Which is funny traduction Espagnol
165 traduction parallèle
I, on the other hand, I'm not doin'so good... which is funny, I guess.
Yo, por el otro lado, no la estoy pasando muy bien, lo cual es gracioso, supongo.
I, on the other hand, I'm not doin'so good... which is funny, I guess.
Yo, por el otro lado, no la estoy pasando muy Bine, lo cual es gracioso, supongo.
I'm spending most of my time teaching science which is funny because that wasn't even my major.
Paso la mayor parte del tiempo enseñando ciencia lo cual es cómico porque no era mi especialidad.
Which is funny, because in high school I failed biology and tonight biology failed me.
Lo cual tiene gracia, porque en secundaria, yo reprobé Biología y esta noche la biología me reprobó a mí.
I said exactly what you told me to say, which is what C.J. told me to say which is funny considering C.J. was in New York and didn't speak to you.
Es lo que tú me dijiste y lo mismo que me dijo C.J. Es curioso. C.J. estaba en Nueva York y no habló contigo.
Now would be the right time for that speech, which is funny, yet motivates us to become better people.
Ahora sí es momento para discursos, lo que es loco, pero nos motiva a ser mejores.
Which is funny because I think the only things I've ever seen in his hands Is a cigarette Or a hockey stick.
Lo cual es gracioso porque creo que las únicas cosas que he visto en sus manos es un cigarro o un palo de hockey.
you know, which is funny, Because my wife hates hockey. And, uh... And it's 80 fuckin'degrees Back there.
Lo cual es gracioso porque mi mujer odia el hockey y, eh... y hace 26 putos grados allí.
I think she's trying to kill me. Which is funny because you're the only one in the family who's got any money.
Creo que quiere matarme pero eso es cómico porque el que tiene dinero eres tú.
Thank you. My mother gave it to me when I was thinking of becoming a nun, which is funny, actually, because she was so against it at the time.
Me la dio mi madre cuando pensaba hacerme monja que de hecho es irónico porque ella siempre se opuso.
Which is funny now.
Lo cual es gracioso ahora.
My father says that, to this day, he's still surprised Mom said yes, which is funny because Mom used to tell my sister and me she was worried he was never going to ask the big question.
Mi padre dice que hasta el día de hoy Ie sorprende que mamá haya aceptado, Io cual es gracioso, porque mamá nos decía a mi hermana y a mí que estaba preocupada porque creía que jamás le propondría casamiento.
Which is funny, because he didn't in the beginning.
Lo cual es gracioso, porque al principio no lo era.
"The sketch, which is very funny, is the hit of the show, and if the Caraways aren't laughing, everyone else in town is."
"El número, que es muy gracioso, es el éxito del espéctaculo, y si los Caraways ano se ríen, el resto de la ciudad si lo hace."
That makes me think of a very funny story which is going all over Warsaw.
Eso me recuerda a una historia muy divertida que anda por toda Varsovia.
Some other dame says a guy's been throwing baseballs at her, which is funny because that's her job, having baseballs thrown at her.
Es divertido, porque ése es su trabajo.
They don't show very much, which is kind of funny too.
No se ve demasiado, pero es raro.
Magistrate, you're a person who's both... cautious and curious. Which is a bit funny.
Consejero, Vuestra Merced es una persona al mismo tiempo... cautelosa y curiosa, lo cual no deja de ser gracioso.
which is pretty funny when you think about it.
¡ Es divertido ahora que pienso!
But for that part of them which is intelligent or funny or just nice.
Sino por aquella parte inteligente en ellos. O por su lado divertido o agradable.
And what you will see is that the star you can make out will be moving in a funny, wiggly pattern which will be the clue, the evidence for the existence of the dark planet.
Lo que verán es que se puede distinguir a la estrella meneándose divertidamente lo cual será la evidencia de que existe un planeta oscuro.
And what you will see. is that the star you can make out. will be moving in a funny, wiggly pattern. which will be the clue, the evidence. for the existence of the dark planet.
La molécula mensajera sale desde el núcleo de la célula.
It's funny, but this marriage which is supposed to help unify our country, will tear it apart.
Es gracioso, pero este matrimonio cuyo objetivo es unir al país, lo destrozará.
It's true, my husband is Polish which I personally don't think is very funny.
Es verdad, mi esposo es polaco y personalmente no creo que sea muy divertido.
The funny thing here is that... you say you only know her in passing... but this message says "call me at home" and there's no number... which would indicate that you already know her number.
lo gracioso es que dices que la conoces de vista pero el mensaje dice "llámame a mi casa", sin el número. Lo que indica que... ya te lo sabías.
Very funny. Um, so, you know, you read something like this... and I think that it has gone over the line... from a satire of a 1950s, hygienic... you know, family in denial... into something which is just Crumb producing pornography.
Así que lees algo como esto... y creo que se ha pasado de la raya... desde sátira de los años 50... negación de familia modelo... hasta algo en que es sólo Crumb produciendo pornografía.
- That is not funny, sir! No, but it's honest, which is a little more
Pero soy sincero, más...
- Yes, I have, which is funny because I usually...
- Sí.
They made me come and pick him up, which I thought was pretty funny and it took him years before he really could comprehend that he wasn't supposed to go to school like that, but that's the way life is when you're 6 years old.
Me hicieron ir a recogerle, lo cual pensé que era bastante gracioso le llevó años antes de que pudiera entender que dijeran que no iba a ir a la escuela de esta manera, pero así es la vida cuando tienes 6 años.
Turns out the pledgers are more likely to spread S.T.D.S, which, funny thing, is exactly what happened to my client here.
Es menos probable que los que prometen abstenerse vayan al médico si contraen algo, menos probable que se crean contagiados.
That's what's so interesting about this is, I'm getting to see the breakdown of the Tagi alliance, which is really funny.
Va a ser interesante porque voy a ver la ruptura de la alianza Tagi, lo cual será muy divertido.
Asi que el Dr. Josh eligió "Pequeño Corvette Rojo", lo cual es gracioso porque el maneja un Lexus y reimos, y reimos espera, el Dr. Josh estuvo ahi?
She embodies the cruel good conscience of the bourgeois aristocracy which is alive and well. She shows her true self. It's funny.
Por decir barbaridades con su conciencia de aristócrata, siempre muy presente, y que ella desvela.
Which is pretty funny really,'cause I was gonna to think...
Lo que es muy gracioso relamente, Porque estaba pensando...
And the funny thing is he's managed to get himself involved in a sexual relationship with a beautiful woman which reminds me of my first film, actually except she was what we call underage so we don't talk about that.
Lo gracioso es que tiene una relación sexual con una bella mujer lo que me recuerda a mi primera relación. Solo que ella era menor de edad, así que no hablaré de eso.
It's all part of his act, which, by the way, is very funny.
Es todo parte de su acto, que a propósito, es muy gracioso.
And by funny stuff, I mean hand-holding, goo-goo eyes, misdirected woo, which is pretty much any John Woo film.
Y por cosas raras, me refiero a andar de la mano ojos de cordero degollado, escenas mal dirigidas...
Except Archie, which is always too funny.
Excepto Archie, es muy divertido.
I can do this as well which is really funny.
Qué loco.... Y eso se también.
Some people call them wife-beaters, which I think is funny.
Las llaman "maltratadores de mujeres", qué gracioso.
The worry in your eyes. Fear of what might happen next, which is right on the mark because I got a funny feeling there's gonna be some blood spilled tonight.
La preocupación en tus ojos,... el miedo de lo que pueda pasar después,... lo cual está bien, porque tengo la extraña sensación de que esta noche habrá sangre derramada.
He's incredibly smart and funny in an Owen Wilson kind of way which is the best.
Es increíblemente listo y gracioso del tipo de Owen Wilson lo cual es lo mejor.
But, you know, I was watching and I'm wondering, which one is the funny guy?
Pero... bueno, lo estaba mirando y me preguntaba ¿ cuál es el chico gracioso?
Which, admittedly, is kind of going, but, you know, she's funny.
Que la verdad, se desvanece Pero, es divertida
I don't care how cruel they take all our money they always get their way they always think it's funny everything we had to say s o... take over which one of you colorful folks is z-diddy?
Y bien ¿ cuál de ustedes mis coloreados amigos es Z-Diddy?
I'm gonna fry up some jumbo shrimp, which is a funny name.
Estoy a freír un poco de camarones jumbo, que es un nombre gracioso.
And you're funny, which is, like, a bonus.
Y eres gracioso, lo cual es una prima.
Oh, we'll make sure it's spent correctly, which is apparently on funny glasses.
Oh, todos queremos que se invierta así, al parecer en gafas graciosas.
Lo cuál pienso que es divertido porque él está besando mi trasero.
It's all there. The funny part is Wong grew suspicious and contacted you, which is ironic, since you were the one running the bogus investigation out of this office in the first place.
Lo gracioso es que Wong sospechó y se contactó con usted lo cual resulta irónico ya que usted era quien llevaba la investigación falsa desde su oficina.
$ 198.36. And the funny thing is that... when you think about it, which I have been lately, was they weren't paying me to walk away.
198,36 dólares y lo más gracioso es que... si uno se pone a pensarlo como yo hice no me pagaron para que me fuera.
which is understandable 21
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is ironic 37
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is ironic 37