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Who is he to you traduction Espagnol

959 traduction parallèle
The bastard sitting next to you, who is he!
¿ Quién es?
Even a woman like me who is unfamiliar with the arts of war can tell from your conduct and expression that you appear to be a man who could be slashed to death at any moment.
¿ Qué? ¿ He herido sus sentimientos?
I'd like to warn you for some reasons, but I know the futility of such an action and how he who warns is detested by him who loves unfortunately.
Te prevendria por muchas razones, si no supiera que seria inutil y que odioso es el que advierte a un amante desdichado.
You tell me who he is for what I have to do?
¿ Usted quién es para decirme lo que tengo que hacer?
There's no need for me to tell you who he is or speak of his record... as a soldier and statesman, a son of Scotland...
No tengo que decir quién es, ni hablar de su historial... de soldado, hijo de Escocia.
Now, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you must know what justice can mean to a man who is defenseless because he is poor.
Damas y caballeros del jurado, deben saber lo que la justicia debe significar para un hombre indefenso porque es pobre.
But, uh, what I - what I really wanted to say is... I have a friend who has a large library of your books... and I'm sure he'd be glad to let you use them.
Verá quería decirle que un amigo tiene una biblioteca llena de esos libros.
Well, he who is about to die salutes you.
Quien va a morir les saluda.
Do I have to tell you who he is?
¿ Debo decirles quién es?
No woman, unprotected as you are, can afford to give the best years of her life to a man who, when he leaves her, will leave her with nothing and who is certain to leave her in the end.
Ninguna mujer, sin protección, debe ofrendar los mejores años de su vida a un hombre que cuando la abandone la dejará sin nada él la dejará a la larga.
As you've paid me the great compliment of asking me to be your wife, I wonder if it would interest you to know that... as a woman who's done nearly everything there is to do in this world. This is one of the things I've never done.
Ya que me pediste que fuera... tu esposa, puede que te interese saber... que como mujer que lo ha hecho prácticamente todo,... en este mundo,... eso es algo que nunca he hecho.
And as if this were not enough he expects an intelligent jury to convict the defendants for murder on the testimony of a woman he tells you is an innocent victim of circumstances but who, by her own admission, is not only unreliable, unscrupulous and unfit to be heard and believed in any court of justice but is definitely objectionable in the eyes of all decent and upright men and women.
Y como si esto no fuera suficiente espera que un jurado inteligente condene a los acusados por homicidio con el testimonio de una mujer víctima de las circunstancias pero quien, como ella lo admite, no es confiable, es inescrupulosa y no apta para ser escuchada y para que se le crea en una corte de justicia sino que es definitivamente objetable ante los ojos de todos los hombres y mujeres decentes y honrados.
Now, I want you to tell him that if he will come to me... and make a public statement through the newspapers... that he's the only man who could do this sort of thing... and that the Ranger System is perfectly all right, then I'm perfectly willing to overlook all the things he's been doing.
Quiero que le digas que si viene a verme... y hace una declaración pública en los periódicos... diciendo que es el único hombre capaz de hacer esto... y que el sistema Ranger es seguro... estaré dispuesto a olvidar todo lo que ha hecho.
I don't know who he is, but he says you looked close to him.
No sé quién es, pero dice que parecías muy íntimos.
Who is he? What are you girls up to?
¿ En qué andáis metidas?
Life is too precious to throw away on account... of some woman who probably isn't worthy of you. He is right, Ollie.
Cosas valiosas que no hay que tirar por la borda por una mujer que puede no ser digna de usted.
Si he de hacer esto, debo saber quién es Micka.
Gregory, you'll remember, is the young man who startled Broadway with a brilliant performance in Raymond Barrett's role in The Gay Guardsman on the same evening that he was to be deported.
Gregory, recordarán, es el joven que actuó en Broadway con una actuación brillante en el papel de Raymond Barrett en el "El Alegre Centinela" la misma noche en que fue deportado.
You mean to tell me all this time you don't know who he is?
¿ Me estás diciendo que no sabes quién es después de todo este tiempo?
yes, I've come to you you haven't been here for a long time it had been too long forgive me, I know I no longer have the right then you must forgive me it is I who has to right no... to shy away from you
Sí, he venido a verte. Hace mucho que no nos veíamos... ¡ demasiado!
a little bunny who has returned repentant to our master the many lovers she has had already you can't count them and now they play-act a wedding so that the old provincial shall believe his daughter is pure he gives him self airs like a grandduke
Un conejito que ha vuelto arrepentida con nuestro amo. ¡ La de amantes que ha tenido ya! ¡ Innumerables!
If anything happens, if Thornton shows up, you know who he is and what he's trying to do.
Si algo sucede, si Thornton aparece sabes quién es y qué intenta hacer.
Who is he not to be in love with you who have beautified the North Atlantic?
¿ Cómo no va a estarlo de quien embellece el Atlántico norte?
You do not know the name of that other generous servant of God... who has made up the whole sum for us... and I must not tell it to you... for he is one of those who does not let his right hand know... what his left hand doeth.
No conocéis el nombre del otro sirviente de Dios... que ha aportado el resto del regalo... y no debo decíroslo... porque es una de esas personas cuya mano derecha no sabe... lo que hace la izquierda.
He occupies a room directly under that occupied by Jeannot Thil who is engaged to be married to Juliette Pinot who is engaged as a mannequin at the shop of Madame Montanot where you were recently employed.
Él ocupa una habitación justo debajo de la ocupada por Jeannot Thil quien se va a casarse con Juliette Pinot que trabaja de maniquí en la tienda de la Sra. Montanot en la que estaba usted recientemente empleada.
Well, if he's not going to marry you, who is he going to marry?
Si no se casará contigo, ¿ con quién va a casarse?
For i'm the boy whose only joy is loving you who worries till he hurries home when day is through and i'm the guy you give your goodnight kisses to remember me?
Soy el hombre cuya única alegria es amarte. Quién se preocupa hasta que vuelve apresurado a casa para darte un beso de buenas noches. ¿ Te acuerdas de mi?
- How do you happen to know who he is?
- ¿ Y cómo sabe que es culpable?
And when you meet a man who's labeled "artist" you know he's going to be all you think an artist is supposed to be.
Y por eso, al conocer a un hombre artista cree que se comportara como los otros que son bohemios.
A politician is a man who asks you to vote for him because he knows how to introduce the member for wigan to the member for liverpool without spilling tea on the minister of labor.
Un político es un hombre que te pide que le votes porque sabe cómo presentar al diputado por Wigan al diputado por Liverpool sin derramar el té sobre el Ministro de Trabajo.
And if a young man hasn't enough gumption to address a young woman who, even if her father is a colonel, well I don't think he's as brave as I think he is. - Do you, Mrs. O'Rourke?
Si un joven no tiene agallas para hablar a una chica... aunque su padre sea coronel... no es tan valiente como lo cree.
Who is he? - Who gave it to you?
¿ Quién te lo dio?
Who is he? What do you mean he's been coming to see you?
- ¿ Cómo que ha venido a verte?
Maxentius is waiting for you, and will grant life to decurion Rhual, who is descending this moment to fight. Look, he'll have to face the most terrible gladiators.
Majencio te espera, y hará gracia de la vida del decurión Rhual, que baja en este instante a combatir... pero que habrá de enfrentarse con los más terribles gladiadores.
The boy is condemned, he's about to die.. and you'll be the one who killed him.
El muchacho está condenado, va a morir... y serás tú quien le ha matado.
Of course, only one of you has actually shot the boy one who is perhaps listening to me right now and one who will never be punished because he is protected by your fear.
Es verdad que sólo uno de vosotros ha sido el que ha disparado al muchacho,... alguien que quizás ahora me estará escuchando y a quien no lograré juzgar ni castigar, porque está protegido por vuestro miedo.
You understand now? I wanted to repay you the evil you did to me. And it is I who prepared all this.
He sido yo quien ha preparado todo esto, quién te ha hecho creer que me casaba, quién ha enamorado a Salvatore y lo he empujado a huir conmigo.
Is he the one who paid you to cut words on two unmarked tombstones... in the Guadalajara cemetery?
¿ Quien le pagó para esculpir palabras en dos tumbas sin marcar... en el cementerio de Guadalajara?
Oh, yes you do. An employee of this firm stole that sedan. And I happen to know who it is because he was seen.
Un empleado de la empresa robó el Sedán, y yo sé quién... porque le vieron.
The example that he's set for this student body, even those of us who have graduated, is expressed much better than I could ever express it, in this letter which I am going to read to you.
El ejemplo que supone para nosotros... incluso para los que ya nos hemos graduado, es expresado, mucho mejor de lo que yo podría hacerlo... por esta carta que voy a leeros.
Permit me to ask you, ma'am, who that gentleman is and where he resides.
Permítame... preguntarle quién es ese caballero y... dónde vive.
I want to know who he is and where you met him.
Quiero saber quién es y dónde le conociste.
Mister, I don't know who you or what you are, but this bird won't fly. When a bird is sick, he has to land.
Señor, no sé quién es usted, pero este pájaro no volará.
- Tonight you have to come to Tullio's hut. - Who is he?
- Esta noche tenés que venir a la barranca de Tullio. - ¿ Quien es?
I ask you all to remember that he is not a Briton but a Viking who has led a secluded life in exile with his father.
Les ruego que recuerden que él no es británico... sino un vikingo que vivió aislado en el exilio con su padre.
A common taxi driver who is ultimately richer and stronger than she is since he's able to bring down the great scaffolding as you say.
Un vulgar taxista que últimamente es más rico y más fuerte que ella ya que ha sido capaz de echar abajo ese gran andamiaje como usted dice.
And thought maybe that you could meet my good friend Rick Todd, who I believe is one of the better painters. And I thought if someone so successful like you would talk to him, you might just cheer him up.
Y he pensado que quizá podría conocer a mi amigo Rick Todd al que considero uno de los mejores pintores que existen.
You don't need to tell me who he is. He's from Pittsburgh.
Es de Pittsburgh.
Like I told you, he is the guy who was tryin'to take the mission doll to Havana.
- Como les dije... es el joven que intentaba llevar a la chica de la misión a La Habana.
I hear you wait to declare who is to be your king.
He oído que estáis esperando para declarar quién será el rey.
Joanna, is it true you're going to say I was the one who killed Mr. Brenner?
Johanna,... ¿ es cierto que dirás que he sido yo quien Io mató?

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