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Called friends traduction Espagnol

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It was all these so-called friends of his who helped me find it out.
Todos sus amigos entre comillas me han ayudado mucho a comprenderlo.
That includes you and these so-called friends of mine.
Eso te incluye a ti y a esos que dicen ser amigos mios.
Yes, I believe so... especially when it's done at the expense of those so-called friends who could well have afforded to help when help was needed but never lifted a finger.
Si, así lo creo. Especialmente cuando es realizado a expensas... de los llamados amigos. Que deberían haber tenido la intención de ayudar... cuando necesitaba la ayuda.
Nucki is called upon by his friends to go for a stroll.
Los amigos de Nucki van a buscarle para dar un paseo.
No luck. The Baron and the deer made friends and called the whole thing off.
El Barón y el ciervo se hicieron amigos.
And 13 of my friends called me up this morning, so I'd be sure not to miss it.
Y 13 de mis amigos me han llamdo esta mañana, así se aseguraron de que me enterara.
Everything's fine. He called one of his friends at the railroad.
Él telefoneo a un amigo suyo de la compañía.
A poet, a man called Keller, he was good friends with children.
- De un poeta. Un señor que se llamaba Teller. Era muy amigo de los niños.
Those friends of yours told me not to mention they'd called.
Sus amigos me han pedido que no le dijera nada.
Somewhere in the Indian Ocean, Free Madagascar soon called out to its friends and enemies.
Desde su puesto clave en el Índico, Madagascar recibiría a todos sus amigos.
But Stéphane had arranged another meeting, with one of his friends, called Oskar Emberg.
En efecto tenía una cita, pero era con un amigo suyo llamado Oscar Hembert.
In June 1940 the Germans cut France in two, separating friends and family and blocking equipment and supplies behind the demarcation line, dividing the country into an occupied zone and a so-called "free" zone.
I've called red-handed cut-throats my friends.
He llamado amigos a viles asesinos.
All our friends, you know, they called to see if you were okay.
Enseguida telefonearon todas las amistades.
Well, after you've called on him, I'm sure Watkins will be delighted... to drive you all over London to see the rest of your friends.
Ya veo. Después de esa visita, Watkins lo conducirá... dondequiera ir para que vea... al resto de sus amigos.
I called some friends in Washington.
Llamé a algunos amigos de Washington.
I called a few friends in Chicago and St. Louis.
Llamé a unos amigos de Chicago y St. Louis.
I openly admit that I do not tolerate pugs, lap-dogs cats or so-called old friends.
No tolero perritos, gatitos... ni viejos amigos.
Your old friends of the Resistance who work at the restaurant, they called the police terrible names when they let you go yesterday.
Tus camaradas de la Resistencia que trabajan en el restaurante insultaron a la policía al enterarse de que te habían soltado.
Tonight's play is called "The Crack of Doom." As the title suggests, "The Crack of Doom" is a story about Mason Bridges, his wife, Jessie, his secretary, Della, his friends, Tom Ackley and Sam Clinker.
La historia de hoy se Ilama "Día del juicio final",... y como su título indica, es la historia de Mason Bridges,... su mujer Jessie, su secretaria, sus amigos Tom y Sam Clinker,... y comienza en el coche salón del tren de Nueva York a Chicago.
As a matter of fact, we were going out for dinner tonight with some friends but Patrick seemed so terribly tired that I just called up and cancelled.
De hecho, íbamos a salir a cenar esta noche con unos amigos pero Patrick parecía terriblemente cansado Que tuve que hablar para cancelarlo.
She has lunch at the school or at a place called the Hangout with some of her friends.
Almuerza en el colegio o en un lugar llamado Hangout con algunos amigos.
A development which initiated the so-called long and hard twenty year period, and this shouldn't upset Neni and his friends. We must..
Ese progreso económico que se inició hace tanto tiempo en el curso de ese triste decenio con la bendición de Nenni y sus amigos...
- Sizi, he is called by his friends.
- Sizi, como le llaman los amigos.
People I've called my friends are ignoring me.
Personas a quienes llamaba mis amigos ahora me ignoran.
Hath she forsook so many noble matches her father, her country, her friends, to be called whore?
¿ Ha renunciado a nobles pretendientes, a un padre, a amigos, para que la llamen ramera?
My friends, you all know why I've called you here.
Amigos mios, todos vosotros sabéis por qué os he llamado aqui.
I'm not like those so-called... fair-weather friends of yours.
Yo no soy como esos llamados... "Amigos por interés" que tenías.
Christian friends, anti-people and Bloom, the man called Bloom, comes from the depths of hell!
¡ Hermanos cristianos y antibloomistas! Ese tal Bloom ha salido de las entrañas del Infierno.
And demonstrates that the so called dead are still alive and that our friends are still with us, though aren't seen
Y demuestra que la llamada muerte. Aun es vida. Y que nuestros amigos aun estan con nosotros aunque no podamos verlos.
Apart of my involvement with Vietnam was to be active... in founding the so-called American Friends of Vietnam... a private organization dedicated to the promotion... of understanding, the spread of information... and support of Diem.
[Buttinger] Una parte de mi implicación en Vietnam era la participación activa en la creación de una supuesta fundación amigos de Vietnam una organización privada dedicada a la promoción de los apoyos, la extensión de la información y las ayudas de Diem.
In this world, you will be called upon to make many moral decisions... affecting not only your own lives... but the lives of your families, your friends, your acquaintances.
En este mundo, tendréis que tomar muchas decisiones morales... que afectarán no sólo a vuestras vidas, sino a las vidas de vuestras familias, de vuestros amigos y conocidos.
because friends, as you saw earlier wouldn't have called me Mr. Coulaudon.
Coulaudon es un nombre bien conocido, pero en mi trabajo, no importa.
And you both dated girls and labeled yourselves men, and called yourselves just fond friends.
Y continuar andando con chicas y etiquetarse como hombres. Y llamándose sólo "buenos amigos".
Some friends of mine called me and asked me if I'd like to go for a midnight ride.
Unos amigos me han preguntado si quería ir a montar con ellos.
In 8 of December, when we were for the school, many colleagues and friends had called them Japanese pigs, had provoked them, they had antagonized them and the said ones friends already were not friends.
El 8 de diciembre, cuando fuimos a la escuela, muchos colegas y amigos nos llamaron cerdos japoneses, nos llevó hostiles a nosotros y dijo Amigos ya no eran amigos.
I looked everywhere, I called her friends.
La busqué por todas partes, llamé a todas sus amigas.
You think, you alone have friends in high places. Let me tell you... The Cardinal took my hand and called me friend.
Crees que eres la única que tiene amigos importantes, pero te diré que el cardenal me tomó la mano y me llamó "amigo".
I called few friends. They hadn't heard from her.
Llamé a algunos amigos y no sabían nada.
In Montreuil my friends and I called him the old goat.
En Montreuil mis amigas y yo le llamábamos el cabrito.
Judy and I became close friends when we did a series of films together that the studio called "backyard musicals."
Judy y yo nos hicimos buenos amigos cuando hicimos una serie de filmes... que los estudios llamaron "musicales de casa".
I'm so used to be called "Perozzi" by my colleagues and friends that I've almost forgotten my first name is Giorgio.
Estoy tan acostumbrado a que los amigos y colegas me llamen "Perozzi".. .. que casi me he olvidado de que también me llamo Giorgio.
I will not now call you servants : for the servant knoweth not what his lord doth. But I have called you friends. Because all things, whatsoever I have heard of my Father, I have made known to you.
No os llamó más siervos, porque el siervo no sabe qué hace su amo, os llamo amigos, porque os he dado a conocer lo que he aprendido de mi padre.
Friends, feel free to speak. The priest called us thieves.
Amigos, podéis decir lo que queráis, pero el cura nos ha llamado ladrones.
Called me up, a lot of your Friends from the base.
A muchos de tus amigos de la base tuve que dejar de hablarles.
It's what's called, Having friends at court.
Es lo que se llama, tener amigos en la corte.
Our friends and neighbors called us The Band.
El nos llamaba The Band, igual que nuestros amigos y vecinos.
I've got these friends called water babies trapped in Shark Castle and I want to be allowed to go back up there.
Mis amigos, los bebés del agua, están en el Castillo Tiburón y quiero regresar a la superficie.
We can't really be friends anymore though you called us thick as thieves.
Ya no podemos ser amigas aunque tu dijiste que éramos como uña y carne.
So, in about 1870, one of the biggest brewers in Munich, this man, head of the Sedlmayr brewery, went to one of his friends who was a locomotive engineer called Carl von Linde, and asked him,
Entonces, alrededor de 1870, uno de los más grandes cerveceros de Múnich, este hombre, jefe de la Cervecería Sedlmayr, fue con uno de sus amigos que era un ingeniero de locomotoras llamado Carl von Linde, y le preguntó
The man called the Whale... by his friends, seems to be celebrating more than... just his birthday.
Ese a quien sus amigos apodaron "La Ballena" parece festejar al mismo tiempo su cumpleaños y un destino excepcional.

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