Whatever it's called traduction Espagnol
163 traduction parallèle
Maggie, will you take Forty Years an Ohio Butcher or whatever it's called?
Maggie, llévate Cuarenta Años de Carnicero en Ohio o como se llame.
Give me the hotel, whatever it's called.
¡ Comuníqueme con eI hotel, como se llame.
Isn't there anyone that you know that you can get in touch with over there... or on the other side or whatever it's called who can advise you? No.
¿ No hay nadie que conozcas y que puedas ponerte en contacto en... en el como quiera que se llame, y que pueda aconsejarte, Elvira?
Well, when you are a duke, you just come and show me your crown, or whatever it's called and then I'll feel awfully silly, won't I?
Bien, cuando seas duque... ven y enséñame la corona o como se llame... y entonces me sentiré muy tonta, ¿ no?
You know so much about it What did you ever valid---validate-- - whatever it's called?
¿ Has hecho algún dis... discurso o como quiera que se llame?
Charlotte, Mona's having a little get-together later on at our house, and she and Freddy Beale and some others, are having a jam session, or whatever it's called.
Charlotte, Mona va tener una reunión en nuestra casa más tarde, ella y Freddy Beale y algunos más, tendrán una fiesta o como se llame.
Condon says there's never been any money cleared for anything called "ECOMCON" or whatever it is.
No se ha destinado dinero... para nada llamado ECOMCON o lo que sea.
Three, the Earth is being drained of it's energy by this so-called planet Mondas whatever it's called.
Tres, la Tierra está siendo drenada de su energía por este llamado planeta Mondas o como se llame.
Matthew, go to the house and pick up my clothes. Have the boat ready to sail by 12 : 00. We'll catch the noontide or whatever it's called.
También bebió vino y coñac en cantidad y después cantó canciones ruidosas con sus amigos sobre una joven de Swansea.
Including a half a bottle of rosé vin... or wine or whatever it's called.
Incluyendo media botella de vino rosado... o vino o como se llame
Dylan and Teddy poured pig's blood in assembly to protest the Rwandan genocide or whatever it was called, okay?
Dylan y Teddy tiraron sangre de cerdo en la asamblea para protestar por el genocidio en Ruenda o como quiera que se llame, ¿ vale?
Suddenly I had an insight, or whatever it's called.
De repente tuve una revelación.
You see about a dozen years ago, I was mucking about in Ommadon's Red Devil Realm or whatever it's called.
Ahora unos 12 años Yo estaba en el reino de Ommadon.
Yes, of the gang, or whatever it's called.
Si, de la banda, o como le llames.
It's those same jackasses from USC... the USC rat-fuckers or whatever the hell they called themselves.
Esos mismos estúpidos de la USC... las ratas cabronas de la USC o como demonios quieran llamarse a sí mismos.
They can't wait till tomorrow to foreclose on whatever it's called.
Están deseando que llegue mañana para hipotecar los como se llamen.
Aparece uno de muestra en "grovers corners" o como se llame.
"It's called... " whatever the fuck it's called,
Se llama... como coño se llame, y uso...
Listen... because of a man called Suzujiro or whatever... I don't think it's right for you to talk badly about your parents.
Escuchen... por culpa de un tal Suzujiro, o como quiera que se llame... no creo que ustedes deban hablar mal de sus padres.
Were you ever in the Free Cuba movement or whatever it's called?
¿ Formó parte del movimiento para liberar a Cuba?
Whatever it's called, Daddy can't get it.
Se llame como se llame, papá no puede conseguirlo.
Well, whatever it's called, you're dead. [Ziggy Beeping]
Como se diga, mueres.
And you're not in jail, or solitary, or whatever it's called?
Y no está en la carcel o a la sombra o como coño se diga.
And this... dress, or whatever it's called...
Y este vestido... O como diablos se llame...
Let's just find this Hall of Mohair, or whatever it's called.
Encontremos esta "Sala de Mojaire"... o cómo se llame.
I didn't encourage it during his so-called marriage, but now that he's free, whatever makes him happy. I say go for it.
Durante su supuesto matrimonio, no lo apoyé, pero ahora que es libre, lo que sea que lo haga feliz, yo digo que adelante.
Soon I will rule the industry and you will still be writing line one of whatever it's called.
Pronto seré el amo de la industria del cine y tu ni siquiera has terminado tu...
Destiny. Whatever it's called when you...
La suerte, o como se llame cuando tú...
Whatever I do, it's always coming from my end... and I feel like, if I never called you... I'd fall off the face of the earth, and we wouldn't be friends anymore.
Sea lo que sea, siempre es iniciativa mía y siento que si no te llamara ya no sería parte de tu vida, y ya no seríamos amigos.
Well, whatever it's called... it's beautiful. Koomer Creek.
El arroyo Koomer.
Yeah. Well, whatever it's called, it's beautiful.
Pues, se llame como se llame, es hermoso.
Yeah, well, fortunately for you, not too many people I know read your little Time magazine, or whatever it's called.
Sí, por desgracia para ti, poca gente lee tu revistita Time o como se llame.
It's sold out, whatever it's called.
No quedan más para esa... ¿ Cómo se llama?
Open your mouth. I'll rip out your orthodontics, or whatever it's called.
Abre la boca, abre la boca que te voy a arrancar la ortodoncia, o como coño se llame.
- You're being a dick. You can go to college and get your little PFD or whatever the fuck it's called. I don't care.
Maldito, ve a la universidad a buscar tu doctorado o como mierda se diga.
- I forget. But as I was lookin'at the place, whatever it's called...
Pero al mirar ese lugar, llámese como se llame...
Yeah, only mine's a fruit, or a half-fruit, whatever it's called.
Pero es marica o medio marica, o como se llame eso.
or whatever it's called.
o como se llame.
Look, they know you gave Andy the fry, or whatever the fuck it's called.
Mira, saben que le diste a Andy el frito, o como mierda se llame.
I don't know how to be in the power position or whatever it's called.
No se como tener una posición de poder, o como se llame.
No, it's my sinuses, or whatever they're called it won't go away.
No, son mis senos nasales, o cómo se llame... no se va a ir.
Hello! is this the lonely-hearts club, or whatever it's called?
¿ Este es el el club de los corazones solitarios, o como se llame?
Mel's in her 30s, And she's got endometry-Whatever-Thefuck-It's-Called, And now she's taken on the biggest court case of her life.
Mel tiene 30 y pico, y tiene endo-metri-como - cojones-se-llame y ahora se ha hecho cargo del caso más importante de su
Whatever the hell it's called?
¿ Cómo diablos se dice?
We went to junior high or middle school or whatever it's called, together.
Fuimos juntos a la escuela - a la escuela primaria, o cómo se llame. - ¡ Sí!
Or to confess, or whatever it's called.
O confesarme, o como sea que se llame.
Sign him up in Gallinara or whatever it's called.
Inscríbelo en la Gallinara o como quiera que se llame.
Tour the house, make a long distance phone call, whatever, it's called relaxing.
Visita la casa, haz una llamada de larga distancia, lo que sea se llama relajarse
I probably got brain... whatever it's called or, mental, fuck
Quizá tenga algo en la cabeza, en el cerebro, o como se diga. Mierda. No puedo lidiar contigo.
Say, are you still working as a State-whatever-it's-called?
¿ Aún eres un "No sé qué" Nacional?
There must be something in her file or whatever it's called.
Tiene que haber algo en su historia clínica o como se llame.
it's called 789
it's called the 26
it's called a 51
called 487
called it 35
called me 28
called friends 21
called it in 23
whatever 7954
whatevs 49
it's called the 26
it's called a 51
called 487
called it 35
called me 28
called friends 21
called it in 23
whatever 7954
whatevs 49
whatever you say 750
whatever works for you 17
whatever helps you sleep at night 20
whatever you need 442
whatever you think is best 17
whatever works 54
whatever you want 745
whatever it takes 474
whatever do you mean 52
whatever happens 538
whatever works for you 17
whatever helps you sleep at night 20
whatever you need 442
whatever you think is best 17
whatever works 54
whatever you want 745
whatever it takes 474
whatever do you mean 52
whatever happens 538