Why would i know traduction Espagnol
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- Why would I know?
- ¿ Cómo lo sabría?
Why would I know anything about it?
¿ Por qué iba yo a saber algo?
- No, why would I know him?
- No, ¿ Por qué debería conocerlo?
Why would I know anything about her disappearance?
¿ Por qué sabría algo sobre su desaparición?
Why am I not surprised you would know that?
¿ Por qué no me sorprende que sepas eso?
I just don't know why you would keep charity a secret?
No entiendo por qué mantendrías la caridad en secreto
Why would she think I'd ever stop by the morgue? I don't know.
¿ Por qué diablos iba a pasarme yo por el depósito?
Why would I wanna know something I don't have to?
¡ Si no es necesario no quiero saberlo!
I doubt it. I don't know why she would have gone out that way.
Lo dudo. ¿ Para qué iba a salir por ahí?
I don't know why he would lie about your father hitting him.
¿ Por qué iba a mentir diciendo que su padre le había pegado?
I know who Heidi is. Why would it have anything to do with Heidi?
Sé quién es Heidi. ¿ Por qué tendría algo que ver con Heidi?
Why would I know your mum?
¿ Por que habría yo de conocer a tu mamá?
He used to go to like the gym every night and just go in... the shower and hook up with like hundreds of guys, like the hottest guys in New York for the taking. To be honest with you, I can never really understand... why he would like give up all that easy lovemaking, but you know I understand that you, you know guys want equal rights, so.
iba al gimnasio cada noche y tan solo entraba... a la regadera y se metía con cientos de hombres, como con los chicos mas calientes de Nueva York, por así decirlo para serte honesto, nunca pude realmente entender... porque el renunciaría a todo eso de hacer el amor tan fácil,
I choose you, I choose you. I don't know why you would.
te escogí a ti, te escogí a ti no se porque lo hiciste
I mean, why would somebody come back to save someone if they didn't have feelings? . You know?
¿ Por qué iba a regresar a salvar a alguien si no sentía algo, entiendes?
What I would like to know is why no girl will go out with you twice.
¿ Por qué ninguna chica sale contigo dos veces?
I don't know why he would be.
No sé por qué habría de estarlo.
Where... I can understand as a young man why people would want to come and see "tits and ass" movies because, you know, tits and ass.
Como yo era joven, comprendía por qué la gente quería ver películas de culos y tetas, porque...
Why would you like him? I hated it with a passion that I didn't know I was capable any more.
Lo odié con una pasión de la que ya no creí ser capaz.
I don't know why but... aesthetically they were very different... and their music could have extended instrumental passages... that would just lift you away and transport you somewhere.
No sé por qué... pero estéticamente eran muy diferentes... y su música podía tener largos fragmentos instrumentales... y uno era transportado a otro lugar.
What I would like to know is why are you asking me for coffee?
¿ Que quiero saber es por que me estas preguntando por café?
I have no idea, and i don't know why anyone would want to inhibit it, either.
No tengo ni idea. Y no sé porque nadie quisiera inhibirla, tampoco.
- It could be Elena, but why would she? - I don't know.
Debe ser Elena, pero ¿ por qué emitiría por una red cerrada?
- Why would she lie? - I don't know.
- ¿ Por qué mentiría ella?
Not that I know of. Why would she?
No que yo sepa. ¿ Por qué tendría que ir allí?
But why would he do that? I don't know.
¿ Por qué lo haría?
- Why would I kill him? - I don't know.
- ¿ Por qué tendría que haberle matado?
Tell me, Miss Johnson, why would one of the kids do this to me? I don't know.
Dígame, Srta. Johnson, ¿ por qué me haría esto alguno de los chicos?
and if you didn't tell her, I don't know why she would assume I'm gay.
Si tú no le dijiste nada no sé por qué asumió que era gay.
Yeah well i know enough to understand why you would give up everything to get away from him.
Lo suficiente para entender porqué dejas todo para poder deshacerte de él
Personally, I don't know why anybody would want to live up there cut off from civilization.
Personalmente no sé cómo alguien querría vivir allí arriba alejado de la civilización.
If I did know where Mr Young was, why would I tell you?
Si supiera donde está el Sr. Young, ¿ por qué te lo diría a ti?
You know, when your dad decided not to have a funeral.... I mean, we knew what Huntington's would do to him. That's why he chose cremation.
Tu padre decidió no tener un funeral porque sabía que el Huntington destrozaría su cuerpo por eso prefirió ser incinerado pero es su espíritu lo que debemos conservar
Why would I take the basement key with me? I don't know.
¿ Para qué iba a llevarme la llave del sótano?
I would like to know why she gets a secretary and I don't.
Sí. Quiero saber por qué ella tiene un secretario y yo no.
I don't know. Why would we have made a videotape?
¿ Por qué habremos hecho una cinta de video?
You know, Eddie, there are people who questioned why I would marry you.
Hay gente que cuestionó que me casara contigo.
You just attacked this witness ruthlessly, and I - - and I'm sure I'm speakingfor these 12 jurors as well, would like to know why.
UD. sólo atacó al testigo y a mí con rudeza y estoy seguro de que hablo por los 12 miembros del jurado y nos gustaría saber por qué.
Why would you want to do that? I don't know.
¿ Por qué querría hacer eso?
I know you would've. So why were you late?
Lo sé ¿ Por qué estás tarde?
- I don't know why you would think...
- No sé por qué se te ocurriría...
Now, why would you assume I know how to pick a lock?
¿ Por qué asumes que sé como forzar la cerradura?
And why would I want to know that?
¿ Y por qué podría querer saber eso?
But I don't know why Lucy would run away, I mean Lois is her family.
Pero no entiendo porqué Lucy huyó. Es decir, Lois es su familia
Why else would I still be here, given the danger you know I pose?
¿ Si no, por qué sigo aquí, dado el peligro que tú sabes que represento?
Why, why... why, why, you know, why of all things that are rational and sane, would I help you?
¿ Por qué, por qué, por qué, por qué? Sabes, ¿ por qué entre todas las cosas sanas y racionales debería ayudarte
Why would the Ancestors create something that would do this? I don't know.
¿ Por qué harían los Antiguos algo así?
Why else would I be here? I don't know.
¿ Por qué otra cosa estaría aquí?
I don't know why he would if he thought we were dead.
No se por qué lo haría si piensa que estamos muertos.
Why would you think I'd know anything about her whereabouts?
¿ Por qué crees que sé algo sobre su paradero?
Why would he say to ask you about Castro's health? I don't know.
¿ Por qué diría él que te preguntemos por la salud de Castro?
why would you 271
why would i care 20
why would you do that 914
why would i do that 612
why would i 424
why wouldn't she 34
why would i lie 73
why wouldn't you 67
why would you lie to me 20
why wouldn't it be 80
why would i care 20
why would you do that 914
why would i do that 612
why would i 424
why wouldn't she 34
why would i lie 73
why wouldn't you 67
why would you lie to me 20
why wouldn't it be 80