir?
Why, what were you gonna say?
¿ Qué ibas a decir?
What were you gonna say?
¿ Qué ibas a decir?
- What were you gonna say? - Yeah, what were you going to say?
- Sí, ¿ qué ibas a decir?
What were you gonna say after that?
Que dices después de esto?
It's what you were gonna say.
- Nada. Es lo que ibas a decir.
You didn't say you were gonna still try to collect. What are you talking about?
No dijiste que aún pretendiéras recoger pasta.
- Is that what you were gonna say?
- ¿ Es lo que ibas a decir?
What time did you say we were gonna leave?
¿ A qué hora salimos?
is that what you were gonna say?
¿ Es eso lo que ibas a decir?
Is that what you were gonna say, Teach?
¿ Me va a decir eso, profa?
I've been waiting for this and I figured what you were gonna say next.
Me esperaba esto y me imagino lo que va a decir ahora.
I don't want you to get offended at what I'm gonna say now but... were you doin'a little drinkin'this afternoon?
No se ofenda con lo que voy a decirle, pero... ¿ Estuvo bebiendo esta tarde?
- Tell me what you were gonna say.
- Dime qué ibas a decir.
I just had an idea that's what you were gonna say.
Acabo de tener una idea de que es lo que ibas a decir.
Yeah, that's what I thought you were gonna say.
Sí, me imaginé que ibas a decir eso.
Wondering what you'd wear, what you'd say and how you were gonna tease me and when we'd find time to make love.
Me preguntaba qué te pondrías, qué dirías cómo me tomarías el pelo y cuándo haríamos el amor.
What were you gonna say?
¿ Qué? ¿ Qué ibas a decir?
- That's not what you were gonna say.
- No ibas a decir eso.
That's what you were gonna say. What was wrong with that?
Eso es lo que íbamos a decir, ¿ qué tiene de malo eso?
Now I'll never know what you were gonna say about me.
Supongo que nunca sabré lo que iba a decir de mí.
I sensed that's what you were gonna say. It is, isn't it?
Presentí lo que ibas a decir. ¿ No era eso?
- Tell me what you were gonna say.
- Dime lo que ibas a decir.
What did you say you were gonna put there?
¿ Qué dijiste que pondrías ahí?
That's what I thought you were gonna say.
Eso es lo que creí que iban a decir.
Si... yo lo que quiero decir es que... tal vez tu tenias razón en el auto.
You what? Wait, I thought you said... we agreed that you were gonna say something.
¿ No quedamos en que hablarías con él?
No, you said what you were gonna say.
No, dijiste lo que ibas a decir.
Is that what you were gonna say?
¿ No es eso lo que ibas a decir?
Come on you sit here in this stupid lab... and you look at the stars, and you wish you were travelling and doing what they're doing and now... you got a chance and you're gonna say no?
Vamos, te quedas sentada en este estúpido laboratorio mirando a las estrellas y deseando viajar y poder hacer lo que ellas hacen y ahora... que tienes la oportunidad, ¿ vas a decir que no?
That's what I thought you were gonna say.
Eso es lo que pensé que ibas a decir.
That's what you were gonna say, right? Right?
Eso era lo que ibas a decir, ¿ no?
I know what you're gonna say, man. They were throwing panties at you Teddy Pendergrass style.
A las 3 de la tarde en el sector de deportes... y tu amigo dijo para encontrarlo aquí a las tres.
Is that what you were gonna say there, Rach?
¿ No eso lo que ibas a decir, Rach?
What you were gonna say?
¿ Qué ibas a decir?
Something tells me that's not what you were gonna say.
Algo me dice que no es eso lo que ibas a decir.
- and I know what you were gonna say.
- y sé lo que ibas a decir.
Oh, good! Oh, I didn't know what you were gonna say!
¡ Bien, no sabía qué dirías!

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